Where were you when VR was the future?

Where were you when VR was the future?


I knew it was the second I demo'ed a VIVE


her breast look like she had implants

what a whore

Is gear VR worth it for porn?


>Japs will make god tier VR porn
>Feminists in the cucked west will ban VR waifus and sexbots

So I can BE the chair? This is a dream come true.

Maybe in 2030.

I got a VR headset the other day and playing Superhot is the most fun I've had playing a videogame in years.
Yes. Get the vr plugin for CM3D2 and your dick will be raw

Novel at first, gets too much effort for a wank after a while.

Society will have collapsed by then

Women will get more out of VR since a dildo attachment will be a lot cheaper than a pussy attachment.


Future as the most expensive paperweight
no gaems

>CM3D2 and your dick will be raw
CM3D2 looks like trash.


You can program the same thing mapped to controller sticks or a mouse, so you don't have to move your head around like a madman.

Plenty of stupid people have been talking about the collapse of society for such a long time now. Literal centuries and yet it hasn't really happened on any large scale like any of you mean.

>no games

this is literally so untrue it hurts

>the great depression

>what is QE
>what is inflation

wow imagine being this fucking deluded.

if you think your life will be stable and "normal" ten years from now, you are literally a braindead farm animal

>Still not naked
>Still nothing to do with sex.
It's fucking worthless and pointless. DoA is a cuck's biggest wet dream. All teasing and nothing else, it's fucking pathetic.

That's what mods are for retard

>Here, just fix it yourself.
No thanks.

In Tekken 7 VR the models maintain eye contact with you.


What is Rome?

user 90% of the enjoyment women get from sex is the chase they force you into by pretending to not want you. Basically they get off on manipulating men.

Japs can't even make god tier regular porn.

This is an actual underage answer.

Imagine being this sad, pathetic, and deluded.

But where are the games?

>someone unironically posted this
/r9k/ has completely ruined a generation of young men. Jesus fucking Christ.

>implying most women like getting chased and beaten during sex
virgin detected

I don't think they will. There's too much money behind this stuff. Feminists will make it difficult to market them but it'll be a losing battle for them.
The reason feminism was so powerful is because there were large financial interests behind it.
Filling the workplace with women pretty much split wages in half. Both parents now have to work full time and pay taxes. They pay other people to do what they used to do in the house (who also pay more taxes). The state is now in large part responsible for raising children.
I'm not saying it was all bad but it didn't lead to more wealth and prosperity. There's less economic freedom than before overall. It could all have happened very differently but it happened the way that the elite wanted it.

You haven't met many women.

Get off the internet every once in a while. Or at the very least, stop browsing /r9k/.

>The (((elite)))

Lazy meme from another poorfag.

I don't live in europe so I will probably die before any major war or societal collapse happens. The current ideological battle is globalism vs. nationalism (collectivism vs. indivudualism) and the fact is that europe is the continent that might go to war. There's basically zero chance of that happening here, since we're one single country.

oh you guys are actually implying women aren't entirely interested in the chase? What world you living on buds cuz I'd like to live there instead.

>japs will go extinct in your lifetime

roastie pls

i bought a setup for $10 and downloading 3gb films and then transferring them to my phone took too long

epic fap tho

Soyboys white knights squad.

It's all just porn. I mean it's alright but when do we get actual VR waifus?


They're not wrong. Balloon tits look fucking gross. If you're going to make a large breasted woman, make it look natural, with a slight sag. I'd take a slight sag over stuff that just looks fucking out of place.

I can smell it from here

fucking kek
Gotta love Japan.

>Ace Combat VR
>Armored Core VR
I can't wait for Japan to save VR.

That project looks so disappointing. It's awful how you need to be right infront of the machine and need to push a button. She doesn't actually recognize what you are writing to her, she can only respond to predetermined commands. It's a chat-bot with an animated girl on a screen.

I do look forward to seeing the real deal though, especially since there will be a Hatsune Miku version coming as well


Call me when they add Smell-O-Vision

holy shit that fucking ending.

Women like being treated like shit user. Not having white knights chase after them

but can VR do this?

spoiler: ;_;


Just buy a fish and let it rot a little.

The man recording these is a great fucking actor

>Armored Core VR
user do want to throw your stomach out

I haven't laughed that hard in actual years

fuck you dlete this

>hair clipping through tits

delete this RIGHT NOW

who made these webm's?

It's the fucking mannerisms he does like the bowing and kneel apologizing in the other one are fucking hilarious.

no idea


fukken saved



>Yu-gi-oh VR


tomboys is for closet faggot too afraid to go out with actual women


And some hypocrite faggots here pretend VR is not the inevitable bright future... Literally the only hope we have against our dystopian vaginocraty (minorities will outbreed us meanwhile but well...).

Tomboys are overrated as fuck.

What? What's so great with this? Is it just a (You) bandwagon?

Can't believe Konami isn't doing it yet but then again it's Konami so it's no surprise

>play the demo
>click the button on the title screen that says "become a fan"
>literally turn into that fan, blowing currents of air wherever I look



>What? What's so great with this? Is it just a (You) bandwagon?

we got a Chad here

They aren't, roasteroo.

Though feminine's great too. Go one way or the other, in between's boring.

>I will never be able to do this with my waifu


my god.... you people are the worst


I would just rather have an actually cute girlfriend instead of someone who over compensates for not being cute.


Listen, I know you're sad NeoGAF's gone, but you clearly go on tumblr so go back to posting about how you're a secretly a wolf who can't work because life is totally unfair.

>not cute

Still waiting for it to turn into the present.

chat rooms on vr would be cool
like second life and imvu
i played them when i was a kid

Acting and having mannerisms like a man is not cute.

I can finally be the character I always dreamed about being.

She is just a fat whale mad about tomboy girls

You need to check out VRChat

Its incredible atm. And you dont need VR to join in

>chat rooms on vr would be cool
literally vrchat