I play video games with the subtitles on because the japanese voice acting has far more emotion and depth than the...

>I play video games with the subtitles on because the japanese voice acting has far more emotion and depth than the dubbed version

enlighten me Sup Forums. how can a non-japanese speaker know what constitutes as good voice acting when they don't even speak the language?

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Same way a person who can't paint something well can appreciate a well done painting.

I just don't like english voice actors and their animu voices. I am low iq so I don't notice horrible jap voices too often.

Even japanese speakers don't know what constitutes voice acting. They're all hammy as fuck and make retarded little gasps in place of actual emotional reactions because jap devs are too lazy to animate faces properly.

By not being tone-deaf, usually.

some dubs just legit sound awful user. and massive weebs are used to japanese voices. That's the only way I can explain it.

From what I've heard, as soon as you learn Japanese and fully understand speaking it,you'll understand the OVA is terrible. Ignorance is bliss if you wanna listen to cool japs yell back and forth.

That's just it
I KNOW the voice acting in the english dub is flat as fuck
Might as well switch to Jp where i don't knpw enoigh for my ears to nitpick

>as soon as you learn Japanese and fully understand speaking it,you'll understand the OVA is terrible
Wrong. That's a meme EOPs have been pushing for years.

The original voice acting (in the case of P5, Japanese) is usually better because the director of the game/movie is there to give, well, directions to the actors, so they can give their best performance.
For the dubs, it's usually outsourced to an outside company where they just adapt the language, but they're often not engaged artistically.
Good dubs do exist, but they're rare

i play with japanese voice acting on because the american voice acting sucks ass.

Cause I have ears and can still tell you fucking pleb. Not a fucking argument.

>not being a jlpt n2
I pity you

>how can a non-japanese speaker know what constitutes as good voice acting when they don't even speak the language?
By having ears.



I wonder. Do some Japanese people play with English voices to have the same sense of false superiority as westerners?

>so autistic he can understand emotion from the tone of voice
Aslo fuck you faggots trying to make tbis into a weeb thing

You should watch french movies in french
You should watch mexican soap operas in spanish
You should watch american movies in english
And of course you should play jap games with jap dub.

Persona 5 english dub is pretty good though.


I can't stand Ann and twins. Others are fine.

Anime screeching makes their wee wees hard, forty year old smokers just won't cut it.

Now, what does this mean?

What if I'm deaf?

ann sounds like a dumb valley girl and ryuji is a whiny bitch (thats kind of his personality though) and not fond of kawakami, but otherwise its pretty good so far. just made it to june

>you will always be an EOP

Yes. Some games only feature english voice acting because it's largely viewed as superior to the majority of shitty jap VAs.

Only Ryuji, Makoto and Yusuke.
The rest are garbage especially Haru.

I thought P5's dub was average, but it's downright amazing compared to Xenoblade 2.

I don't need to know english or japanese or spanish or whatever language to think a voice is shit.



I am a VA and I feel rejected, but I agree.

"I'm superior to you because I wasted my life learning a dead language. It's the only thing I have."
Either that or it's actually just a South American capitalizing on a label because it doesn't actually specify japanese.

English only pleb.

it's simple. Here, judge this one

>judge a young VA's first role in a shitty anime.

Oh god English Futaba is so cringe

>americunts don't like Japanese voices so they dub their games with their awful acting
>don't give option to undo this, even if this decision affects non-English speaking regions
Persona 5 was a step in the right direction. It's retarded that a game set in a Japanese high school, with very Japanese characters and themes is dubbed in American English. It ruins the atmosphere, and would be like dubbing Yakuza.

where else would you start?

The first one with Futaba is worse in Japanese. I can more easily believe that an anxious recluse would sound quiet and unsure of themself, than gassed like they're in pain. The delivery was fine in Japanese but it didn't fit the tone of the scene or the character's personality at that point in the story.

I pity weebs. Always trying to pretend that they know better in order to feel superior. I have Japanese friends and even they prefer playing dubbed games because they are sick and tired of the same japanese VAs in dozens of games (which are ironically worshipped by western weebs.)


post hidden.

>I can more easily believe that an anxious recluse would sound quiet and unsure of themself
More like unmotivated and tone deafed

I can't fucking stomach Jap voices anymore, every character is suddenly 1 of 6 very limited personality tropes and never break them.

At least in English they begin to feel like normal real nuanced human beings and not anime cut-outs. This is obviously assuming good actors are chosen in either language.

>I pity weebs
Nigga, I still played it in English, because I liked how some of the other characters sounded in it more than jap.
Doesn't mean I liked them all.

>fuck you faggots trying to make this into a weeb thing
Can you not read

Even I can cherry pick

Most annoying thing to me is how inconsistent the Japanese name pronunciation is.

>enlighten me Sup Forums. how can a non-japanese speaker know what constitutes as good voice acting when they don't even speak the language?
Three things to note here.

The first is that the dub is typically worse than nothing, often significantly altering the characters through the VA's interpretation, poorly directed, or just downright cheap and terrible if not grating.

The second is that inflection is how we judge emotion - you don't need to speak japanese to understand when someone's asking a question or crying or shouting in anger because the aural indications of these things don't change very much between languages.

The third is that japanese voice acting tells you a lot about the characters without actually saying anything - modern VA work seems to still have strong roots in kabuki theater, which has a number of stock roles that can be indicated by costume or by voice, much like theater in the late 1800's

That's exactly the point. You can tell if the acting sucks if you speak the language. You can't tell in a different language unless it's truly atrocious

>being Japanese means their opinions are superior
Fuck off. Gooks are retarded, how can they judge the dub if they aren't native English speakers??????

Enjoy the English dub where every girl sounds like a rugrats character.

>Even japanese speakers don't know what constitutes voice acting. They're all hammy as fuck
It's the difference between stage acting and movie acting

Seiyuu are trained to VA as if they're stage acting.

I am
Are you retarded?

>english dub ever

This, there are very few dubs created with passion that can stand up or even surpass the original voice work.

English dub for Automata and FE Echoes was great tho.

Thanks, mates. Got to say, I'm glad I'm not a native English speaker, not needing to learn another language makes a lot of people complacent, and learning is fun.

Just like I can appreciate some lyrics in other languages because they can convey their emotions, any way I'm fine with both because English isn't even my third language so I find both to be cringy at times specially when VA tries to go ham and full anime half heartedly, I find it hard to stomach it.

>Seiyuu are trained to VA as if they're stage acting.
Stage acting isn't inherently hammy and bad like Japanese VA is.

I love loaded ambiguous statements like this one. Which games he's referring to? Is it Mortal Kombat in Japanese where the characters would sound off as it's outsourced or Japanese High School setting games with English dub voices?

Need to elaborate as Japanese Games in Japan don't have English dub option.

>people who think its a Japanese thing and not a fucking awful english voice actors thing

No. Maybe her delivery comes off that way in general but it fit that scene perfectly.

>Stage acting isn't inherently hammy
I can see you've never been on stage in your fucking life.

The motto for stage acting is BIGGER. MORE OBVIOUS. PLAY TO THE BACK.

>not wanting to hear Yui's angry voice

The English VAs don't sound at all engaged with the script, which really kills the mood. This sometimes isn't the case with other language VAs. Not always. If they're both shit at delivery, I'll pick the one I don't have to read.

I thought the dialogue during the boss fight before the ship dungeon's major boss was done horribly in English, for my prime example. I am legitimately relieved I had the Japanese voiceovers enabled; made that scene WAY more engaging.

But as with anything subjective, it's all up to the person playing or listening. The language barrier is an entirely legitimate criticism, but it happens to not bother me.

Lots of people think the other language just sounds cooler, which is fine, but those I know who took the time to learn Japanese have said that part loses its appeal when you realize they literally are just saying the same thing you'd read in English most of the time.

its not about the japs doing it well, its about english va sucking ass

they hire old people trying to sound young and the emotion and intonation is just annoying

>muh self affirmation

It's a fact that even if people don't understand the language, they make emotional assumptions based on the pitch intonation, so if the English version sounds monotone while the jp doesn't, they're gonna make the assumption that the English voice actors were less engaged

What can be applied to the Jap Voices can be applied to the English Voices. They would view you as the same way as you view them.

You can hear the difference from each person cause you mainly use English as a communication on a daily basis likewise for a Japanese person. Why do we have to teach retards like you the basics of communication in a different country, oh wait I'm on Sup Forums.

I'm not a one sided dub or sub extremist. I prefer both the sub and dub. For Persona 5, considering its a 100 hour+ game, I personally I prefer the dub version.

>The English VAs don't sound at all engaged with the script, which really kills the mood
This is usually a result of poor direction.and a desire to prevent spoilers.

The VA's don't get a table read, don't get the script until they go in to record, and often don't even get the whole script at once. If they aren't already ridiculously familiar with the material they're dubbing the chance of them actually understanding what's going on when they speak their lines is nil.

See, this is where the strawman comes into play. While weebs will be weebs, the majority of people prefer voice acting in a different language... ANY foreign language because they can't speak it therefore it's so much harder to detect how shitty the voice acting really is. When you have to listen to flat voice acting in a language you understand, be it English, Spanish, or Mandarin, it is fucking grating on the ears. Meanwhile, listening to bad voice acting in something like french even can be very soothing. It kinda gives it the Banjo Kazooie effect where you hear the characters' voices and you understand what they're saying because of the subtitles, but the bad voice acting doesn't immediately rip you out of your immersion.

Bad VA in any language not just moonrune weeb-anese is okay

Have you ever considered such a person is not from a third world country, thus not a native English speaker and to him both English and Japanese sound just as foreign as the other.

>I prefer both the sub and dub
What does the game being long have to do with prefering one or the other?

>its a fact

[citation needed]

>You can't tell in a different language unless it's truly atrocious
it not vidya related, but here an example how wrong you are

This site is built on loaded statements.

this. It's fucking disgusting that English VAs get paid for their soulless tripe

I'd rather mute the game completely, subtitles only than listen to the garbage attempt at sounding invested

>I can see you've never been on stage in your fucking life.
No, but I've obviously been to see plays, and apparently I've been lucky enough to afford to see something other than shitty plebeian trash like you're apparently familiar with.

This is what I've heard, and it definitely makes a lot of sense. It's a fucking shame, because I do prefer to listen to a language I understand when possible.

Options are nice, I agree. I don't know much about game development, but I would imagine switching between two audo tracks wouldn't be too terribly difficult to implement more regularly. I definitely appreciate the effort when it happens.

>implying countries that don't speak mainly english exist

Don't know, don't care. I run dubs if they're good and usually they are

>enlighten me Sup Forums. how can a non-japanese speaker know what constitutes as good voice acting when they don't even speak the language?
By listening to this "actor" for five minutes.

I just prefer to play things in their original intended language

And Japanese voice acting is done by more professional actors most of the time, the usual dub guys are mediocre at best, and are much worse actors and less people. Dubs all end up sounding the same.

English is my native language hence the immersion is better with dubbed. I can recall all the memorable quotes and scenes from the game. If I played the game in sub I wouldn't be able to remember much of it.

You just read and replied to a fuck load of posts on Sup Forums, don't think that you're better than anyone

you absolutely CAN tell the difference. No you can't do it immediately but the longer you listen to it, the easier it gets to discern

humans are smart that way. Dont forget that some english speakers grow up watching anime

Are you retarded?

Don't need a citation, this "Fact" can applied to EVERY language in the world.

This doesn't apply to English to Japanese, it can be applied to any language translated to any other language for example Spanish to English and English to Spanish which you should know cause your a Americunt.

human emotions and their tells are universal among our entire species.
You can always tell if someone is angry or happy from their voice, provided that they are not expressionless.

As a person who finally learned Japanese, I can vouch that the nips are just better dedicated voice actors than the west mainly due to the animation culture.

> Always trying to pretend that they know better in order to feel superior
Your big fucking mouth and your tiny unreflecting brain.


Do the nips do better the other way around for example Western Games dubbed in Japanese?

They don't. That's the joke. That's been the running joke for 10 years now.

I mean look at how Sup Forums vitriolically reacts to RWBY despite it being the closest thing to the way anime is done minus the virgin beta-male self-insert. They even complain about the voice acting which is VA that literally mimics anime. But they can understand how squeaky and obnoxious the cast speaks, so they call it shit.

To add on. When the game is set in modern day tokyo and all the characters speak english, even while complaining at times that they're actually terrible at english, it really breaks muh immersion. It also takes a bit of charm away from Ann, considering she's supposed to be part American and the only one who knows english. The -kuns, -sans, and senpai's are also weird in english. Just my two cents

>has multiple jp friends who play weeb games
>Isn't a weeb


Grover, Cynthia, et al. "Intonation in English, French and German: Perception and
Production." Language & Speech, vol. 30, no. 3, Jul-Sep87, p. 277.

Dubs are terrible and sound wrong, it's like why love anime games but play in English? It's the ultimate pleb thing to do.

>it's Sup Forums goes on another racist, anti-Japanese rant