>American ""humour""
Americans say humor and Brits say humour.
Humours are outdated medical standards
Wake up, it's 2017 grandpa
"Tilly. And I use they/them pronouns."
The "artist" thinks this is how "people" actually talk, the first things they say when greeting someone.
"Hello. My name is Tilly. Please refer to me as they or them, thank you."
Isn't that just impersonal and insulting?
pic related
*laugh track*
I do like how everyone's gender is rather ambiguous in this comic.
Tilly is correcting the person that called it "she"
The "artist" probably also thinks genderqueer translobster demiboy specimens actually exist in real life outside of college campuses or their own fictional hyperprogressive headspace.
>that "I'M OZYMAIDUS LOL" painting in the background
What did they mean by this?
Jeff is rather brain damaged to be fair, and I think theyve confirmed theyve tried killing themselves on atleast one occasion
I fucked one once.
Their pussy was just as warm and wet as any other so fuck it. I'll call you a different syllable to get that cooch.
>They and them
That shit only works when you are in the middle of transitioning between one gender to the other, which is literally why it is called trans you fucking bitch.
only a tranny could get this butthurt over the specifics of pronouns
smart man
Why does the blonde girl need a personal assistant?
go on...
It's more the fact that I am kinda sick of them transforming a word into a fashion choice. It's like when literally got updated to include a meaning of exaggeration, which completely goes against the original meaning. Same shit with this. Not a tranny, just a butthurt autist who likes language.
>Using they/them to begin with
Stop being a faggot or go back
Is Ronnie still /ourguy/?
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
You're beautiful