Game removes new mechanics and it suddenly improves

>game removes new mechanics and it suddenly improves

How do I make a good beatdown deck lads?

*blocks your path*

>pic unrelated

>Copy another game but take out survival mechanics
>Become most profitable game in history
I think we're on to something here lads

That's a nice sacrificed monster you got there. It would be a shame if anything happened to it.

>pick a type/attribute
>choose the character with that specific field spell to boost that type/attribute
>choose the highest attack 4 star monsters of those types/attributes
>add staple backrow
>unga bunga

pic not related

Duel Links focused on the most balanced era of yugioh, thats why.

And in the end you'll probably be worst off than if you just picked the staple 4 stars a couple monarchs, the staple backrow, and the staple equipment. The moment your field spell gets popped you just faced with a deck of superior monsters (or even worst you didn't draw the field spell early and just get your ass handed to you)

Old Yugioh was an incredibly simple game.

Monarchs arent in duel links bar the shitty ones, and noone runs removal for field spells anyways.

Wouldn't everyone run x3 mst or as many break the magic warriors as you are allowed?

Get a bunch of 1800+ atk dinos and play with rex

When attacked and this flip activates, can you make Penguin Soldier go back to your hand too?

It's more that it mixed the balanced things from different eras

Only if it survives the attack.

Yes, good card

Pic not related
>speed format only
>somehow more pay to win than actual yugioh
>skills that you bring into the duel that are separate from the deck
It's actually trash

You seem to be confused, Duel Links does not have the real life card pool or banlist.

"But it has no white or black cards so that means it's perfect"

>Frog Monarch decks
>No Caius, Raiza or Mobius

Skills are great though

Is there any fun budget deck that isn't beatdown? I'm already bored of playing six sam.

You made the same thread last night, are you autistic?

Its just another "I hate new yugioh because I played a simpler version when I was 12 and don't want to learn a few more simple mechanics" episode. Same as the Genwun pokemon fans and so on.

Worms. That or EHeros.

What's a good Mokuba deck?

Burn, Cyber Angels, Dark Paladin/Horus turbo

Grandora Monstermorph is probably the best.

Serious question, do people really have that much trouble using the new mechanics?

Pretty much this. My first experience was 'new yugioh' at the early synchro era. Was pretty tough to learn everything starting from 0 but I managed.

Than I found out about people saying old yugioh was 'better'. I tried their game and found it incredible simple and easy to master. I could see it being a nice break from the moer serious modern yugioh, but it s definitly the more casual between the two. Anyone that seriously prefers that to modern yugioh is laughable.

Flip effects activate after damage calculation

I think people just see something they don't know, don't want to learn it, and then scream about it.
I can't wait until Synchros get into Duel Links because at least then decks and strategies will hopefully change up a bit more than just when they add new cards to the mix.


what is it about meta don't you understand? Adding mechanics doesn't change anything up more than adding new cards you retard. Synchro is a shit system and they'd be better off making the current cards more viable or adding full duel capabilities.

> Synchro is a shit system

>people who decide not to spend hundreds of hours in a children's card game like myself are laughable

>this thread again.

>it takes hundreds of hours to learn how to synchro/xyz/pendulum summon

>only intellectuals such as myself can master the art of laying two cards on top of each other
>they totally don't hate the new shit because it's broken and lame


Early synchro and xyz era was the height of depth. You had choices to make about what you'd send out from the extra deck but the ability to throw monsters on the board wasn't so fast that you ALWAYS could summon from the extra deck and it didn't have archtypes with so many free pluses that it was always worth the risk to do. Doing a combat phase with something you normal summoned was still a good idea sometimes. There were even room for tribute monsters and decks that didn't win through convential combat (ie unblockable monsters, burn, alternative win not named exodia)

>being wrong every day of your life

haha fag

The six samurais are kinda fun desu

>insults his own game by saying it's only for children
>acts superior

"Yugioh is for children" is the type of shit MtG players do to belittle your game. And you proudly wear that insult!

>they totally don't hate the new shit because it's broken and lame
I really hope you're not implying that old yugioh was an actual balanced game

I met plenty of 'old skool only' yugioh fags that couldn't understand synchro and xyz...although they seemed to not understand the rules for classic yugioh either. 'old school only' fags are literally the stupidiest TCG players I've ever played with...even the fucking 12 year old kids I played seemed to learn things faster.

I remember I saw pull off a Quaser summon vs a grump 'old school only' player twice his age. Hilarious.


>There were even room for tribute monsters and decks that didn't win through convential combat (ie unblockable monsters, burn, alternative win not named exodia)
Those alt wins are not a good thing, Final Countdown and Self destruct button turbo are not in any way a good thing for the game.

based cat of many x-saber summons

Please Yata, I want some more...


based shit ferret of wasted hype

Yugioh could never fucking make a good alt win. Even Exodia wasn't good for the game: throw in a bunch of draw cards and hope you get a good shuffle!

They should really copy a lot of ideas from MtG: they had dozens of cool alt wins (battle of wits was the most interesting one).

>they totally don't hate the new shit because it's broken and lame
Just because you only played it with your friends during recess doesn't mean YGO wasn't always broken. The overpowered shit now is just yesterday's overpowered shit with a different coat of paint.

Alt wins are never good for any game because they ignore all the set standard gameplay standards and force the game into a non-interactive race against time where the only factor of winning is sheer luck that they brick.

Yugioh actually made Exodia interactive, which is a marvelous achievement.

>he can add and compare numbers
fucking tryhard

I don't know what happened to those 10,000 copies of Horakthy they distributed, but you can bet your ass I would make an instant wincon deck if I had one, fuck you guys

If you knew about the alternative wins in MtG you'd see there are ways to do it right. The trouble is yugioh has no fucking mana so there's no build up, so the only thing they can do is make it something where you need to wait out the clock. MtG in general supports much more varied playstyle, it's a very versatile system where the rules can get broken and things still hold togeather. In Yugioh an infinite combo breaks the game, in MtG it's fine because the game has so much negation and discard you can break it before it happens.

Yugioh is a game all about the combat phase and everything else only justifies their existence by how it affects it. And the combat phase is always won by whoever has the biggest monster. It's doomed to be a simple game entirly because of this. While MtG was made to support decks that can win without the combat phase or that can win with an army of very small creatures, or with evasive creatures, not just by throwing out a big guy.

And the new exodia isn't an alternative win, so your point doesn't stand.

Don't want to put shekels in, what box should I grab with the 3000 gems I started with?

If you like flip up cards get Blue Eyes wakening, if yo wanna play psychic do Crimson Kingdom.

We literally had this thread yesterday, and you got BTFO.
Synchros actually made Yugioh playable.

I like beatdown, mostly. I play Ancient Gears in normal YGO, but my account that had Crowler is gone because my phone reset itself.

>they totally don't hate the new shit because it's broken and lame
Pot of Greed is literally the most broken card of all time and its been around for as long as you remember.

Do you want a pretty good deck? Dawn of Destiny
Do you want the typical support cards you're going to see if you go and do Ranked? Servant of Kings had Wall of Disruption and is only a minibox so you don't have to open 200 packs to get one, The Ultimate Rising has Sphere Kuriboh hand trap but all the other cards are kind of bad, don't remember which has Mirror Wall
Personally I opened Electric Overload and the Magician ones and made an Ice Barrier deck, still need SR tickets for this card though.

Then get Cosmic Origins, and Servant of the King (I think that's what it's called.). Those have Genex cards, which are pretty beatdown based. Especially with Turbine, Searcher, and Soldier.

The old yugioh cards were more bullshit than the new shit ever was

"I destroy all your backrow with harpie duster"
"Than I steal all your best monsters"
"Than I restock my hand with these draw cards"
"Than I prevent you from drawing with yata for the rest of the game"

It basically boiled down to whoever drew the better cards first. I had so many games where I was loosing than I just top-decked BLS and did 5k damage instantly. The thing with stuff like BLS, monster stealing, and harpy is there isn't much you can fucking do to play around it and they are basically impossible to anticipate.

New Yugioh can have some degenerate combo but a well timed effect veiler can save the day. There's so much spell speed 3 disruption you can do. And the game is determined less by who draws the best cards because every archtype gets heaps of searches so you basically always have your best cards.

The new Exodia beats your face in, and if you dont deal with it your opponent slowly accumulates Exodia.

And Magic cant call any other game simple when it has become "turn creatures sideways" for years now. Noone actually likes alt wins there either outside of kitchen table shit, theyre still the same cheesy garbage that give no satisfaction to the opposing player.

I loved playing against alt win decks in MtG you have to completly rethink your tactics and figure out the best way to slow them down. It's only not to fun to play against if you are running a deck with literally no control cards (seriously if all you are doing is 'turning dudes side ways' it's your own damn fault for never running anything other than mono-green)

As for exodia. If your winning by beating their face it's not an alt win. If you're drawing out exodia pieces it's the same problem Exodia has always had. No one fucking mainboards discard (not like yugioh HAS discard) so there's no way to disrupt them, the result is that the exodia player's success is based on the quality of his shuffle. If Yugioh had a greater control game like MtG it could support combo decks better (the trouble is negate/dicard in yugioh can't be balanced without a mana system. Such cards have either been staples or unplayable with very little inbetween)

>its another "magic player crashes the yugioh thread to tell everyone to play magic" episode
dont you have some cardart to go censor to appease your SJW overlords?

>battle phase mattering
>attack points mattering
>in 2017

All of my posts related to the meta of yugioh and the history of it's cardpool balance. You're the one bringing in disruptive stuff about MtG with your post retard.


Can you make a Monarch deck in DL? I only played the GBA games and remember loving that deck.

Yeah, Treeborn Frog is also in the game and there are cards that allow you to dump water monsters in the graveyard. Enemy Controller is also here as a free card you can far, so you can build Frog Monarchs. The actual good monarchs aren't in DL though ;^)

There are like 2 monarchs in the game right now.

Poor man's Cyber-Stein.

Good thing Magical Scientist used to be a better choice because you could FTK with it. Its even better than Cyber Stein now because of Xyzs and Links.

What exactly makes Cyber-Stein better in your mind?

You mean Cyber Stein was the poor mans Magical Scientist. Scientist was far, FAR stronger. Stein was unbanned in OCG while Scientist still has FTKs even today.

>Used to play Skull Servants/Wights back in the day before I moved to MtG since the crowd was better than Yugioh's at my LGS
>See this shit

That's literally just a better King of the Skull Servants, what the fuck.

>links come out and I drop the game with no intent to even bother learning about loopholes because my favorite decks are extra deck spam
>just want to go back to the time of grandsoil psychics
>realize that I'm becoming no better than the nostalgiafags I mock on a daily basis.

Not even, King is still better. Zombies have way more support and Exodia dies to kaiju.

In order to really enjoy yugioh you need to have no permanent attachment to a deck or archtype. You basically need to take a Buddihist approach: you won't experience unhappiness if you don't have attachment. Attachment leads to unhappiness when the power creep destroys that which you love.

It's really fun to see the AI get bad draws. You never saw this in the World Championship games.

about yugioh I find interesting that the biggest problem is not even the mechanics right now, I did play a little of tag force and loved synchro and xyz, the biggest problem is this game specific doesnt really work with real cards.
I mean there are so much shit happening at the same time, so many effects activating back to back and numbers going everywhere from each monster and player lifes that in the end the analogic version doesnt really work. But when you play the same thing with the computer ordering everything to you it actually gets good

Legacy of the duelist is great for this.

fucking based penguin solider. never even thought of using it's effect on itself

They really aren't, can't even use your favorites a lot of the time without gimping the hell out of yourself.

Yugioh is playable with real cards but you basically have to have every meta card effect memorized otherwise you spend 10 years trying to figure out if your opponent is bullshitting you on what he did.

Shuffling through your deck to pick a card that is specifically named by another card and powercreeps aren't that great, though the latter was happening with old YGO too but at least they hadn't big effects out of the ass or effects that weren't big walls of redundant text
>Was pretty tough to learn everything starting from 0 but I managed.
What the fuck

So just like the cards? Whats youre point?

H1z1 had survival mechanics?