This is DANTE say something NICE about him

this is DANTE say something NICE about him

Other urls found in this thread:


DMC was a fun game

Yeah, I like his asian redesign too

I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit

>recently remembered that Sup Forums flipped shit over the whole "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS" scene
>realize that it was just a jab at Dante having white hair later, and not the developers making fun of the original series

People tried way too far to hate the remake.

he can eat a lot of soy

His girl was cute.

Reminder that if DMC5 rumor doesn't happening, that mean we probably going to see a sequel of him.

Been saying it since day one. It was a stupid line to hang up on.

Especially with shit like "menningitis is a human affliction" which will never not infuriate me

He's hotter than the old Dante.

Que te jodan

But your post seems to imply that it isn't shit and worth hating user.

His brother has a big dick.


Inspirational modern day hero

It's not. It's a solid little brawler with an interesting art style and literally the only reason anyone disliked it was because it was supposed to be a Devil May Cry game.

If it had been called "Prom Date" and starred two guys named some shit like Derek and Angelo it would have been a cult classic and Sup Forums would have been unironically spamming "you're dumped" memes for 5 yesrs.

for you


He's hot and I want him to fuck my boipussi

I thought his game was fun. I thought he looked cool in the white hair costume.

Don't act like that scene wasn't an intentional jab at the previous games and by extension their entire fanbase. It was not subtle at all and there was no grace to it whatsoever.

>literally the only reason anyone disliked it was because it was supposed to be a Devil May Cry game

That is a 100% valid reason to condemn the game, user. Let's skip the fact that it had gameplay flaws a plenty, the fact that it was named DMC and didn't respect the DMC franchise is by itself a perfectly valid reason to throw it in the garbage. If you're an installment of a pre-established franchise, you have a responsibility to honor that franchise and fulfill the expectations put on your shoulders. Failure to do so means you're shit.

examples of those gameplay flaws? how exactly did it disrespect the franchise?

He was a shit character but the game overall pretty good.


sage goes in all fields

They added it exactly because everyone was already buttblasted at the redesign.
The fact that it exposed Sup Forums and the DMC community as utterly incapable of handling bants makes it priceless

Your MvCi skin outclasses the original skin.

I had fun with DmC and I enjoyed Definitive Edition Turbo Hardcore Must Style mode more than DMC4

Just 2-3 more days until the real Dante returns. can't wait

>the real Dante
it's the same fucking character

I don't think investors and employees give a shit how much of a smug cunt you are.


DmC + Definitive Edition did completely fine for a DMC game because they all sell like shit

You can button mash to SSS or find all the collectibles for an automatic SSS. No thought required.
They don't even give SSS a good name. 4's grade progression from Stylish to Smoking Style to Smokin' Sick Style brings me great joy. Some edgemaster hissing ou 'Sensational' doesn't have the same impact.
Critics praised DmC's 'level design' but they obviously think level design means 'pretty skyboxes'.

How does this impact gameplay?

>Turned a fun loving character with intentionally hammy bits into a trying too hard dill hole who does legitimately edgy shit like punch bouncers and mock even villains about their dead babies.
>Color coded enemies that hardlocked the varied combat
>Color coded weapons that removed a ton of the precision and difficulty needed to be great at the game
>Automatic air and swap cancels means literally anyone can break the game.
>Shitty grapple weapon is important to the game when it's just a more boring version of an older character (Nero)
>Scoring was extremely haphazard, making pure damage and not getting hit matter over being actually fast and fancy. Going against the series' blockbuster thriller edge entirely.
>Overpowered instant dodge.
>Underpowered lethargic alternate dodge.
>Story is reduced to a They Live ripoff wtih scene kids being the resistence and "boring rich white man" being the fucking devil.

who actually cares about the scores? and you can button mash your way through any DMC game

>1-3 million is selling like shit
You're just exposing your amounts to nothing but the most plebian of shit.

Dante and the DMC series has always been over the top and full of edge, that's the point

>Who cares about scores in a game where style is the substance.

>Zero examples

It's not satisfying to play if you win that easily.


with the context of that powerpoint slide mocking dmc4's gay cowboy dante it was hard to see it as anything but

and it's so early in the game relative to the full white hair scene, and the devil trigger's final "recolor back to dmc3" design being revealed later still, i still feel like it was just them realizing whoops people unironically like the old shit and it's time to damage control

That's cheese, not edge.

getting a high combo score has never been required to win. sure it's fun to do flashy combos, so do them and have fun, you don't need the game to congratulate you

It's almost like Dante was different when he was younger and matured more into the cheesy guy

>game rewards you for doing the most damage and winning in the most efficient way possible
>not for spamming ineffective moves like a spaz

I liked his game.

Or maybe it's because they wanted to do an origin story? And the whole cussing thing always made me laugh. Like these are demons that regularly kill people, but cussing is too much? Like do you expect demons to around talking in posh English accents using fancy words?

Soy tu chista para el baile tu saco de mierda

> If it had been called "Prom Date" and starred two guys named some shit like Derek and Angelo

you're not even wrong

i love DMC to death and honestly DmC wasn't THAT bad. the biggest problem it had was the irony in tameem and gaman journos acting smug about DMC having bad writing when DmC was a non-stop embarassment-fest. at least DMC is supposed to be camp and wacky because it's all really just a vehicle for the gameplay, DmC was the "smart mature gamer" darling and boy was it ever a fucking joke in that regard. after all was said and done though it played ok enough, especially after it was re-balanced and the colour coded enemies got scrubbed. it ain't bayonetta but it's above par for western hack-and-slash games


Definitive Edition is fantastic and fixes the only legitimate flaws the original release had, which were 30fps and no proper lock on.

Not in a million years.

But the game was designed around 30FPS not 60FPS, so it's not like the Definitive Editions bump to 60 matters.



There are long stretches of time where I forget Donte is an insult and not your actual name

At the beginning we called him DINO

I unironically think Donte is sexier than Dante and wont be buying DMC5.


There's some good SFM porn of him being impaled by a big cock.