Secret hitler thread, waiting for room edition
Secret hitler thread, waiting for room edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>guy's name is not hitler
>is actually hitler
That fucking jager guy
>I don't trust jager
>votes jager for chancellor
>hitler elected
>the absolute state of pulse
How do you play this?
that was me, who were you in the lobby
libcucks falling for the "nothitlerbro" meme everytime, like clockwork
read the rules you mongoloid
are the mods being cool now?
games dead already RIP
pulse on fucking suicide watch if he weren't getting shot already
man the ARRRR is strong in those two
>Its a "people call RRR three times in a row" episode
How do you do, fellow Liberals?
Fuck you
what the fuck were the fascists doing last round
you can't all disguise, someone has to be the fall guy
Daily reminder that order voting is for fags.
That's what you think.
Shooting jager is always a good idea.
Once again, I lead us to victory
this is the most autistic game
after a while you start to recognize the retards by their usernames and filter them out in your brain
It was great. For fascists at least.
>libs get 4 policies and then just RNG until victory
Why are libs so anti-fun?
>3 was hitler
Gonna go kill myself now
brb killing myself
being hitler was bretty gud but hot did everything
i just risked it all
You got fucking annihirekt
>mfw RNG fucks you over
>everybody scared
>let's just make Hitler chancellor
>what could possibly go wrong
Did everyone leave?
5 you were the key to hitler rise be proud
I am fuming over that game. How anyone fucking thought 3 was clean I have no idea.
t. deadcat.
Fun fact: Card RNG is actually biased. The patterns match modulo bias; the chance to get R is actually higher than the chance to get B.
He was the ultimate fiddle
i was certain he was dirty for the entire game right up to the MOMENT you said the same thing
t. milton
>maths has a right-wing bias
Nobody thought 3 was clean.
Everybody was just too scared to say no because they saw they sure-as-shit lib victory swim away in the blink of an eye.
You mean on the draws? Because there are 11 B and 5 R or something. Or you mean something else?
I mean the draws, yeah.
RRR/RRB is slightly more likely than BBB/RBB. It shouldn't matter in practice since it's less than a percent, though.
I meant the other way around.
the thing is i convinced 5 with my two blues that put the fas so close to losing
We just need one vote to get Hitler. That's the important part. As long as there's even one ja from the other side, Hitler *wins*.
Never forget that.
Dont you need 2?
>only played a fash card at the last turn
ayy lmao
Hail hitler.
5 got bambozled again he is too innocent for this world
>It's an RRR RR episode
>deadcat is hitler again
i was like a homeless man shouting "the end is nigh" with deadcat
Why are you guys setting passwords :(
it's always fucking rage
libs are fucking learning how not to spook each other
>fucking rage
Just "rage"
>how to triforce?????
Thank you
>Tfw going too deep cover and losing the round
>they didn't suspect me
fucking how
>deadcat AGAIN
>libs don't pick him AGAIN
>despite him acting like an obvious tard and throwing accusations everywhere while declaring everyone safe and then fash and safe again like 5 times each AGAIN
what happens when you don't keep game notes
libs never learn not to go straight for the "squeaky clean guy"
also, fuckin lel joreck
fuck off
Modulo bias gets less severe as you raise the number of cards, right? So at 17 it shouldn't be too much
>sneak past the libfucks to steal a 4 blue card win again
l m a o
>can shoot someone
>just shoot a random guy who havnt been talking the whole match
>its hitler
>tfw carrying deadcat to another victory
it's almost not worth it
Hey dont diss my heritage in a bad way
T. Finn
I told you guys I was RRR as Hans
>be good lib
>suddenly get RRR
>all your credibility gone in a single turn
desu as fasc you can just ruse randomly and libs will get fucked by RRR themselves
Can anyone teach me how to play this game? I joined one of the rooms and everyone is saying I'm a fucking troll or a plant or something like that.
keep playing
you'll learn
This was me as president turn1
libs have to find like 3 guys to trust
also pay attention to votes, who defends who, etc
even after you learn the rules, just keep pretending to be retarded. It's a viable strategy when playing with Sup Forums
>inb4 one of them is hitler
Thats the Sup Forums fascist starter pack.
im not hitler
t. Hitler
sounds like something hitler would say
try this
password: butternut squash
>few days ago secret Sup Forums could barely fill a room, now there's like 5 full rooms
soon we will as a community be so good at psychology, game theory, rationalization that we will be able to fix Sup Forums
holy shit guys you gave up on 4 so quickly that game, poor bastard.
Certainly not!
That's me
How the fuck do you play?
Pictured: liberal (fascist)
by asking for a test and hoping to god a fash doesn't give you one
He's being a massive faggot
>Be hitler
>Want to vote blue
>Get 3 reds
>start a swearing match with one guy who got RRR and passed RR to me
>nobody suspects me of being fash
Fuck you 8 you faggot
get fucked 3 utterly rused lmao
add deadcat to the retard list, he fucks everything up and uses meme arrows