This is great. Skillful, adorable, sweet.
Why squash it? Why did this happen so often? It's BETTER ART.
This is great. Skillful, adorable, sweet.
Why squash it? Why did this happen so often? It's BETTER ART.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is pretty much every localised boxart until 6th gen
I think it was less about the anime style and more not wanting to confuse kids with the presence of moon runes as well as foreign clothes and architecture.
You crop the moon runes out.
Or get the original artist to make something else. Such a solid investment. It's only the thing that goes on the front of the goddamn box... The first thing you see in the store. The thing you keep. The thing that stares at you in your home..
Wee look at me go
This. (Retarded) schoolboys, regardless of region, aren't going to want to play as a girl anyways, so don't ugly her up. Making her a card-throwing disco dancer isn't a fucking improvement over a cute miko. Hell, they even kept the fucking japanese mythology shit AND renamed her Pocky (which had no meaning whatsoever in english at the time) no less. Hell, 2 is even worse. Look at this shit! What the fuck is anyone even doing? Nobody's even trying to fight each other, they're looking away, and halfassedly flicking their weapons.
Even worse is when you actually play the game and NOBODY LOOKS LIKE THEY DO ON THE BOX
>aren't going to want to play as a girl anyways,
What are you TALKING ABOUT
I always played as the girl in ZAMN because look at this fucking dork I have as an alternative. I didn't fucking mind anyway. The important bit is what kind of game it is.
Adults don't have any idea what kids like, and you've joined their ranks. Grats.
I said (retarded) kids. I played as her too and Pocky and Rocky/Kiki Kaikai. I liked Alis(a) in Phantasy Star. I even fucking liked Rainbow Brite. That aside, it amazes me that not even western-region games end up radically different. I don't even think this is a case of "copyright" either, Codemasters just made this shit up.
>not even western-region games [] end up radically different.
Sorry, meant to put "are safe from this shit and" in the brackets there
>I said (retarded) kids.
Yeah, that's me!!
And I like it fine!
Good for you, user. I did too.
From this.
>get the original artist to make something else.
I don't think you understand how disorganized and disconnected everything was back then. You couldn't just shoot emails back and forth with printer-ready digital art attached.
To this. I like the artist actually, but it's strange.
At least the girl is fappable in that one.
Pre-plan it. You're making a game, have the original artist have different sensibilities in mind for box art and draw multiple.
You people try to retro-sell this as hard, and no. It really isn't. It's so simple.
I wish this game would stop kicking my ass so hard.
B-but user wh-what is the chillins do not liek da animu?
What were they thinking?
>tfw Space Dynagon will NEVER be localized
It hurts.
This was just the practice as for a good while. Anime was considered too foreign and off the wall, and companies thought it wouldn't appeal to kids looking at the store's game selection. Even a simple design like Sonic was slightly altered for the US Genesis games. Not to defend it, but the mindset was just different back then. There are some cases though where the new box art for the Western release is pretty good (EU Mega Man 1 come to mind as something that's cool and really out there). And then you have seriously bad and confusing shit like pic related.
It's just money they could've made. Everyone has fond memories of the one quasi-lewd thing they got at a store. And for a kid this might've been it.
"Oh man I still have my original box."
"Yeah dude I got that for christmas. I had such a crush on her. Long before I knew what sex even was."
It is as the Will Smith says. Parents just don't understand.
OR OR, instead of trying to organize extra bullshit with some guy who doesn't speak your language 5000 miles away, you could walk down to the first floor to the art department and tell them to draw up a new cover, because you don't care that some faggot weeb will be offended that you desecrated his precious Pocky and Rocky box art 25 years into the future.
Some people on this green and blue rock actually like having a philosophy and a passion, ya cunt.
I dunno, the right is a little lewd too.
>his precious Pocky and Rocky
--The right was the one I was talking about.
The left is not mystifying whatsoever. There's no tact or luster.
The right is just gorgeous and dreamy.
One of the biggest myths of all time is to presume boys don't like 'cute' at this level. Plenty of boys liked Cardcaptor Sakura, it was not an underground thing.
Both look pretty cool.
I agree with you OP but what was most likely the problem is that the art would have to be resized or horribly cropped to fit onto the western boxes and the jap team would've probably left the west team in the cold, giving the west team no way to get in touch with the original artist to make new stuff. So instead they look towards local talent.
In this case you can bet your ass that broaderbund stepped in and wanted the boxart to use art from the more recent releases. Its a real shame too, not only is the jap version dream inspiring but I bet if the western one had more drawn parts than just the prince, it'd be a damn fine cover too
>Plenty of boys liked Cardcaptor Sakura
I know I did.
>watched sailor moon for the plot and romance
>watched cardcaptors for fapping to sakura
Am I fucked up?
I had a crush on the human girls from Hamtaro. Also liked watching Sailor Moon as a kid.
Literally every boy had a mad crush on Sakura.
There is nothing more vanilla than what happened to you.
The only way you could be more vanilla is if Roll was your video game equivalent of Sakura.
For the longest time I was embarrassed to talk about the fact that I watched Sailor Moon as a kid, now I realize a bunch of people watched it because it's a fun fucking show.
To me, Sailor Moon was just Ronin Warriors with girls, and Ronin Warriors was awesome, so it was, too.
At least until that tiny bitch ruined everything.
Yeah, but it don't make sense. They even changed some of the in-game graphics as well. What's the point? Reminds me of this case. They even changed the UI. I can understand trying to make your game more "marketable" but why change the UI outside of the lives?
As a kid I always hated it when there came a token kid character.
It never stopped happening and it never stopped ruining stories.
Why do adults think we want this. Leave the roster the way it roughly started. Goddamn, with this BATMAN IN MY BASEMENT shit. No one likes it!!
What the DEVIL
I have never seen that before. Why?
I wanna go back to a time when games could be weird without it being intentional or ironic
>I had a crush on the human girls from Hamtaro
>The only way you could be more vanilla is if Roll was your video game equivalent of Sakura.
FUCK SHE WAS (I had crushes on girls before her, too, but Marvel vs Capcom corrupted me).
It actually is. I ought to watch the jap version to see how much of the gags work despite the language barrier.
I liked Ronin Warriors too. I thought the "staff" was the weirdest shit at the time, but later on in life I learned what it was.
>tfw I also learned that both Ronin and Saint Seiya (which I also liked) were basically "schlick"-fodder for girls
That was a strange fact to learn.
At one point I drew all my retro crushes playing with monkeys.
I've never met someone who recognized all 5, for some reason.
loooks fine.
I think the Jetsons game is actually the original.
Cool drawing.
I think you just mean "weird-but-not-HIPSTERDOUCHE"
That's not how shit worked. The Japs made a game and sold the rights to dirty round-eyes halfway across the globe and that was it. They didn't coordinate with each other.
hey fuck you asshole, the same guy who did P&R's box art is the same guy who did Sonic's, the Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera, and Disney's art for the damn Sega Genesis/SNES. This made was trusted enough to draw their characters so show so respect. He even did Time Gal's box art too and it's not so bad mimicking the Anime art style.
That's lack of long term goals, and retarded. There's a reason people meditate more on this shit now.
I don't care how it was, I care about how obvious it should've been even back then to be more dutiful with your product.
>Ya but... How it worked tho...
Shaddap. We get it.
Pic unrelated?
Allenby (fuck, I liked her too)
Talim (Fuck)
Marin (FUCK)
Alright, user. I never thought I'd meet my clone, but it is clear now what must happen: YOU MUST DIE
And now you all are loli posting trap loving manchildren weebs posting on a weeb imageboard.
>yeah i spend all day in this bubble of faggots surely we are the standard for males yeah every boy loved sailor moon!
And here's what I'm talking about.
>Leonardo's wooden swords
Oh how I remember this nonsense.
His craft is parent-trickery. Cowering and whimpering away from his constitutional rights at every turn. A real corporate stooge this dude.
Also the dude past away a couple of years ago too.
I'm agreeing with you, and citing an example of good weird.
I hate new weird.
I cannot believe it at all. That cray-zay.
But user, Traps are fucking gross.
getting some princess of mars vibes
Oh there's two others missing I guess. I made a comic.
But please, mind your salty f-bombs.
Hey kid, wanna play with my co- I mean Phalanx?
But I loved that boxart when I was a kid. It was the reason I rented the game in the first place.
this would have put me off and still does
What the hell is the actual name of this series anyway?
Autism aside that is a pretty cute drawing, user. And it's true, I don't recognize the one on the far left. The others are Sakura, Roll, Talim, and Marin though
Well we have a term for people like you.
We call them "bad."
You're a bad person. Now I don't mind bad people myself, I just don't want you in my neighborhood or sending your children to my schools, is all.
Now go on. Git.
Bet you feel dumb for not noticing the dog.
>Autism aside
Well christ almighty man. You hug your mother with that barbed wire vest?
Originally by Taito, bought out by Square-Enix years ago.
Anime has always been shit to me, there's something incredible off putting and sickening about it.
The western boxart for Pocky and Rocky looked like saturday morning cartoons we were watching, anything that looked like the dreck of anime was avoided.
To this day this is how Mega Man looks like in my mind.
I'm fairly sure when you're that southern it's no longer a dog, but a dowg.
Not really, to me it looks reminiscent of 90s cartoons which would be more appealing to kids at the time
>Anime has always been shit to me, there's something incredible off putting and sickening about it.
It is as I said.
There's just something terribly negative in you that won't come out.
Now I'll put up with you, but drink out of the other fountain, wouldja
Nigger is this your first day on Sup Forums? Grow a thicker skin. I liked your drawing, you can handle a mild bant. Neofag refugees I swear.
2009. And you haven't killed my earnesty yet.
You know, I bet you guys aren't complaining when it's japan "ruining" western art to turn it into tasteless fapbait.
This is that Ernest Evans sequel, right?
You are a faggot of Titanic proportions. The All-God of Faggotry is in awe of your paragon excellence in the field of undisputed fag mastery.
it's pocky.
Such as?
Trying too hard, nigger. Brevity is the soul of wit.
>"ruining" western art to turn it into tasteless fapbait.
Nigga half the time they improve on western box art, the NA box for Uncharted 2 is just Nathan Drake hanging whereas the JP box art features multiple characters and aren't just 3D renders
Nips seem to improve it most of the time.
There's a bit more.
Give us some examples, nigger.
But only a bit.
>putting your grenades in the fridge
Ho do we go from this...
... to this?
I forget, it was some fantasy adventure book series with art by some kinda well known guy, and there was a japanese adaptation where they drew everyone as a loli or bishounen. If the archive went back to 2015 I could probably find it because the topic came up when we were discussing the Alice in Wonderland book adaptation.
I wasn't talking about just videogame box art.
Didn't ZUN used to work for Taito?
Is this why she looks like Reimu?
>I forget,
ZUN hopped on board long after that game was made
I love this, it looks like a french 80s softporn thing.