
Most things are minor glitches have a negligible effect on the player's experience, several things are simply characteristics of gen 1 that aren't good or bad, several things are wrong, and the actual issues that affect the player such as retarded enemy movesets and awful AI aren't even mentioned. Why did this image get so popular?

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t genwunner

Gen 1 was one the worst games ever created by man.


Absolutely obsessed.

Honestly I think Garbador was pretty much a fluke. I liked Alola's mons.

Gen 1, Gen 6, and Gen 7 are all fucking terrible
Prove me wrong

Weren't those fixed when yellow came out?

X and Y are at least good for hunting shinies. Otherwise there's nothing of value in gens 6 and 7.

I heard Ken Sugimori stopped doing the art completely after Gen 3 which is why they started looking like dogshit.
Gen 4 and up all have an increasing ratio of bad to good designs that only meme redditors defend because "lmao this icecream cone looks good man and you can't criticize because gen 1 had a literal orb"

gen 1 if fun to go back to because of exploiting the mechanics.#If you hate gen 1 you don't deserve this franchise

>exploiting the mechanics
The only fun thing to fuck with was the teleporting glitch. Otherwise it was Hypno or Alakazam (if you could get him) to win.

But the human character design in sun and moon were top tier

Easily the worst looking gen in the entire series.
Jultik, Galvantula, Litwick's evo-line, Braviary, Haxorus, Larvesta, Volcarona, Archen, Archeops, Krookodile, and Scolipede are the only remotely good looking pokemon in it. The rest are worse-than-mr.mime-tier.

>Hating Victini, Tepig, Oshawott, Pansage, Simisage, Pidove, Excadrill, Seismetoad, Sewaddle, Darmanitan, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Archen, Arceops, Zoroark, Reuniclus, Jellicent, Joltik, Elgyem, Golurk, Boufallan, Braviary, and Zekrom

I shig dig. Also I like how people compare gen 5 to digimon when 98% of them have cannons or weapons to their design

First post best post.

Nigga, Tortuga is my man don't you talk shit on him or his dad.

I can't
you're 100% correct

>whimsicott, crustle, heatmor, liligant, reunculus, conkeldurr, darmanitan, escavalier
baka desu senpai

>Not posting the upgraded version
Kanto is my favorite region though, FL/LG need phys/special split and a more expanded post-game to catch more pokemon to become BW2 tier in my eyes

Gen IV had without a doubt the worst pokemon. Half of them were immemorable and the other half are either confused with Gen 4 because they're actually good or only remembered because of how bad they were.

>Gen 4
Gen 3*

Glad we can finally agree that Pokemon as a whole is abject garbage and only children that either haven't developed taste or tasteless man children only like it.

yeah my bad, pic I used was the old 2012 version
and yeah I agree with your post completely

Hold the fuck on.

HOW does this thing not bring up how stacked the deck is in favor of Psychics?

The only non-fixed damage ghost moves are Dream Eater and Lick. All ghosts are also poison, which are weak against psychic. The only bug move worth a good goddamn against psychics is Twin Needle.

the image is from 2012 user, read the thread to see the updated version

Bugs were also all poison except for one as I recall. Mewtwo and Alakhazam were incredibly irritating as a kid.

I thought dream eater is a psychic type skill.

I've known how broken psychics were since fucking 1998.

Updated version, 2012. Fuck off. Who could be this late to complaining about that shit. It should be number 1 with a bullet.

The beedrill branch is, the butterfree, scyther, and pincer ones aren't. Though none of them would be able to stand against a psychic type.

>Dream Eater

I don't know what to say user, but Dream Eater always has been a phychic type attack. If you take a look at the gen 1 competative metagame though, phychics are not nearly as dominating as the big 4 normals (Chansey, Tauros, Snorlax), and the mandatory rock type (Golem or Rhydon). Depending on who you ask, the best psychic is probably something like starmie, slowbrow or executor - Alakazam is actually surprisingly low down on the list.

--And you're right.

It's slightly more broken for psychics than I remembered.

Shinies are easier to get in 7 though. Dexnav actually requires some constant input and chainfishing can only get a few species. Also th shiny charm is much easier to get in 7.

People always talk about Psychics, but Normal was overpowered too. The best Pokemon were mostly Psychic or Normal. Fighting moves were bad, with the exception of Hi-Jump Kick which only Hitmonlee got (and Hitmonlee wasn't good enough to take advantage of it). Most just got Submission, with its recoil and 80% accuracy. Snorlax, Chansey and Tauros were three of the most overpowered pokemon in the game.

That said, I still love gen 1.

People post all these glitches and bad mechanics when talking about how bad gen 1 is, but the real nail in the coffin is how bad the AI and movepools are.
>AI doesn't even check if their supereffective type is a move that does damage, spams Agility infinitely against poison type
>Catch Ghastly, autowin against a ton of the mons in the game because they can't hit you

Alakazam wasn't even considered the best phychic, which catches a lot of people off guard. That honor probably goes to executor, starmie or slowbro, which are each the best at slightly different aspects of their role (sleeper + offense, bulk + recover + offense and amnesia abuse respectively)

Design is still good though
They just have a cuter overall feel now

My man was always Starmie, untouchable mother fucker.

Yeah, Exeggutor was usually considered the best when I played. Starmie can be a good lead. I used to play gen 1 tournaments, it's actually pretty fun despite being unbalanced and weird with lots of randomness. The battles usually are quick too.

>80% accuracy
>25% recoil
>There are Fighting moves that are better on all fronts.

Why the fuck does this move exist? The only time they've tweaked it they actually NERFED it by reducing its PP.

Post your old teams

Fun fact, Starmie has the highest defence out of everything with access to recover or a recover clone, giving it some seriously unexpected bulk.

I should dig up that report of the very first recorded gen 1 tournament, some dude just had 6 chanseys and swept everyone, leading to the creation of the "no doubles" rule.

It really is mostly the eyes, I never realized that and just sort of thought the overall designs changed from classic pokemon to this new stuff but it's really just missing the eyes.


Focus energy and Special stat are the only bad things on that list.

I remember hearing about that. It's kinda fun reading about those super early tournaments. According to bulbapedia, the Japanese version of Stadium had opponents based on players from them. "In-game representatives of its real-life participants appear as opponents in Nintendo Cup '98."

gen 2,4 and 5 were the best, 5 being the top tier. gen 3 is below 1, 6 and 7

>constantly says stupid shit and blocks the bottom screen unless you fucking answer it
USUM was a mistake and I'm glad I pirated that cancer

>prefering genwun toriyama eyes to the varied eyes we have now


Not very original, but I liked it.

Stupid mac autocorrect. Raichu not right.

>judging Pokemon games solely by the fairness of their tournament play

It takes a very VERY special type of autism to think this. I suspect many people who like Generation 1 also think the esoteric battle system adds a sense of mystique to it. Half the fun was working out the exploits in the first place.

It's less like a game, and more like real life where things don't always work out the way they should. When people in the game tell you things, or the manual tells you things, it might just be plain wrong. Just like real life.

Presumably because the image is mostly about glitches, bad programming, and really poorly designed game mechanic. Mon balance and individual type issues aren't really top priority by comparison. For example, I don't recall it bringing up how types are either physical for special, which fucks over physically slanted pokemon that are made up of purely special types, or Special slanted pokemon that got physical typings. Though I don't really recall the latter ever being an issue.

did they ever make these images for other gens? i never really cared about the specifics of each game

My first team was just a very over leveled Blastoise with ice beam, I don't even remember what else I used for HMs.


Yeah, only a very small percentage of people would play them competitively, and an even smaller portion would make teams with perfect stats and stuff. Especially with no easy online battles until years later. The old games are still fun regardless.

Yes, usually for the most recent gen. Rather than bringing up technological issues, they usually just say
or whatever they decide to hate on. It's a shame, too. I'd want to know the actual changes mechnically between each generation, but instead, people just scream about how "they don't make 'em like they used to in my day".

>really poorly designed game mechanic
Ever thought that maybe at the time they developed Generation 1 they thought that maybe some Pokemon should just be plain better than others? That's why Mewtwo existed.

is there a general/collection of them? which gens are usually rated high tier by most people? not sure if /vg/ or /vp/ would be the people that care about the games

The Physical/Special split from gen 4 is the single greatest gameplay improvement in the entire series

Someone did but they are all bait images, only the gen 1 one is legit because it points out bugs, glitches and other shit malfunctioning instead of "hurr durr this design is bad music is bad story is bad"

It feels that way to an extent. On average the pokemon you find later in the game are stronger, and the Safari Zone stuff is really good.

Agreed, I wish they didn't removed the day night cycle for Emerald and introduced the split earlier, it would have been the perfect game.

*uses Amnesia twice*

How do we stop him?

>tfw you still have the old save file
>going back and seeing the god awful moves you taught them
>not even evolving some

It goes like this

>Pokémon has a good design but is unreliable in battles
It will drag your team down unless you are a contestfag, shit tier.
>Pokémon has a shit design but is reliable in battles
It can still grown in you and you will unironically love it
>Pokémon has a cool design and is reliable in battles
This is where the favorites are born.

Of course there is a big difference between being reliable in single player and being reliable in a competitive level.

>Gengar used hypnosis
>Gengar used curse
Nothing personel kid

1. Try to freeze him maybe.
2. Bring another Mewtwo (preferably with ice beam).
3. Put him to sleep.
4. Have something explode on him.

You'll probably lose something in the process, but you can take him down.

no curse in gen 1

The amount of but hurt that went into making this pic is hilarious.

>Original Red playthrough as a kid
>Tried to give all my Pokemon nothing but same type moves
>Gave them dumb edgy misspelled nicknames like Khaos and Karnage
>Red was named Banjo and Blue was Grunty

Fuck you, kid me.

it's mostly accurate though
and i say that as someone who likes ORAS
honestly i think their biggest issue is not balancing with the exp share in mind
gen 7 did that and wow, it's not mind numblingly piss easy like every gen 6 game

>Named a Jigglypuff "AL GORE"

>Red was named Banjo and Blue was Grunty
It's not an old save file if you never taught your starter an HM move like CUT or STRENGTH

The original version is better. This one is just unnecessarily wordy and all the stuff it added is stupid bullshit that never comes up.


The day I got bodied by Lance in Pokeman Stadium 2 and learned of Tyranitar's existence changed everything.

>bought a used blue from gamestop like 15 years ago
>red's name is some spanish bullshit
>blue's name is just ASS
>party pokemon were all just random unrelated words like Pillow and Honey
i felt bad for seeing what probably became someone else's shame

>implying you'll outmatch Mewtwo's Speed
>implying you won't get OHKO'd from Psychic

You're 100 years too early to be facing me...kiddo.


I mean, some pokemon are by design better than others because muh stat totals. Arbok will always be shit because gamefreak is probably still scared of evolving old pokemon (and their apparent autism surrounding 'retconning' with that kinda shit doesn't help), and because they've apparently decided to stop giving Megas to old pokemon that suck.

You can argue that's terrible design, but I'm sure someone can argue that something has to be bad and filling up space for some reason or another. I'm mostly resigned to 'sadly that's just how things have to work.'

>go through the elite four 20 times to max stats
>use Alakazam and Taurus

If I remember right, my big brother did it as a joke when I let him name my Pokemon.

>go through the elite four 20 times
>still can't reach bill's garden

I never noticed these as a kid.
If you're still playing pokemon as an adult and caring about this shit then I've got some bad news

Just because people don't bring up certain issues doesn't automatically make it less true.

>not knowing the glitch that allows you to surf anywhere and reach Bill's garden
Gen 1 might be an obsolete piece of shit but damn if the glitches aren't fun.

what's the bad news, doc?

>That guy whose favorite Pokemon is Ledian.

poor bastard

you have stage 4 faggot cancer, sorry

>got Blue at a flea market six or seven years ago
>start up the game
>already has a save file
>check it out
>previous owner of the game was stuck in Silph Co and couldn't figure out how to reach Giovanni
>check their team
>a bunch of scrubs and HM slaves way underleveled for this point in the game
>except for their starter
>level 63 Venusaur

>implying any of that matters when Mewtwo is going to be spending two turns setting up

Fucking Ledian, I had briefly forgotten the bullshit of giving it Iron Fist after the phys/special split, as if to spit on it after all those years.

Mewtwo is bulky enough though that setting up and recovering isn't hard.

>that glitch that lets you play an animation and delete someone's save when you link battle against them
>that glitch that lets you credits warp to the end of an entirely different game
>that glitch that lets you program a virus that immediately copies itself to the game of whoever you trade or battle with, changing that player's name and party and keeping them trapped in the pokemon center forever
Gen 1 Pokemon games were something else.

>That guy who's favorite pokemon is Unown


What glitches are those?

Gen 1 glitches could be terrifying sometimes. Missingno and the other glitch pokemon are like demons you summon with weird rituals. They can grant you a boon, but sometimes with a price. Not to mention the creepy glitch music. Listen to this stuff: youtube.com/watch?v=iSyzAtyBivI

It's also messed up how just encountering Missingno will screw up your Hall of Fame. That pause at the start of the battle is memory being overwritten.

>always expected unown to get some badass evo
>it never happened