Why Modern Video Games Suck:

Why Modern Video Games Suck:

All went downhill to the shitter since the PS4/XBOX ONE

because of video game journalists
they want a casual experience because it makes their job easier
they want progressive politics in their games because they're all idealogues
game devs and publishers have to cater to these asshat SJWs so that they get good reviews
but if devs and publishers knew just how little influence these faggots have on the sales of a game they'd stop pandering to them.

>I-I swear that I'm not just getting older! Video games are garbage! Now excuse me, I have more lootboxes to unlock.

Vidya is evolving, I don't understand why you babbies keep on crying.

His point about games in 2017 going down in price within months unlike past Nintendo titles because Nintendo "makes good shit" is a fucktarded point. Nintendo never lowers their prices because they are massive fucking jews.

Also, his faggot ass point about >m-muh saturated market is something that has existed in the industry since inception. How many fucking platformers were there when Super Mario became a success? How many JRPGs saturated the market in the 90s? The PS1 and PS2 libraries are inundated with JRPGs. Also, for a faggot who wears a Castlevania shirt, his point about Bloodborne and Fromsoft creating "the same game" 3 times is hilarious considering Konami shat out Castlevania like lose diarrhea.

This autistic faggot should probably consider suicide for being a nostalgia cock sucking nigger and his "arguments" are the equivalent of a typical Youtube comment on a Nirvana music video about >le born in le wrong generation all music sucks now #90s kids

>Vidya is devolving


>Major western AAA games are a letdown as always, for the last 10 years
>Waaah videogames are dead
Come on now

>All went downhill to the shitter since the PS3/Xbox 360


It has nothing to do with the games. It has to do with the fact you grew up. Most things you did as a teen or kid isn't as fun as it was back then. That and that fact you have nostalgia with the games you grew up with

>Vidya is evolving, I don't understand why you babbies keep on crying.
Somebody post Fear VS Bioshit Infinite webm

Its only jap/asian games that suck. Western games are fucking awesome with their realism and graphic. I for one can't wait to play vs the nordic gods.

Weak bait, should've said weebshit instead, neck yourself.


underappreciated post, but not really a surprise on this shithole

>constant desire to create the most realistic graphics at the expense of art style, fame rate, enemy/npc numbers.
>dumb down button mechanics so that everyone and your grandma can play a game
>implementing online features that now riddle modern games with day one dlc ,lootboxes, online-only gamplay
>removing dedicated severs causing the gaming community as a whole to become more toxic

Gaming as a hobby died with ps3/360 era.

For a second I thought that was a Skyrim video for some mod.

I agree with most of what hes saying. But what stands out to me specifically is the shelf life argument. Modern games have some great games but only a few are classic material. So many games are just on rails crap or games that people drop 6 months later.

People are also so quick to dick huge journalists paid reviews that say OH ITS A 9/10 10/10 GAME OF THE YEAR MATERIAL! Like they did with Bioshock Infinite but even a year later I hear less about it then Bioshock 1 and even 2 in casual conversation about the series.

Honestly besides some great fighters this gen that will give you 1000s of hours if you're into that genre there aren't that many games I can say are worth many playthroughs. D44M was good though.

Hm, I wonder who are the types of inbreds that complain about "modern" anything.

This. Although its not so cut and dry we still have devs and a few genres like fighters/Atlus/Maybe Platinum/Maybe From/Maybe Team Ninja with Nioh who make good or better games that are clearly games first.

So many games are mechanically shallow on rails "experiences" nowadays for retards who cannot function properly on a game that isn't 10 hours at most in length. So they put graphics first

Frame rate will always be pretty sad. I don't know how some devs fuck it up. Blame consoles all you want but SOTFS is a solid 56-60fps at all times on the PS4 but for some reason From has trouble with games that barely look better like BB and DaS3.

Because of the growing 'geek' culture, more normals and casuals flooding the consumer base forcing companies to water things down, moderate toxicity, overall ruining them. you didn't need to worry about this pre-overwatch, that abortion of a game was a gateway to the rest of the industry, so they spread their faggy influence everywhere. now there's more of a push for restricting trash talk and stuff. you can actually blame casuals for this.

he looks like that retarded squarish elf face lol.

This. I don't understand why people get so hung up about videogame prices. You WANT them to go down, nobody wants to pay 60 dollars for a 5 year old game, only nintendo fanboys seem to be omay with that kind of shit.

>People want to use the term "living in the past" to remain on the side lines.

Id rather live in the past because modern games as a whole have thrown away the idea of being a game first and wanna be a cinematic shitty story driven experience with inept writers first. There are still a few great genres/studios and I hope DMC5 is a thing D44M also gives me hope for decent shooters since it was good and successful. Shadow Warrior 1 was also alright.

But its cute use anything that is a tried and true mechanic/design philosophy nowadays and people use the word archaic as an insult despite the word just meaning old and nothing implying what is old is bad.

modern games are bad user. fapbait and lolis don't make them good

this guy is pretty annoying and whiny

>Do modern games still suck?
Only western ones. Eastern games (starting from mid europe towards) still pretty good.


It merely fanned the flames a lot. Gaming was fucked by this shit late last gen. The only thing OW might've done was spread a small popularity to studios that already have no talent anyways to use lootboxes.

But it is a scary idea that a studio worth a shit might surprise you with lootboxes. Atleast OW didn't lock mechanics/weapons behind theirs but still they put the idea in more self studios that can get away with even mores minds.

And then those same studios will still make bank off of it since retards love LOTR/Star Wars it doesn't matter to them they have zero love for the medium.

all true. overwatch brought a lot of retards into the gaming atmosphere. from there they start playing other games and ruining them.

>implying that game devs aren't full to the brim with SJW computer science graduates

Sex appeal has been selling forever, my man. Sup Forums contributes more to >muh waifu than any normie down the street. Look at threads about Mega Man, everything turns into a fapbait shitfest. Don't even pretend that has anything to do with modern gaming.

I never said that sex doesn't sell, that's definitely true for sure. i'm saying it doesn't make a game good, it's as much as a determining factor as graphics, if not less

Thankfully a lot of Jap devs don't care if you're a whiny baby and are semi detached from the West despite releasing games over here regularly.

Capcom is probably the most involved I can think of and they have some decent games despite their fall from making decent fighters to making shit unpolished and shallow ones. Akiras looks okay though the new Ex game.

Atlus is also popular but keeps the normies separate with Persona from mainline SMT games and other.

>Somebody post Fear VS Bioshit Infinite webm
Love F.E.A.R. What was the webm of user?

Today games are just cinematic experience,qte, or they focus too much on story,graphics and don't give a fuck about gameplay or art style, also gaming jurnalist are fucking faggots without spine, they cry about everything, maybe they eat too much soy or something and they become women, also what piss me off the most is politics in fucking video games, for example the new colossus.

im assuming it was comparing ai

You haven't even played the new God of War yet you fuck. Stop bitching

user i got some bad news for you. it all went downhill with the ps2/xbox/cube

>a literal who talking for 20 minutes about if/why modern video games suck

Hard pass, daddy-o

Will Metro Exodus suck?

Except modern gaming is actually going away from the whole "women as sex objects." What are you talking about? Japs are probably the only ones still doing fapbait and loli shit and those games aren't even part of modern mainstream gaming. Games like that are still a niche and Sup Forums are the ones that talk about that shit the most. Every typical AAA western game nowadays have women that look like men.

>Implying all games are garbage epic interactive movies.
If you only talk about AAA games, then yes, modern games suck, but you have another choices.

Business practices aside, this gen is way ahead of the last ten just from the nips figuring out HD and not focusing as much on mobile shit.

>I pretend to enjoy eating shit because Sup Forums told me that nostalgia is bad even though the quality of the gaming industry has objectively gone massively downhill over the last decade

You idiots were saying video games are "dead" way before Overwatch came out.

he also rambled incoherently about hard games for a bit

Just because I haven't many modern games in a general sense doesn't make them bad. It just means I'm not interested in the content of the games.

Good games exist now and shitty games existed back then. Why are we suddenly making a big deal out of it now?

Probably because of the volume of perceived bad games. I chalk it up to more media thanks to the internet. I'm only 28 but I'm pretty sure there have always been shitty video games.


Not really. Fucking Nintendo spewed out hundreds of terrible video games and consoles. The only difference is Sup Forums didn't exist to make a big deal out of it.

Gaming has become shitty because the internet community has become a pile of hot fucking garbage.

Internet influences everything now, whether you like it or not.

>back in the 90's companies made terrible games all of the time
>nowadays companies are still making terrible games

The internet has ruined every hobby by giving a voice to retards and not smart, educated, rich people like in the 90s.

The Internet didn't exist in its current form back then. Just imagine for one minute if Super Mario 64 was coming out in the modern era. Millions of Youtube videos ruining all of the secrets, Sup Forums shitposting about binbingwahoo machine, pcfags talking about weebshit on the PS1 and sonybros, and nostalgia tards complaining about the state of modern 3D gaming.

>I've been watching anime since about 1986 (Robotech of course)
This reads like a 90s parody of Sup Forums

It hasn't ruined anything, what are you babbling about? It's a good thing that everyone has a voice. How else do you think people called out EA all of these years? Word of mouth is one of the best ways to know what games are good and which ones aren't.

t. brainlet

90s had lower lows, but also much, much higher highs. Saying "b-but there were always bad things" is saying nothing. 90s had much more shovelware but high-profile releases remain timeless classics. Nowadays the average quality might be higher because it's harder to market truly shitty games but AAA games are trash for plebs that get forgotten in months.

>the internet hasn’t ruined anything

Yeah, just the will to live

You either made that thumbnail or your autistic
It's both

>90s had much more shovelware but high-profile releases remain timeless classics.
They're classics because they are remembered, not because of quality. Goldeneye on N64 is considered a "classic" and it sucks massive shits. Wait 20 years and the "classics" you'll hear about will be Minecraft, Call of Duty, and fucking League. The children that grew up with those games are adults now and consider those games classics. In 20 years the children that play the massively successful games now will do the same.


Cuphead, Resident Evil 7, Zelda: Breath of the wild, Gravity Rush 2, Halo wars 2, Mario Odyssey, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Neir: Automata, A hat in time, Tekken 7, Sonic Mania, Evil Within 2.

There's lots of great games that came out this year. I know you'll just take the easy Sup Forums approach and just say "ALL OF THOSE GAMES ARE BAD LUL" but the fact is there's still lots of great games coming out.

Modern games suck because you're not making your own games, faggot. If the people who complained actually made shit then we'd see some stuff like those fukken amazing Max Payne mods from back in the day or Unreal Tournament 2014 actually getting content and players, but instead you're content to sit on your ass and shovel in what's in front of you.

/vr/ recognized this a long time ago, so they're getting good shit for DOOM and Unreal Tournament '99 to this day instead of just bitching

Maybe you can just...I don't know...not take the internet seriously?

Games are remembered for being good games. No one will remember games like Uncharted as anything but an "Oh yeah, they existed" footnote in another couple decades, because they're just replicating the experience of watching a movie. People remember games like Super Mario Bros. because of the gameplay, not because they told a story you absorb once or twice or looked pretty at the time. Games that actually push gameplay forward are remembered, not ones that stagnate and focus on superfluous surface-level details like visuals and story. What you actually do with the game is much more important than what the game is or what its premise might be.

the most retarded argument ITT

video game journalists don't own shit, if anything it's the opposite, journalists want to praise video games excessively because publishers can threaten to restrict access to shit like interviews, previews, footage, advertisements, etc. if they're too critical

if you weren't a newfag retard you would know this, people on here were discussing this shit around the time the mountain dewritos thing happened

>Games are remembered for being good games

No, they're remembered because you grew up with them. If you grew up with Uncharted then you would pretend that's the best game ever made.

>Evil Within 2
What was good about these? Yet more story-driven visual wankfests. Stop fellating games that try to tell stories first and be games second, this constant push for movie-like storytelling and photo-realistic visuals is why AAA has spiraled out of control and games have to be made for and sold to the lowest-common-denominator.

I literally called out that argument and you IMMEDIATELY went for it. God you people are sheep.

Horizon is objectively shit you numale

Both suck you dingus

Meme cuck numale objectively cuckold games! yaaay!

>HURR its just nostalgia!1!
Not an argument.

I didn't grow up with Super Mario Bros., and it stood the test of time because its a good game. It became popular and successful because it was a good game. In another two or three decades, people will not look back on Call of Duty like they do Super Mario Bros., it was not innovative or genre-defining, it was simply a popular game.

>PROTIP: This doesn't mean I'm making the argument that the only criteria for a game being good is notoriety and success, or that all games that are popular and successful are good because they are popular and successful.

I came here for GOOOOOOODS and was disappointed.


Yeah no. There's plenty of "classics" that get remembered and they are awful. Everyone and their mother that talks about Metal Gear Solid 2 always rambles on about its story. Every single "classic" JRPG is always remembered because of their story or characters, unless you actually think the re-hashed turn based gameplay is the reason they are remembered. And that was back when JRPGs over-saturated the market to hell. Everyone remembered Battletoads because of the "epic" difficulty, just like how people will remember Dark Souls for its "epic" difficulty in 20 years. Remember Baldur's Gate and Planescape? Tell me those aren't interactive storybooks because it sure isn't for their typical CRPG DnD gameplay that people remember them.

>I'll just cherrypick the best examples of old games and then cherrypick the worst examples of newer games to suit my narrative. When anyone shows me examples of good modern games then I will just cover my ears, scream loudly, and pretend they don't exist. I'm TOTALLY not a cynic though guys! :)

ITT: millennials pretending that they grew up in the 80's - 90's.

There are still some modern games that I can get behind, but for the majority they are pretty bland and boring
Because video games have become such a successful medium over time, businesses and companies mostly care about making profits and increasing their stats to be continuously progressing, like a proper business should
But this hurts the actual games they create as they try to just get the games out there to make them more profits
They decide to expand their employee counts to make more games more quickly and try to be more inclusive with people who work on games that don't have much talent, have bad ideas, and or try to do as minimum as is required of them to work for making a game, like a student being fine with an average score instead of going above and beyond their best to to truly make something they can be proud of
What it ultimately comes down to is with game companies, they have now a different thinking process
Before the thought processes were "Is this fun?", "Will the player like this?", "How can I make this better?" and we get fantastic games that had effort and care put into them for the sake of the consumers
Now the mindset they have is "Yeah this is good enough", "My work is done here, nothing else to do" and the consumers wind up with a mediocre, boring game which is only to meet a deadline

tl;dr Fun in game making is dead except for big name developers, its just another medium to take advantage of for profits and shit all over now


>HURR DURR I literally called out that argument and you IMMEDIATELY went for it


Two out of thirteen games is all of them? No one is allowed to disagree that ANY of the games you listed were bad?

Again, stop supporting and fellating story-driven games with photo-realistic visuals. They are precisely what has caused the massive budget bloat we've seen and the influx of desire for alternative sources of revenue (like, you know, lootcrates) to make up for the stupidly high investments needed to keep making photo-realistic story-games with full celebrity voice acting and motion-capture.

Games are also dumbed-down for the mass-audience because they need to be accessible enough to sell millions and millions of copies, something too hard or obtuse for your average no-gamer won't sell the number of copies necessary to cover its bloated budget.

EA fed us some bullshit about people not wanting linear, story-driven games anymore, the truth is they're too fucking expensive to make. Now that they're what the general public associates with games and wants to buy, that's all publishers can sustain themselves on. they've turned themselves into the equivalent of Hollywood blockbuster film studios.

>ITT: millennials pretending that they grew up in the 80's - 90's.
That's literally what a millennial is, though

>Fun in game making is dead except for big name developers
shit meant to say dead for big name devs

>I don't like your argument so I'll dismiss it with buzzwords :3

>No one is allowed to disagree that ANY of the games you listed were bad?

Yes actually. If we're just going to spout the "OBJECTIVITY" meme then yes, those games are objectively good.

>Do Modern Westacuck Games STILL SUCK?

This but series where the fuck did all these numales come from?

Modern games suck because the Ps2 swelled the industry to a stupidly enormous size and introduced a bunch of casuals who will buy anything. Wow so hard, what a mystery, saved you guys a bunch of shitty speculation. The industry numbers tell the story you fat faggots

hahaha holy shit. Nobody here really knows what they're talking about, do they? I'm just surrounded by morons.

Jesus fucking christ, you are a walking parody.

>Video games went to shit because they're POPULAR!

>that intro

Someone post that comic that shows what happens when multiple new people are introduced to a hobby. This Ps2 kiddie clearly hasn't seen it

>All those old games are SHIT anyway!
Pot, kettle, etc.

Oh goody, a parrot argument. I'm glad no one here can think for themselves.

I didn't use the word objective a single time, you simpering shitwit.

Horizon is absolutely not a story focused game. There are zero qtes or set piece moments. you can skip all dialogue and cutscenes. The core gameplay has flaws to be sure but it's very much the focus of the game.

nigga has the body of a ten year old boy what the fuckl


>I can't argue against your clear, well thought-out points, so I'll act condescending and pretend to be intelligent

He does make some interesting arguments, like how hype culture is inevitably leading to game devs becoming lazier. Look at Nintendo. Everyone praises them like the second coming, and their fans will even defend microtransactions and paying for online because they're all idiots who think that being lubed up before getting penetrated from behind is a better alternative than foregoing the lube, as opposed to just not going through that in the first place. But because they've built up their company as a god and a savior, nothing they do can ever be wrong.

What we need is more people critical of the companies who make content. For example, we need more people to get on Steam and Gog's cases to give us higher quality. Steam needs to up their customer support game, GOG needs to better their library, Valve seriously needs to hire more people for game updates, Blizzard needs to stop being such crybabies when it comes to "muh toxic community". When you bend over and let companies do as they please, you lower the standards of the industry and screw everyone over in one fell swoop.