I think we all know that awards shows are a bunch of crap, but has a game this good ever gotten THIS shafted before?
I think we all know that awards shows are a bunch of crap, but has a game this good ever gotten THIS shafted before?
Western awards always favour western games. Look how many nods Horizon got. Now it's not a bad game, but it was outclassed by a flood of better games this year; but oh well, they weren't made over here by one of our shitty AAA devs so who cares.
The west hates sex, just look at the reactions to Xenoblade. No way they'd give the SJWs a chance to attack them
Automata doesn't deserve GOTY based on the game play. Should definitely be on the ballot for best story, music, VA. But it's not GOTY material imo.
Zelda or Mario will probably win, but yeah the shill awards are biased against jap games.
The gameplay was peak character action from the masters of the craft. Not saying it was the best gameplay we had all year, but it was damn good.
Definitely best VA, but then you look and its a Wolfenstein VA, two separate nominees from that Uncharted spin off, and the piece of wood from Hellblade. Over Emil. Fuck this industry.
Niche games don't win big at the awards
>has a game this good ever gotten THIS shafted before
Kat's game isn't even among nominees for ANY awards.
ain't it's some yurishit
>The gameplay was peak character action from the masters of the craft.
nah, it was bayonetta lite and the game balance is so fucked it completely ruins the gameplay.
Playing it on normal is braindead easy and boring, play it on hard it's frustrating artificial difficulty where damage sponges can one shot you with basic attacks. I'm convinced Taro is incapable of actually designing fun gameplay, even with platinum working on it, he still finds a way to fuck things up.
Automata is still enjoyable for the things it does well, but the gameplay is terrible.
What game that came out this year had more fluid and responsive controls than Nier? Seriously I want to know, moving around in this game is an art. I can't even think of another game where you can dodge out of any attack.
Wow, someone actually has an opinion this shit.
It was boring and tedious once you get beyond the surface spectacle. It could've been good, but the lack of balance in the difficulty really kills it.
It's one of Platinum's worst games with Taro's pretentious feces smeared all over it. It deserves nothing.
movement is good, but the actual combat is kinda shallow compared to platinum's other work and as I said the game balance is some of the worst I've ever seen.
I mean it's debatable. Some might argue that the platforming in Mario Odyssey was better within its own genre. My point was that it was at least GOTY material.
That other user who said it wasn't fun is retarded tho.
nier combat is like killer is dead combat, amazing to watch, it feels great but it is so simple that gets boring. and it's made by platinum, you usually expect more from them
Play on hard.
>Annoyed when an auteur game exudes the creator's style
I bet you thought Horizon was goty
Seriously? The combat is on fucking Killer is Deads level? Fucking hell, Sup Forums is braindead
>I bet you thought Horizon was goty
Didn't play it
>wow I really enjoy spamming healing items and shooting an enemy for 20 minutes only to killed by one of the 50 errant bullets it shoots.
And before you say it, it is true you can cheese portions of the game with certain chips, utilising all the items at your disposal, but then you get to shit like the final phase of the Eve battle and the game just becomes cheap.
It is you just mash light attack at braindead mobs that never have a chance to swing at you
>easy dodge->attack-> repeat (and hold pew pew button)
oh sorry, it's complex now
You know the best part, Fucking PUBG will win GOTY proving once and for all games do not actually matter for that event, and an open beta clusterfuck of a mess of a """game""' wins because their chink overlords told them so.
Taro seems happy with its reception. They're getting a bunch of awards from literally who outlets.
It's fine.
Too many Japanese games, gotta make room for some western games. While we're at it let's remove one of the best games so i increases the changes off a western game to win
>proving once and for all games do not actually matter for that event
Fuck off storyfags. PUBG has no cutscenes and is pure gameplay, it belongs there before Nier.
It plays like glitchy ass shit and your chink ass only likes it so you can idle for weeks at a time to massively jew shit.
cam some one show me the contenders?
Nier's gameplay is at least good enough that it doesn't detract from the amazing everything else. The game would be perfect though with a few tweaks, remove dodge/heal spamming and fix the over levelling issue.
>m-muh story
What a faggot. Still plays better than garbage shmup segments.
I shouldn't have to play on Hard to experience any challenge whatsoever.
>I literally cannot read because it's not in mandarin because i'm a poor ass chink in the butthole of china where i'm still convinced I live in a dynastic era because I have no clue on any God damn thing.
Um, user... The games with multiple difficulty modes let you select one exactly for this reason.
Normal is for an average player, and Hard is for those who seek challenge.
Yes and I would consider myself an average player, I generally don't pick Hard for my first play through on any game. Normal isn't supposed to be so brain dead that a monkey could beat it, that's what Easy is for.
>Yes and I would consider myself an average player
Congratulations, I guess. Now you know you're above average.