How did you guys handle the whole 2 player character things in this game? let ai decide? Just choose the best decision with both every time? Roledplay?
Divinity Original Sin
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How much does the classes matter for the start? Can i go 2 squishy spellswords without problems? Or is healy/tanky character required?
Set the AI to "Loyal", literally as simple as that. The 2 player thing is made for co-op in mind and you're not really supposed to set it to anything but "Loyal" when playing solo unless you're autistic and like arguing with yourself.
The tutorial section can be beaten even with 2 squishies. Once you reach the main town, you'll be able to pick from 4 different companions one of whom is a tank. You can only take 2 with you, but you can also get a mod for 6-Man Party in which case you can get everyone (your 2 chars + 4 companions).
Would you recommend the 6 party mod? What is a good difficulty when using it?
I just roleplay the answers and roll with it, it's fun that way.
I went with 2 squishy characters and I had little problems with the game, one is a pure mage (I recommend making atleast one mage) but other than that you can play how you like.
I would, the mod actually has a sub variant for it that increases enemy stats to compensate for your party being bigger so you don't need to increase the difficulty.
Tactician will fuck up you hard on first playthrough since it's designed exclusively for replaying the game, by actively subverting your expectations such as making enemies that were weak to something previously immune to it on tactician and basically shutting down many of the tactics that were recommended on non-tactician mode.
So just grab the 6 man party mod with the increased enemy stats.
And yes I'd recommend it since all of the companions have their own story/sidequest and all of them have full banters with eachother, banters you will miss if you don't run with all of them at once.
Shame that nobody made such a mod for Original Sin 2 yet, there was one but it was buggy, unfinished and got abandoned by the author.
>let ai decide?
Yep. Sometimes it can make for fun and unexpected little twists.
>troublemaker rogue
>responsible knight
>knight has to drag rogue by the ear when he tries to join the fabulous five because it's an obvious scam
>rogue prevents the knight from turning the old elf in to the guard because fuck the police
Sometimes it feels kinda dumb when the two characters disagree on something you wanted to do, but then you roll with it and it turns the game a little more interesting because you have a little less control and don't always know what might happen.
Taking control away from the player is the worst sin a videogame can commit. It's also why excessive cutscenes are cancer for that very same reason.
The devs explicitly said that they intended the game to be only played in co-op and it didn't even have the AI options on launch, that added later.
So the game was never intended for single player? sounds stupid.
Just do what seems right at the time especially when it fucks with your teammate.
>Larianiggers will defend this
Original version? Nope. It was possible to play it in SP obviously, but you had to literally argue with yourself like a schizo, there were no AI options.
Larian got a ton of shit for that decision and they backpedalled by adding AI scripts. And DivOS2 is entirely designed around solo, with co-op (while still possible) taking a backseat.
All the mods only work for original version?
No one plays enhanced version?
Wrong game, Eder.
>one guy is really nice
>one is a cunt
>let the dice decide
They should work for EE too, but they go in a different folder.
>Tactician will fuck up you hard on first playthrough since it's designed exclusively for replaying the game, by actively subverting your expectations such as making enemies that were weak to something previously immune to it on tactician and basically shutting down many of the tactics that were recommended on non-tactician mode.
Huh I didn't even know, only ever played DOS 1 on tactician.
Is that a mod?
Played with a friend. We passed it and then instantly started a Tactician Playthrough, double Lone-Wolf.
user, all the important mods are for EE.
6 man party is available for EE, here I'll even spoonfeed:
You want this version:
>Six Man Party with Difficulty Increase and Quality of Life - Six Man Party plus enemy stat increases, fast run speed, customizable companions, infinite out of combat healing
Yeah, it was the main appeal of Tactician in DivOS1.
It actively fucked with your experience and knowledge of normal playthrough and subverted your expectations in combat.
The only other game I know that actually does this is Final Fantasy 4's DS version (also ported to PC and mobile) where the game completely changes enemy patterns and whatnot to fuck over tactics that worked in the SNES and GBA versions. PC and mobile ports were neutered by having everything reduced in stats by 50% since DS was considered "too hard" by many, but the original untouched DS difficulty is still available on PC and mobile as the new "Hard" setting.
Unfortunately DivOS2 Tactician is extremely fucking lazy garbage (lol just give everyone higher stats and call it a day). DivOS1 Tactician was actually entirely hand crafted and hand placed, the DivOS2 one is just a number scaler, shame on Larian for going the easy route with it.
Nexus also has an EE page for the game. It only has 3 mods.
It's a real shame that DivOS1 is so painfully easy if you have an Expert Marksman in the party.
The EE page was put up long after EE existed and most people already uploaded their mods to the original pre-EE Nexus, even though their mods only work on EE like the one I linked.
That's because everyone just uploads the mods to the non-EE site. Fallen Enchantress has this too.
That would explain it.
Any other mods worth taking a look at for a first playthrough?
No, the only other mod worth a salt for DivOS1 is Epic Encounters, but that DRASTICALLY alters the game (think of an even more expansive Tactician mode that also comes with an expansion's worth of new content) and isn't recommended for first playthrough at all due to how much it changes.
6 Man Party with boosted stats to compensate for larger party and the QoL in form of increased out-of-combat running speed is the only mod I'd ever recommend for first playthrough.
Play with a friend and bantz each other is the best option.
>disagree with each other for the sake of disagreeing
>giving your friend a shovel and pointing him to that spot by the sheep's pen while you stand back a safe distance
>saying nice things to each other in some of the banter dialogues
It's easy with any properly built classes as long as you understand how the game works, air damage for instance is extremely OP since it zaps water and blood, so just enchanting weapons with air essence will make enemies bleed and then stand on a surface of zapped blood very likely to stun them. Dual wand wielding with bully and oath of desecration can also cause massive damage per turn.
It's more the fact that we realized an Expert Marksman, especially with OoD, can just win fights by casting one or two abilities on the first turn. Whoever was tweaking numbers really made EM severely overpowered. We're talking quadruple digit damage in a large AoE for 3 or 4 AP.
I played with a friend.
>3 or 4 AP
Some EM abilities do tons of damage but it's definitely more than 3-4AP. Rain of Arrows is pretty much a battle winner if you can get at least half the enemies inside it, Arrow Spray will take down anything with a bit hitbox if you walk up next to it etc but you still need to stock up on Perception and Speed for the initiative and AP to truly feel the power of a marksman.
Which of the Ai modes would you chose for single player? Or just make all the decisions with "rp"?
Loyal for both. That makes the other always agree with you.
Alternatively don't give them any personalities and make them either agree or disagree depending on the traits you want to get for either.
Both? thought you only had to set if for the second character?
Nope, some NPCs will end up talking to the other since NPCs don't talk to party leader but whoever is standing closest to them when they approach you. That's why you need to set Loyal for both, don't worry, it won't affect your ability to pick dialogues with whichever one you're currently talking as.
How is the story and lore of this game(and the sequel)?
Or is it all about the gameplay?
It's just a generic fantasy with some cheesy comedy added. Still feels immersive as fuck because of dat soundtrack and good voice acting.
The story is standard cRPG fair of "from zero to hero chosen one", but the lore is interesting enough and the villains change from act to act.
In first act you basically have to deal with revival of an ancient king that comes back as a super undead, second you have to deal with a fucked up cult that appears as super friendly Jehova's witness on the outside but when you go deeper and deeper the more fucked up it gets.
Third act you need to deal with multiple threats, another splinter of the cult from 2nd act, a powerful lich, a faction of vikings and orcs locked in an uneasy alliance (you can end up making them fight eachother if you're smart) and the finale is the cult leader and An Ancient Evil Awakens.
>Divinity Original Sin
havent played the game yet but i bought it in one of thesteam sales
can i customize the characters? like i could make your typical isekai anime harem?
the story sucks but doesnt force it on you so you can largely ignore it
>could make your typical isekai anime harem?
no the females are ugly as fuck
this game doesn't have 'squishy' characters. Everyone can and should wear the best armor for their level. Every character should have one or two points in a magic tree for the utility aswell
Maybe, but the old lady source hunter is clearly the best character of the game.
>tfw the stock dudebro companion is a white-haired woman with a rural accent
>troublemaker rogue
>responsible knight
That's what I went with as well but I roleplayed both characters because character AI wasn't in the game back then. The knight was a strong supporter of law and order, prioritized the mission above everything else and was the rogue's informal handler. The rogue would always go for freedom-based choices and let other people sink or swim. She was also a hopeless kleptomaniac and tried to flirt her way out every time she got caught.