What's your honest opinion on MGSV?

What's your honest opinion on MGSV?

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Needs more girls with wide hips, especially in the multiplayer.

jesus my penus

only way you could improve her is with a penus

Great game
Bad MGS Game


the original picture just makes it worse, the dude looks like a fucking cuck

Great foundation that is let down by a boring story and repetitive gameplay. If the whole game could have maintained the tone and atmosphere of Ground Zeroes and the first few hours of TPP (from the opening to rescuing Kaz and meeting the Skulls) it would have been God-tier 11/10 but once you get into the meat of the game the whole thing just settles for mediocrity with only the occasional flash of the old MGS brilliance coming through.


It’s shit.

What does that even mean? That dude probably has a better chance of smashing than you do.

>what do you guys think of the latest installment in Autism: The Series

great gameplay but repetitive as fuck filler missions, incredibly fucking annoying characters like this bitch sniper humming CONSTANTLY or miller talking to you all the fucking time. absolutely retarded story

6/10 game.

The wide open spaces with nothing to do were fucking killer for me. Sure, they speckled the place with shitty busy work, like diamond collecting, and plant picking, but that's another negative, certainly not a positive.

Then there was the waiting time to ACTUAL game play.
>Wait for start menu to load
>Press continue
>At base
>Call helicopter for extraction
>Bring up load out menu
>Pick what you want
>Finally in the field
>Have to ride your horse through ten miles of fucking nothing
>Mission FINALLY begins

>that hourglass figure

my kingdom for a name

It was okay but extremely unfinished. Quiet is the worst Metal Gear character. All she does is be naked and do stupid Matrix shit. It feels like someone was trying to make a feminist point by making the worst female character but it's Japan so it's obviously not.

>You will never put a perfectly proportioned girl into a series of bone breaking submission holds

It isn't fair.

Something that could have been great but absolutely gimped by the pointless open world and stupid fucking repetitive missions, shit feelsl ike playing some gay ass grind MMO. I honestly think it's a worse video game than Skyrim and I fucking hate Skyrim.

smashing his head, ye

you are a homosexual

>Venom has a pube beard
>Guy in pic has a full beard
>Somehow Venom looks way better

One of the most underrated games ever made.

i have my doubts that's his actual beard. plus the face shape and it's structure is probably the one that makes it all look better though

it was alright, but joost was the only memorable thing about the entire game

maybe kojima will do better with death stranding

Best $5 game I ever played

I bet he rubs his peepee in front of a mirror later on in bb cosplay talking to himself 'You pretty good'

why are her feet censored

That's not how you spell OVERHYPED.

take a load of this faggot

Fucking this

I honestly haven’t “played” the game for more than 25 minutes because of all the cutscenes and sitting in a hospital bed bullshit. Then when I finally got to play I was just over it.

Flawed masterpiece
Konami should burn

it's a blue board, we're here to talk about video games, nothing more.

My opinion is that I'm going to have a wank right now.

great game, one of the best gameplay experiences in my recent memory.
unfortunately the ending kinda takes it a peg down since it was clearly rushed.

That if Snake and Quiet didn't fug at least 500 times then there's no God.

Mechanically, the best stealth game that currently exists. The thing about previous MGS titles is the linearity caused the games to be 100% labbed out by people who kept playing the game over and over.

While I agree MGSV is a little more forgiving and less hardcore in terms of stealth, the replayability and open world aspect gives you more freedom to fuck around and try new things to have fun. Not to mention the weapons and customization.

Yes, the story does not follow the very typical MGS narrative that 1, 2 and 3 did for 10 years, I know. And no, it wasn't a goddamn fan faction that ties together the entire MGS universe, but I'm not entirely butt hurt about it like most people


Great gameplay, it's so goddamn fun sneaking and fucking around. Once the novelty wears off though there's no reason to continue doing the same shot over and over just to hit the ending or get new gear. It's at it's best for the first 20-30 hours but then I dropped it. I appreciate it for what it is, but the completionist mindset isn't for me.

At least he took a pic with her. Wbu?

I had a great time up until leaving afghanistan and still enjoyed the rest of it though not to the same degree.

I don't play MGS for the plot, i like the characters and the espionage action so that MGSV was even more retarded than the rest of the series isn't really a dealbreaker.

I didn't finish it
It would be great if the game had as much presentation as the beginning throughout the whole thing, but once the world opens it feels so empty and I honestly got bored just running around between similar looking landscapes all the time

open world was a mistake

whats this from senpai

Most heartless MGS game too date that’s constanlty defended by “muh gameplay” meme.

You just know

Does that make you mad whiteboi?

Best experienced if you've never played an MGS game before cause then you don't have to pay attention to the trash story and can just enjoy playing the game.

Its problems would have bothered people less if it had been a spin-off or a new IP.

>Its problems would have bothered people less if it had been a spin-off
But it was, that's why it's MGSV and not MGS5.

Not as good as MGS4.

those hips

sure it was mate, we're all eagerly awaiting MGS5 just like you because it's definitely going to happen and we're all very excited.
There there, have another tendie. Who's a good boy?

I think it's a great game and most of the complaints were from people who watched the trailers and mentally invented their own version of hte game.

One of the greatest gaming disappointments I've ever had. Bought it assuming I got a MGS game, you know something with a strong story, great music, awesome characters, the "MGS experience" as it were.

Instead I got a fucking massive never-ending open world grind with BS mechanics that didn't make sense, basically zero story and the works. I gave that shit something like 20-30 hours worth of chances and eventually stopped out of sheer boredom.

Shittiest MGS game ever by a landslide. My surprise at its shittiness was only matched by my amazement of the complete absence of any warning as to how shit it really was. That POS should've been a fiasco, reviewed as 50/100 or less. There were no reliable warning signs as to how utterly disappointing that piece of shit garbage was going to be.

Disappointing. Can't even bring myself to finish it. It does not help that it's horrendously paced, barely spends any time developing any existing or new characters, and is all over the place mission-wise.

It was properly hyped. People are mad they got trolled hard.

Wanna suck my dick?

That body is god damn 10/10 holy shit.
Talk about winning the genetic lottery



>First 15 hours
kinda fun
>Last 15 hours

>prostitution STILL isn't legalized
>prostitution will never take advantage of capitalism and create brothels where whores are hand-picked to cosplay certain vidya/anime characters based on how good they look in the cosplay
>cosplay prostitution becomes a competitive industry where only the best cosplay whores are available
>you will never fuck a perfect Quiet on Monday, a perfect 2B on Wednesday, and a perfect Harley Quinn on Friday


Nothing immoral about legalized prostitution. Too many prudes in office.

>what is an escort?
>what is a sugarbaby?
>what is a desperate girl you lead on?

It a fun game, my disappointing was the lack of craziness this series is know for, ground zero set my expected way to high.
the lack of costumes for dd and quiet was saddening aswell.

Those hips cant be real they cant be this perfect

Favorite MGS game, played them all except 4

Smart, that way no one has to look at those abominations.

It was okay. It started to get really repetitive towards the 70% mark of the main story with missions repeating and whatnot.

Some side missions were cool, some were not. 7/10 for a metal gear game

>still no sauce on op
why are we still here? just to suffer?

I have a link to her deviant art page somewhere on my computer.

i put 83 hours into ground zeroes, and 239 hours into phantom pain. i loved every second of it.

Fun gameplay soured by the usual Kojima retarded-autist-tier writing. It's HD Peace Walker, for better and for worse.

think she gets creeped on all day?

I had a great, great time until I realized it had no second or third act, let alone an ending.

Found it.


Loved the gameplay, loved the fact there was so little "story" crammed down your throat (e.g. minimal cutscenes and most of the real story was on tapes anyway) and lots of content, quantity over quality style. I totally get why someone who loves MGS, MGS2 and Snake Eater would not like this game, but for me it was a welcome break from a formula. This was nothing like what I would expect from a game in MGS series, and that is the polarizing point right there. Quiet was a piece of shit though. Pure fan service with nothing to offer to the game. DD is better at scouting and you're supposed to do the fighting for yourself, if you're actually using the Quiet partner as a crutch you should either rethink your approach or quit the game. She's equally shitty as a story character as she is at being a partner.

I liked it until they locked my resources online, fuck them. "Oh you don't care about playing online? Well we'll just take 90% of the shit you earn offline."


Delet this

All I want to do is put her in a boston crab so deep she kicks herself in the back of the head. There's nothing wrong with that.

who's the white haired feminist grandmother supposed to be? code talker?

That's clearly Skullface, you idiot.

I didn't like it. In my opinion mgsv id the absolute worse of the series.

I hated the open-world approach.
Open-level design is welcome but having big open areas with just camps of generic enemies is the worst thing to ever happen to video games.

I guess we're posting cosplay cringe now.

mfw i know a girl with that has the same face as her,i could smash but she lives too far away

You couldn't smash even if your life depended on it.

you will get multiple burst veins in your brain within the next week
hope your degenerate posts were worth it

i am a zoophile now

dude it's definitely worth it.
I'm getting hard rig htn owwwwwassssssssssssss sssssssssssssssss

Nah, burst veins are for people who sit around getting angry about what others do in their spare time.

>You will never pull a Lennie from Of Mice and Men on her

Sup Forumsros...

I would really like to see your picture

okay :3

You faggots wouldn't say that if your mothers wanted to be prostitutes.

Nice game that suffered from the "Crytek"-effect (the game became less enjoyable when the non-human enemies were introduced)

i wouldnt put it past that kind of subhuman scum

Wasted potential.


>Quiet is a crutch quit the game fags
That's cute but you can't play without her on Metallic archea and and anything in Nova braga.
