It Might Be Time To Rethink Difficulty Menus

>This is the difficulty menu for Wolfenstein 2: the menu’s telling you only babies play the game on easy. It’s funny on the surface, but also an insidious kind of peer pressure. Don’t listen to it.

>At first I did, which is why I spent half of Wolfenstein 2 completely miserable. Playing on “Bring ’em on” the game’s normal difficulty, I spent hours dying to Nazis

>Finally I decided enough was enough, swallowed my pride, and set the difficulty all the way down to “Can I play Daddy” (read: super easy). And you know what? It felt great. Everything immediately seemed to click into place. I was able to run and gun like the game obviously wanted me to and feel like B.J. was the one-man killing machine everyone kept saying he was

Can you stop posting this you stupid nigger

>the fucking state of video games

If you play on easy mode the game should crash and uninstall itself after the first boss fight and leave a virus on your computer that reminds you how shit you are at video games every single time you start up your computer with an extremely loud baby crying sound that everyone nearby can hear

This has been posted four times in the last twelve hours.

To be fair, the new Wolfenstein games' difficulty is a bit funky at times. They act like you should be playing like a Doom game, going guns blazing and dashing through shit. But if you do that, enemies will absolutely tear through you, even with full armor and health. Especially on higher difficulty levels. It is annoying to sometimes have to treat it almost like a cover shooter.

But yeah, he's an idiot. A video game calling you a baby shouldn't have a serious impact on your pride or sense of security, and describing it as insidious is fucking stupid. Might as well go with the stereotypical trend of calling it "problematic" like every journalist does these days. But I suppose this thread is just as stupid for even acknowledging his stupidity.

why do you keep reposting tHISIISIOSISSSSSSSSS

>games journalist is bad at vidya
>thread #3721


it's okay because it's an archive link

>we went through this exact tirade when NWO released

Good fucking god, this is cancer.

Video games are inherently ablist. Movies, books and TV are to a lesser extent because they exclude blind and/or deaf people.

>It Might Be Time To Stop Being Such A Faggot

1 and 2 have enemies relying on hitscan but since 1 was full of corridors making it easy to get around enemies, this wasn't very noticeable besides the bridge level
2 is fucking bad with this though holy shit

What's the point of posting stupid articles like this. Are we supposed to go and harass this nobody? Just circle jerk about "DA ABSOLUTE STATE OF GAME JOURNALISTS"? I don't get it.

God, that fucking bridge level was atrocious. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Having to treat that level like a cover shooter only to then die immediately due to an enemy spawning out of nowhere sucked.

But yeah, his point regarding easy mode being more apt for the kind of gameplay they encourage isn't entirely wrong. It's weird that they give you tons of shit like dual-wielding, lots of movement options, and other shit when you're made of paper on higher difficulty levels. The new DOOM made it a bit better from what I understand due to melee finishers restoring health. That way, being in the enemy's face 24/7 and running around is rewarded with the health you will inevitably lose due to being reckless. But in Wolfenstein, you have to scrounge around for armor and health which doesn't mesh with the movement/combat design they clearly want to get the player to do.

If you stay quiet his opnion gets embraced by game devs and a new standard of game making could be sneaked under your nose, there has to be a vocal backlash to put these idiots into their places.

they do not belong to videogame culture if they can't handle healthy banter, challenges and sex bait.

they must be bashed and for not doing anything against them you are basically allowing them.

There are two kind of people who are the problem, the ones who instigate changes and the other accepts it, this kind of conformist mentality you exalates makes it so painfully obvious that you started browsing recently, i bet you get called reddit all the time you don't even know why, you probably think its a random buzzword.

Makes sense
Easy = review mode

No, faggot. None of that happens and WS2's mere existence shows that. Fuck off with your retarded gaiatier threads.

>In a callback to the original games which showed up in The New Order as well, the menu’s telling you only babies play the game on easy. It’s funny on the surface, but also an insidious kind of peer pressure.
>At the end of the day, life’s too short to worry about whether you’re playing something the right way.

>WS2's mere existence shows that

That kind of thing doesn't happens IF WE DON'T ALLOW IT TO, there has to be a push back or else it starts happening you spineless conformist idiot.
Kill yourself, you are unworthy of occupying space and sharing oxygen with free man.

what year is this?

>Ouch! My feelings!

but really this is a dumb article and I know there's no hope of it ever happening but I wish people would stop deliberately posting fucking shitty game journalism and twitter stuff

It will happen whether you whine or not. So waste that energy, ESL retard.

You seem to think that us shitting on this nobody in a 400+ post off topic thread on a Vietnamese Puppet Theater Forum makes any sort of difference. You're not special mate. Your voice doesn't matter to game developers, nor does this guy's opinion. I've seen a ton of articles come and go over the past year or two that say the same shit about how games are too hard these days and they need to be easier and blah blah blah nobody cares. They're nobodies writing irrelevant articles for a quick paycheck and will be forgotten about in a month. I bet you won't even remember what game he was complaining about in a month. Basically, get over yourself. Sup Forums is not some last bastion of integrity or free speech, at least not anymore. Nobody cares about what we have to say, and nobody cares what people like him either.

Ugh. Could you NOT use the N word like that?

someone post Sup Forums the musical, pls

you feel like a goddamed superhero playing on hard and beyond.
thats how you know your badass.

So let me get this straight...

You want to remove nostalgia from a game because you can't handle being called a baby for playing a game on a mode meant for people with multiple sclerosis, hand eye coordination skills?

You and people like you may as well sell your PC or console and invest in an awesome TV so you can watch twitch.

Seriously, just sticky tape a controller to the back of the TV and watch twitch streams and pregtend your playing... same feeling of achievement I'm sure .

>meant for people with multiple sclerosis
So not only they have to deal with their diseases but they also have to be called 'babbies'?

Insulting your players like that should never be tolerated. You're not less of a gamer just because you want to play on the easy difficulty.

If you're shit,
and you don't Know
how to beat it,
but want to discuss it with Sup Forums

Play it on easy

Please implement this, normalfags would fuck off of vidya immediately.

>it's wrong for a game's difficulty settings to insult the player!
>description for easy mode insults players of other difficulties by saying they have "something to prove" and are only playing on higher difficulties to compensate for some inadequacy

Really gives the ol' noggin a floggin'.

maybe not less of a gamer but the games industry does focus a niche market towards players like you.

like, point and click games or graphic adventure games.


What if these types of games had a level of difficulty aimed at reading skills. Basic level is aimed 5-7 year old's, the image is of a young child looking all goofy (as they are). Expert mode has complex reading comprehension with the images of William Shakes Spear.

Sorry I'm just making this worse for you...


>people are getting this assblasted over something that's been a part of wolfenstein since 3d
You have bigger things to worry about if this actually rustles your jimmies. Maybe the accuracy of it all is what upset him.

Just figured another level for graphic adventure games, all text is removed within game and choices are simplified to simple yes/ no answers. The image for this setting is attached

There is nothing wrong with playing a game on easy

These hack bloggers dream of being turned in to a meme and you just give it to them over an article this stupid.

If you play on easy you shame your ancestors. Do you think great great great great grandpa oogabooga the hunter-gatherer ever had the choice to play on easy?

Only if you FUCKING SUCK

I agree.
Although, I think there is something wrong with writing a pretentious article critiquing a game for having difficulties you're not interested in, though.

video games need bigger market
need bigger and various customer to dominate society

video games need more options for different players for it's own sage

you must agree with this if you really love video games

Difficulty modes should mock all the thin-skinned faggots that whine about this sort of shit way more than they do currently.
The normal difficulty in games should also be way harder in all games.

>have seen this same article posted on Sup Forums 10 times today

How about you stop coming into threads featuring topics you know you don't like?

>archive link

Shit like this reminds me why it's so easy to walk all over kids born in the 90's.

Just read a book in braille faggot

>he doesn't want to generate income to shitpiece writers