So,what's Sup Forums's opinion on Dark Souls? Particularily the first one...

So,what's Sup Forums's opinion on Dark Souls? Particularily the first one? I started the first one blind yesterday and I just got the drake sword and defeated the Capra demon. I kinda feel like I'm cheating with that sword,it's pretty OP for the early game,but it's also really fun.
>also,what am I in for later in the series?

It's my personal favorite, but it's certainly got flaws:
>Quality nosedives after Anor Londo
>Shitty netcode
>Arena is shitty
>Lost izalith
But worst of all
>You'll never experience it for the first time again

>So,what's Sup Forums's opinion on Dark Souls?

Go back from whence thy came.

drop the drake sword.

The sooner you find a weapon you like which you can upgrade the better.

If you have a ps3 i'd really recommend buying demon souls too as that's fun.

DS2 is shit is a meme, it's very fun and has loads of replayability.

DS3 is good too, but it's my least favourite, although it has the best bosses in the series.

>drake sword



Kinda harsh, Dukes and Tombs are nice, as well as New Londo.
The netcode is fine nowadays. Also DLC is very fucking good.

>You'll never experience it for the first time again
Got me right in the feelus, brothus

>You'll never experience it for the first time again

Don't read guides for the first run. Everyone I know that did this regretted it because they ruined the experimenting and exploration with that. And Dark Souls 1 is an amazing game. Ds2 is kind of shit Dark Souls game and should not be considered a part of the series but an okay game. Dark Souls 3 was the real Dark Souls 2.

Demon's Souls was A New Hope
Dark Souls 1 is Empire Strikes Back
Dark Souls 2 is Phantom Menace
Dark Souls 3 is The Force Awakens
Bloodborne is Aliens

Use something other than the Drake Sword, you're just setting yourself up for failure. The thing cheeses early game but quickly drops to useless levels and then you're stuck with a useless weapon and the game's hardest bosses ahead of you.

Yeah the DLC is rad as shit.
Artorias is till one of the best fights in the entire series.

Shit taste. You're right about the guides though

Well then,I'm gonna have fun until Anor Londo comes,I have to go to Blighttown now to ring the second bell. When does Anor Londo come?

Thou art GTFO

>You'll never experience it for the first time again
Playing again after never finishing it in 2011 so it's simultaneously nostalgic and new. Feels good.

Don't tell me you actually watch that shit

I didn't even find a blacksmith yet,so I don't know how to improve my weapons otherwise.
I sadly don't have a Ps3/4,or else I would've also gotten Bloodborne if the good things I heard about it are right

Well yeah,a friend gave me some tips,but I'm still going blind through the whole game

Dark Souls 2 is not so bad as people here meme it to be.

I'm not using guides or anything,sometimes maybe tips on how to beat some bosses that I'm retrying for the 10th fucking time or something,but I'm really trying to get a good first experience

If your friend tipped you off to getting the drake sword you have a friend who is bad at dark souls or he doesn't think you're good enough

>I kinda feel like I'm cheating with that sword,it's pretty OP for the early game
Eh, not really. There a lot of weapons that just break the early game in half (if you get lucky, a black knight weapon, or a battle axe +x). Just know that it'll drop off faster than you think.

>>You'll never experience it for the first time again
>That time when I thought I could just throw firebombs from the wall onto taurus's head
>He fucking jumps up there, and kills me
I laughed, even though I know they wouldn't let me get away with it. I was still funny to see.

Skip Dark Souls 2. It's defended by the type of people who will tell you Mass Effect 3 was great until the ending.

Well,but I'll find better weapons later,right? So I guess that the drake sword can be replaced mid-game when I found something better

It's not AS bad but it's still imo quite bad and definitely not in tone with the rest of the series. So either you like the rest of the series and dislike DS2 or you like DS2 and dislike the rest.

You mean Star Wars? It's a decent movie series tbqh fampai.

No, that twitch slut.

Probably both desu

Sure, but you're better off finding a weapon you like now and upgrade it. If you stick with the drake sword you'll have to go through upgrading the new weapon once the drake sword becomes obsolete. Also you'll be creating an unnecessarily high difficulty curve for yourself since you'll be used to the cheesy flavor that is drake sword

Drake sword may be weaker than a +15 weapon late game but it's hardly useless and more than enough to finish NG with.

dark souls weapon progression doesn't work like that exactly
you mostly upgrade shitty weapons until they become good

the weapon you're using has pretty decent base power, but it will be outclassed by upgraded things you found in the first hour of the game

you should try finding a weapon type you like to use, then upgrade it, and maybe try weapons that look similarly to see the moveset differences and if you like those moves a little more

Skipping it really feels a bit too harsh,I just want to experience why everyone hates it so much and later shitpost about it on Sup Forums myself

Thanks for the tip,I didn't know that. I like how the drake sword is pretty fast in comparison to my stating weapon,the war axe or something. I started out as a barbarian because I liked the damage and I'm boosting my stamina right now,I really forgot about it while leveling my HP in the beginning

Oh. Well I do watch her too. Mostly to polish my knob at her honkers when I'm at work.

The Claymore which is found on top of the bridge with the Bridge Drake is an amazing weapon and I'd recommend using that.

i'm probably just fucking shit but i started this the other week, got like an hour and a half into the game and i gave up
combat is shit and clunky as fuck and enemies deal way too much damage

It's got awful combat and weapons compared to Demon's and BB, quite literally the worst movesets in the series.
It's got awful bosses compared to everything from DkS2's Crown DLCs and on.
It's got the worst mechanic in the series; poise.
It's got terrible mechanics overall (leveling increasing hit-stun, weapons sharing a class having different swing speeds, different upgrade paths having different levels of hit-stun, polearms amd scythes having retarded whiff animations).
It has the worst kick in the series that literally does nothing.
It has the worst levels in the series, and a big chunk of the game is pretty.

Its one redeeming quality is its interconnection, lack of teleporting, and leveling at bonfires... However these all literally become moot after getting the Lordvessel.

It's uninspired, cheap, with bad level design and was graphically downgraded at the last minute.

This same critique works on Dark Souls 1 when compared to Demon's Souls aside from the graphics downgrade.

>It has the worst levels in the series
M8, DS2 has the worst levels.

It's not the abomination Sup Forums will make it out to be. Easily still worth a playthrough.

>You'll never experience it for the first time again
Don't do this to me
2 and 3 can't replicate 1

Wrong. DkS2 has on-average the worst levels, but the absolute worst levels are shit like Valley of Drakes, Ash Lake, Crystal Caves, etc.

>So,what's Sup Forums's opinion on Dark Souls? Particularily the first one?
I beat it for the first time a few months ago, was very surprised by it, and it's probably my favorite entry in the series now. Need to play the DLC though.

What dolt would call DaS uninspired? It has better bosses and more outlandish fantasy settings than DeS for the most part.

>Valley of Drakes
Not even a real level, just a connector level with no co-op possibility or boss. It's like me saying that the bit from Crystal Sage to the area in Cathedral of the Deep where you can co-op again is the worst level because it's there just to serve as a connector and disguise the loading.


> (OP)

Worst operation

I had pretty good success with dark souls, beating it with several different builds, but I never understood why every mongoloid on earth can get the drake sword

Im using mouse on PC, and approaching the dragon always seems like a bad idea, Ive never hit the dragons tail a single time

Valley of Drakes is just a shortcut linking a bunch of different zones, it's not a "level". Ash Lake is an optional hidden zone that's only really meant to house the dragon covenant (as well as some cool scenery I guess). Crystal Caves is admittedly shit, but it also takes 10 minutes to get through on your first time, barring invisibridge shenanigans.

>barring invisibridge shenanigans.
I admit that I completely missed that last bridge for a good few hours.

It doesn't feel good after the first playthrough. The sense of wonder is gone and replayability loses spark since you know that the game goes to shit after Anor Londo.

Its extremely overrated and honestly I didn't really like it much, it felt very clunky to me, I got annoyed with how the game pads out time by making you walk everywhere for the first half, they don't even give you a shortcut for shit like blight town, so it came off as a real slog to me. I also found a lot of glitches happening to me that just added to me hating the game, granted those glitches may have just been something wrong with the greatest hits PS3 version.
I enjoyed all the others much much more, well, maybe not DaS2, that one is about the same as DaS1 for me.

I've only played this one in the Dark Souls series. I am playing Demon's Souls right now though for the first time after hearing the server announcement.
I would say I over all like Dark Souls more than Demon's Souls but am having a hell of a lot of fun right now in Demon's Souls, maybe more fun than Dark Souls. But Dark Souls has something else like atmosphere setting and some npcs that place it as better for me.

But there is a blighttown shortcut and you can access it immediately from the firelink shrine. Yeah you need the master key for it but if you chose anything else for your burial gift then you might as well have chosen nothing at all

What about the item that does nothing?

I can't beat those 2 statue demons on the roof. No idea what to do

I thought crystal cave was neat variation of content and great novelty for that first run. Past that you can literally run and roll through in less than 3 minutes could probably even do it in two.
that ring lets you talk to the Daughter of Chaos

The pendant? It actually does have a purpose but it doesnt benefit you directly

It does? They actually figured out what it does? What does it do? I thought it was just a thing to have for the longest time.

>*inserts random qualifier*
It's only """not a level""" because it's an incomplete piece of shit, not because Miyazaki stamped the Not a Levelâ„¢ stamp on it.

if you're online dropping it spawns "good" vagrants in other worlds. They look like a coral orb with crayfish claws. The bad ones are the results of players dying without picking up their humanity.

Just because you can avoid it with a lucky pick doesn't mean its not a design flaw, there is absolutely no way for someone going in blind to know what item will benefit them the most.

but you have a pretty good idea of what wont be that beneficial

it's pretty much unmissable on your way to the blight town boss. If you're not like "hey what's this surprisingly well lit wheel thing that has ladders and ramps going to it" you didn't use your eyes enough.

great world design
good PVE
Trash bosses, some of the most overrated bosses in the series.
>fat booty demon x3
>taurus, capra, and gargoyles get a wash as a tutorial fight but capra is a retarded meme fight anyway, basically just a worse execution of taurus (adds + restricted fighting space)
>rest are easy jokes like Pinwheel or Gwyndolin
>fucking ceaseless discharge, centipede demon, bed of chaos wombo combo of garbage
Basically O&S and Gwyn if you don't parry are the most decent main game fights, with the DLC adding some good ones. I'll add spidertits as a solid thematic.

Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Shadow Tower and Bloodborne are great. You can only play them for the first time once. They are that good.

Dark Souls 2 and 3... not so much. Felt like Bamco scamming the players with season passes, pre-order dlc, and downgrades (Ds2).

Yeah thats true. I went blind my first time and picked the black firebombs. DS1 is really good for replaying though so by the time you come to replaying it you understand that the master key is the most beneficial

OP post sounds like a legit shill thread
yes you can still shill an old ass game

Not really, someone blind to the series really won't have any idea whats best, and personally for me, as someone who played DaS1 last out of 2, 3, and Des, I figured that the humanity would be the best option since I thought that the master key would only serve to get me into higher level places early and therefore only really useful for speedrunning.

Eternal Ring is actually pretty good too.

so you more or less admit you know what it did simply by it's namesake. Come on now, It's called "master key" even a complete noob to souls has some idea of what it does simply from it's name and description

Why is centipede demon bad?

mainly it's attacks all look the same and it's height has a way fucking the camera.

If you're on your first playthrough get out of the thread moron stop spoiling it for yourself. Trust me it's Sup Forums you aren't going to miss anything

Dark Souls sucks.
But the second is the worst game ever.
But Dark Souls 3 is even MORE the worst fucking abortion ever.
And Bloodborne is gay babby sony game.
Also, what even is Demon's Souls?

There is Sup Forums's opinion summed up for you.

never said it wasn't?

this desu

BB > DaS3 > DaS > DeS

Still that doesn't excuse the fact that you have to slowly trek back up through blighttown without it, its not common sense to pick the key, and the wording of the description really does make it only seem like it'd give you access to higher level areas early, not save you 10-20 minutes with a shortcut thats really useful.

>This universal key opens any basic lock.
>Tool of the trade for thieves.

>But in the cursed land of the Undead,
>most doors are better left unopened.

>You'll never experience it for the first time again
Honestly a good thing to me, game was a headache without extensive knowledge going in.
Only one I'd like to experience for the first time again is 3.

what's slow about it?
You get on the wheel you go up. You go to valley of the drakes through that tunnel and there's a practically unmissable key right by the locked door that unlocks it and allows you back to firelink by way of the new londo elevator.

I never found anything with that wheel, just got toxic inflicted on me, killed the bastards that did it and saw nothing I could do up there besides die.
I even asked my friend about getting out of there when I was actually stuck in blighttown because I couldn't figure out how to get out, he didn't know anything about the wheel either, he just showed me how to get back up to the sewers.

they put torches all over that place to suggest a path. The whole game is based around players using their senses and inspecting every avenue rather than using makers or stuff like that. With notable points of interest they put items and environmental ques to lure players towards them.

>Still that doesn't excuse the fact that you have to slowly trek back up through blighttown without it
No, you don't. I found the shortcut back up to Firelink entirely on my own without the Master Key.

>I kinda feel like I'm cheating with that sword

enjoy it while it lasts. Its underpowered in later levels.

Best one in the Dark Souls series.
You have to walk everywhere until later.
Every game after 1 lets you teleport at the beginning of the game which destroys the world's scale.

>New Londo
It might just be me, but I always considered New Londo to be pre-Anor Londo.

>started blind
>got the drake sword
Uh, okay

it is and it is isent
on a fresh run I expect players probably fall in the basilisk pit on their way to the gaping dragon and get cursed. Probably hear or read that going to Ingward in New Londo under Firelink is the way to cured it. So they go there get cured all well and good since there's little curse outside of that. I would say that the part after draining the water counts a post-londo because in order to get the key (assuming you do not kill ingward to get it) you have to have the lord vessel. The soul of the 4 kings is also one of the souls you put in the vessel so the drained section just sort of fits as a post-londo mini dungeon. Rushing it for the very large ember and the composite bow makes sense for pvp building shit but not in the sense of natrual playthrough progression.

I love Dark Souls 1 because the multiplayer is so bad shitters can't reliably get carried through the games like they can 2 & 3.

balder side shield, pyromancy and longbow are like shitters bread and butter in dark souls 1