What does pic related say?
What does pic related say?
the pleasure of being tumblred inside
Why do you faggots keep spamming this sjw shit literally nobody cares about? Have you tried reddit?
For some weird reason, it just kinda says OPs a fag and the pic is unrelated.
Ni vet att jag har rätt så håll käften.
it says she needs to clean my peenerweaner. Also tumblr or wherever that came from is shit
It says "girl wit big teetas is hot lul I wan her 2 tug on my rench ;)"
I'm fluent in bullshit.
The swedish are faggots.
>tfw so used to slutty dressed women that fully clothed is hotter
t. Salam bin Ahmed
bin bin waBOOM
>That face
Not even surprised
Why are women so good at savagely tearing each other down while being so two faced.
>conventionally attractive
What does this mean? One is really fat and the other is a twig.
Come on, you know it's not reasonable to expect Tumblr to understand what other human beings usually find attractive.
I just want to know what they mean since it's a term they love to throw around. All to make them look like they have these tastes not shared by the majority.
I dont even speak the language but you can get the gist from some words
On the left
>blah blah bad design, problem/problematic blah blah wrong ethnic, sexist
on the right
>Much better for public service(mechanic?), like the "YOU CAN DO IT" motivational images, please send money
Probably wrong on stuff but its just sjw crying
>not a burqa
Absolutely haram
It means 'attractive in ways that I am not'.
"Conventionally attractive" simply means "conforms to the local standards for beauty". But as you noted, that isn't true at all for the whale on the left.
i would have more issue with Cindy if I hadn't already seen more scantily clad women in real life. Nothing about her is particularly outlandish, except maybe her thigh highs those are a little weird.
I mean, maybe I'm reading too much into it and it's just slang for "things I don't find attractive/I don't want people to find attractive". Dunno.
Right, enuff moppets in here now.
"Now you have the chance to have a game character redesigned by "Svaprikets"(Mushroomkingdom) illustrator.
Is there a character in the world of games that you feel is problematic?
It could be about gender, ethnicity, body ideals, sexism and so on.
Mail us, tell us what character its about, and what the problematic part is and what you think should be done different.
In that way you have a chance to be one of the people that gets a new character design dedicated to you and publicized on "svapriket.se"
Your motivation and the thoughts of the illustrator will both be worked into the article.
Address: [email protected]
Subject: Redo me"
And thats bout it.
So its basically tumblr strikes again, have fun now.
The real explanation is that the westaboos were trying to make a character in the style of the Fast And Furious movies
That's literally it
tumblr get so booty blastered at tits their art suffers
>game features 4 hot guys as the main protagonists
>only complains about the hot female
gotta love these idiots
Det var allt för längesedan vi hade en svensktalande tråd på ve.
Tacka fan för det, slutar alltid med a folk postar bilder på Knugen.
The eternal Swede.
I could see that, yes, at least in the way the term is normally used, after all female models tend to have the body type of the thin girl for a reason, but the fat one isn't attractive in today's culture.
It feels like they use it against anyone that isn't an example of, lacking a better term, "tumblr aesthetics".
Like that person said, it's not "black, with an afro, crippled and heavily scarred". I agree, actually, that people should feel comfortable with their bodies (as long as it's not unhealthy like morbid obesity. That shit is not ok no matter what), but it looks like they are more interested in redefining what is attractive and what isn't.
Häng dig bögjävel
If it was realistic you wouldn't really see many females pursuing mechanics as their profession.
Maybe she just likes to feel sexy
They're saying that attractiveness is subjective, and changes based on culture.
While that's not entirely wrong, this girl is delusional if she thinks that fat, buck-toothed, hairy minorities with stretch marks, dwarfism, and prosthetic limbs are going to be considered attractive any time soon.
Once everyone is fat, buck-toothed, hairy minorities with stretch marks, dwarfism, and prosthetic limbs or worse then she will win. You'll see!
Yeah, I'm aware of that. It's a cultural thing after all. An Arab most likely has tastes different to that of an American due to cultural differences, for example.
Being honest, it feels like a childish act of rebellion. They weren't or feel they weren't accepted by parents, peers or whatever and now they want to turn things around on them as a sort of "take that" to them.
The one model they defend is also pretty extreme, and almost unrealistic, which I'd argue points to that rebellion of sorts, they want to make attractive something like that because they know it will make uncomfortable the average person and make them feel validated.
I find really funny as well that according to them not feeling attracted to blacks is racist somehow.
swedes being swedes
Sauce me on that gif immediately
The patriarchy made those poor women do it, all of them are victims
>women dress lewd
>video game character is lewd
You see, user, physical women are women, digital women are men.
sweden has sjws just like america what else is new?
Real women have a choice to be whores but video game women don't.
They're practically being raped
This, it's not at all surprising that the most americanised country in europe after the uk has people who copy their opinions from american politics.
welp, I just threw up.
Cover up, ladies.
Allah Ackbar.
i know you're memeing, but it's really stupid that they complain about this when an average day at my uni has girls dressing like cindy on a daily basis
This but unironically
I've never seen a human with that unrealistically big eyes and that nose looks really unnatural. How would they even fit their brain inside that skull? Their eyeballs would take up so much room that their frontal cortex would be stunted and consequently the character would be retarded. Horrible body image ideal for young women.
>It's another recreational outrage thread.
>implying 10101010 women are the same as real women
Cuckspeak about taking requests to make characters less sexy.
Somebody should spam that fucker with emails containing genuinely ugly vidya characters requesting them to look more like the left in the pic.
>Now you have the opportunity to get a gaming character redesigned by "Mushroom kingdoms" illustrator. Is there any character in the world of gaming that you find problematic? it can be about gender, ethnicity, bodies, sexism, etc
Also where the fuck do you find shit like this? Do you just hang around SJW sites/twitter accounts all day waiting for something you can post here?
It'll probably be all the emails he'll get. You're doing him a favor.
They can't help themselves can they? They didn't just cover her up they had bring her down a notch, she's shorter, fatter, stumpy legged, and just plain uglier, with the we can do it pose for no damn reason.
It basically translates to stop making attractive female characters that appeal to men and only make ugly female characters that don't make women feel bad about themselves.
Why is the Jay Sherman face so goddamn popular amongst tumblrinas? It's neither good looking nor amusing to see it on every single character they redesign.
pretty girls who put effort into how they look dont exist shitlord
>four fingers instead of five
Little girls are LITERALLY chopping off their fingers to meet their cartoon body image ideals.
I love redraw threads. Keep them coming.
This hamsterlogic is shocking. The lengths to which feminists go to attack drawings are amusing.
That's what I imagine OP doing. I follow over 100 artists on tumblr, and not a one redraws screenshots or espouses SJW rhetoric.
There was one artist who started doing redraws, but I unfollowed them long ago. Don't even remember their name. I got to patience for that shit. It's insanely arrogant to think you're helping the world by drawing atop other people's creations.
Left literally looks like shit my gf would design. High-heels and all. Girls aren't the problem. It's whales.
The four fingers are highly offensive to Japanese too.
These tumblr artists really should check their toxic problematic privilege. Literally Hitler.
>some random douche has an opinion
>nobody knows or cares about his opinion
>but NO!
>op will stalk his shitty tumblr and religiously download everything and repost it on Sup Forums
Maybe it's the actual person wanting to sneakily get some publicity.
it's better than twitter and eceleb threads desu-senpai-kun
In actuality, it's exactly the same but worse, because opinionated dipshits in question aren't even real celebrities. Obsessing over celebrities is one thing, but inventing celebrities and then obsessing over their shit--that's on an entirely new level.
I'm Swedish and my workplace is around 80% female with around 500 co-workers. They hate this sort of shit.
The pink haired one is the worst type of them all.
It wouldn't be any more coherent if it were in English, if the picture isn't a tip-off.
>this is what primefags want samus to be
Yeah lol where are all the guys? Can't find a boyfriend :(
>bright colored hair
easy way to spot mental illness though
>prosthethic limbs
>not attractive
Don't be so sure, meatbag.
Many artists subconsciously draw their own face, even when they're trying not to. I don't understand the psychology behind it. But there's something about one's self image that tends to bleed into the work of an artist. Now, a good artist uses objective observation to compare their art to the world around them. In doing so, they learn how to draw what they see, not draw the imagined image that has been filtered through their perception. And so, you learn how to make things look good, despite what you think.
I know, it sounds weird. But it's like using a higher level of perception to overcome your lower level of perception.
Anyway, the tumblrites never learn, because they're focused on their own subjective world view. They actively reject objective notions of beauty. So o they never really see things for what they are. They only see things through their own perception. They focus on flaws, faults, and irregularities, so it becomes all they know. And they never stop drawing their own face.
The dye leaks into their brains
ey yo who dis white gurl
>2d bright colored hair is sexy and cute
>3d is mental illness
why man why
All this does is make me want to design even more sexualized, "problematic" female characters to get these faggot women in a frenzy, because thats what they are; women who are faggots. Faggot women.
Nothing wrong with love for The Critic
Actually, being attracted to 2D bright colored hair is a sign of mental illness too.
When you obsess over colorful anime girls, you are mentally ill.
And besides, all the best girls have natural colors.
You sound equally as petty as them.
>Actually, being attracted to 2D bright colored hair is a sign of mental illness too.
Have a source?
Disgusting, who started this shit lazy art? Scott Pilgrim?
Disgusting Swedes.
t. Dane
You bet, but I'm not pretending like I'm doing it for any other reason than to get these people mad either. It's childish and petty but fun.
Look around you.
Have you met a single mentally well adjusted person, who also fawns over pink haired anime girls?
anime girls can have happy lives regardless of character design, that’s the difference
Why don't these people make their own game if they think they know how to do it better?
I'm going to have to doubt here, I look like young leonord Nimoy and nothing I've ever made looks anything like Leonord nimoy