What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
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Just played Beyond Good and Evil for the first time this past weekend.
Teared up a bit at the end, all of the writing was pretty simple and straightforward, but it really hit home for some reason.
It really made me feel like a kid again and made me feel like people forgot how to make games or something along the way.
Taking pictures of animals was pretty nice and the art direction was really cohesive.
And not to mention, the soundtrack.
>WoW Vanilla with my gf
I want his feet in my face
haha what do you think they, smell like
i bet hedoesnt wash very good lol
Chapter 13 verse 2
>Playing the Zora river letter sidequest
>Have to escort a "fragile" letter in a bottle
>At the end a lightning storm appears
>Nervous about a lightning destroying the letter and having to do the sidequest again.
>Notice a Chest is going to be hit by lightning
>The letter is going directly to it
>I barely manage to move the chest so the letter doesn't end up being destroyed
>Xenoblade 2
It's pretty okay. Wish the combat was a little more fast-paced.
stop lying
>Battle Chasers
>pokemon Ultra sun
Honestly better than I expected, like it is the weakest rerelease to date, but I still had fun with it.
Also maybe I just suck, but for me it was the hardest mon game to date.
>Evil Within
"Haha oh look, more enemies! Too bad I still don't have any FUCKING BULLETS"
Dark Souls 3
Been playing God of War 1 on pcsx for the first time.
Its fun but having a fixed camera pisses me off,but I ignore it.
>posting on Sup Forums
>still playing video games
Pick one
>tfw trying to figure out how to minmax a mystic knight in dragon's dogma
I just continued with Dark Souls 1 (blind) after a friend gave me tips on how to get past that red dragon on the bridge,I also got the (for early-game) amazing drake sword,so things are going very well.
Now I also get why people say that Dark Souls is so amazing,that's because it is.
How far are you? It gets fast as fuck once you can use more blades and understand combos.
But anyway playing Xenoblade 2. End of Chapter 3 was real sad, but super good. Also Merc missions are pretty cool.
>Nex Machina
Post the other pic OP, I know you want to
it was a VN RPG thing I have no fucking clue dont really care but Dragon quest heroes is almost down dling
>pixel art gladiator sim game
>where your dudes straight up decapitate opposing gladiators with a wooden gladius
So did we ever figure out what the fuck that boy is eating on his bed?
fecal matter and cookies
Witcher 1
>Pokemon Ultra Moon
Why is every one and every thing in this game so fucking sexy?
Same desu.
>World of Final Fantasy
>The entire crystal tower and the bit after it
Just played the last PROJECT: Overcharge game mode in LoL and we got owned badly.
>tfw you got rekt by someone named GirlOwnedYou
Just beat Gravity Rush Remastered. Just have the challenges (including throw 10 objects without missing and taking damage, probably get it in the throwing challenge though) and 40k gems to get to plat it
I liked it. Only gripe is that its short and combat is kinda meh. Not enough enemy types that force you do to something other than gravity kick over and over.
Moving on to 2 so I can grind tokens before next month. Not starting tonight though, its pretty late.
Can I play it a 2-3 hours a day and still get enough tokens in time? Feel bad I rushed 1 so quickly. Literally got it in the mail yesterday morning.
Zweihander from the graveyard is better
Sorrow and determination.
>dying light
>game suddenly goes from full on bro-op to single player at the end
>both endings were pretty awful
it's like they're trying to make me hate the game at the last minute
Playing a mix of stuff lately. Working on 100% in Mario Odyssey with around 720 moons I think.
Also playing Metroid Samus Returns. Enjoying it.
Got little bits of Star Wars Battlefront 2 in here & there. Just single player thus far.
>mfw Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo
is that boy drinking soy?
You'll get enough tokens for everything in maybe a week at most, especially since the rate for treasure hunts and stuff seems to have doubled. Don't rush it too much.
It's fucking Strawberry Milk you stupid faggot. Go back to Sup Forums with your shitty forced meme.
you seem angry, boy
I hope to god they do 3 4 and 5 kiwami
>R6 siege
>Rainbow 6: Siege
It's new to me and different from the other shooters.
It's more... deliberate?
Playing on Attack, I get my ass handed to me.
I get too caught up in performing my operator's special role and I end up forgetting to do the shooting part.
I like it though!
The Surge is pretty cool.
Risk-reward is big, with consecutive kills, consecutive executes, and targeting armor over flesh being heavily rewarded. Exploration is a little awkward, with some map sections missing distinctive landmarks, but great reconnection to the hub in at least the second map. Enemies preset an imposing threat which is gradually lowered to triviality as you learn their behavior.
Blocking is way too inconsistent to be relied on, and jumping/ducking is basically useless. Swapping out armor is a pain, since going from one set bonus to another (the whole point of armor) requires changing six pieces of gear. There's a lot of stats which aren't explained for the purpose of 'rewarding experimentation', but the high cost of failure means most players have no idea what the fuck "Stability" does.
I fucked up my foot a bit in a trampoline a bit and the only racer i could play on my couch was revisiting NFS underground.
It's alright i guess, I remember it being such a big deal playing it back in the day when i was still casul.
Some of the music is so awful, but starting it up re-experiencing 369 DAMN SHE FINE made me laugh and jam to that shit harder than ever.
>Umihara Kawase
>mfw fish spawns right in front of where I land
>tfw you mow down every bandit and draugr like it was nothing but it's somehow satisfying
I nearly gave up on that game because of shit like that. Had a continuous stream of fish spawning on the tiny platform I had to traverse to beat the level, making it nigh impossible to do anything. I just had to wait until a tiny window appeared, so I could make my jump.
It's a fun game, but the spawning drives me nuts.
>titanfall 2
this is the best fps game to come out in a while fuck overwatch
>Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Mostly because of how inconsistent the difficulty is across the game especially when compared to TNO and Old Blood. Other than that I'm really enjoying the game.
Just beat Castlevania IV on the 3ds and I was highly impressed. Planning on playing SotN sometime.
Deadrising 4
Lay off the soy bro
Just Cause 3. It was okay.
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Kinda disappointed with it compared to 1, but overall I think it's a good game
>3 4 and 5 kiwami
That's retarded.
>doki doki
>Shadow of War
I think this game is designed for people with ADHD
Castle Crashers is fun as fuck in co-op. We got the black knight boss stuck in a curb stomp loop. Imagine a full minute of two short crusaders just stomping a guy American X style.
>ou'll get enough tokens for everything in maybe a week at most
And that's with only a couple of hours of play time a day? Great if so.
I didn't see that ending coming so soon, but I wasn't at all disappointed. Felt satisfied and eager for more, I had ________fun
i didn't believe space ninjas can go THAT fast
I really fucking love xenoblade 2
Poppi is my wife
>Chapter 3 ending
It was pretty sad but i fucking counted it with my capture card and there were 15 minutes of cutscenes at the end with 0 player interaction and i hated that.
Don't use the Drake Sword, user. It's the noob crutch. It doesn't scale at all with your stats and it won't help you mid/late game and will only leave you having to actually figure out the game that late in because you've been leaning on it too hard.
Literally use any other weapon.
>Nier Automata
I liked the music and fightin' robots but by the time I got to the end, it all felt so pointless that I let the game delete my save so I could stop.
Yep. Treasure Hunts only take around three minutes or so on average unless it's the houseboard and you get around 4 every couple hours you check back now and each one hands you 80 I think it was? Then add in the points for snapping a picture as well, rating other people's pictures as you wander around, and your pictures getting rated it adds up fast. Make sure you go to the options and turn on auto-uploading your images when you can so that pictures you take get uploaded immediately for people to find them to give you free tokens.
This game is amazing at pulling at my heartstrings, can't wait for the third one.
I thought it was sekrit gay pedo thread.
>DCS World
>SMT Nocturne
It's my first playthrough. Matador was not as bad as I expected it to be. The Minotaur in 4 gave me a much harder time in terms of casual filters.
Give me your feet
Damn it there just aren't any good lewd shota games like illusion does with artificial academy. Is there any hope for us shota bros?
>Doom 2
Never beat them as a kid, my interest in the doom games became apparent recently when I bought doom 2016 on sale and loved it having a blast with the first 2 as well
>Hollow Knight
Hit an enemy mid-air and got knock-back and fell down in some water and died. I really hate the knock-back in this game.
They could do 3 Kiwami eventually. The problem is 4 and 5 since 4 is when they started putting in likenesses.
Trying to force myself through Uranus to finally complete The Second Dream. And I fucking HATE Uranus. Underwater levels should be fucking banned. And having to find/scan an enemy that only appears for a few minutes before noping the fuck out forcing you to restart and try to find it again? Fuck right off with that shit.
Otherwise I've been having a lot of fun. Crit build Dread with a Crit build Lex Prime is sooooo rewarding. Orange crits all day, urry day.
>not using the no knock-back charm
I don't think im far enough in the game for that. I'm at the grass place
Metro: last night
There's more paths out of the starting zone than garden, you should check out the right side of the map
>You'll never /ss/ a shota
>Yakuza 3
>Extra Hard
Ah thanks. I wasn't sure where i was supposed to go now
I don't see the point in remaking the PS3 games, maybe if they release 3 without cut content..
>Overwatch competitive
why do I keep doing this to myself
>hardest difficulty mode is just the same enemies but you deal way less damage and take way more
i still fucking play through it every god damn time
>mfw fighting Khezu
I need to git gud
R6 Siege TTS
Mainly playing monty/blitz/caveira
Played Doki Doki completely blind. It was interesting but I still feel like it ended too quickly.
Fuck, so that's what it is. Heat actions do jack shit against bosses
Super mario odyssey.
Dude I'm not even at the graveyard yet,I just defeated the Capra demon desu
Fuck all other rogue-likes, this is some real good shit.