What am I in for

what am I in for

Town building with light action adventuring.

Light action adventuring with town building.


Town adventuring with light action building.

Ridicule, for purchasing a 3DS game

I don't pirate games, I'm not a retarded edgy teenager

It's like Zelda and Animal crossing

Man, just imagine if he plays it in public. What a looser.

Furry pedo shit.

Need a noose for your neck?

Light action building with town adventuring

And lots of it thanks to bad level design.

Annoying plastic wrap

Eshop games don't have this problem

The best Dark Cloud game

town light building with adventuring action

incredibly simple game for children

fun I guess. The 3 party system is awful since you will be constantly going back to town to change. Should have been like a 6-person squad with 3 active at a time

Jokes on you, I'm a manchild with bills to pay

Hand holding

Run to dungeon. Realize you don't have a skill you need. Warp home to swap party members. Get distracted by new residents and their side quests. Check garden and restock shops since you're in town. Forget what you were originally doing. Run to another dungeon.

>Also compatible with 2DS
What do they mean?