what games feature food mechanics?
What games feature food mechanics?
Check these 3 numbers that add up to 7.
Vanillaware games
cooking mama
Is this the result of ElfxOrc breeding?
No, it's the end result of an elf discovering French Fries.
It's the result of potato.
>character gains weight
>it's actually pretty well done and attractive
>though they never get any bigger besides merely chubby
Elf-san would be top tier in my book if that happened
Final Fantasy XV
The World Ends With You has food you can feed your characters. It takes time to fully consume/digest it, and once it's complete it improves your stats or confers other benefits.
God this manga and it's art is disgusting. The only people who like it are fucking feeders
This is what shit taste looks like
>hating Methonium
That game Zwei2 has food that gives your characters experience for eating it. If you buy the magic scale than your girl actually gets fatter as she eats.
Curry Saga for the vita is literally a baby game for babies, it comes with a bib and plastic fork, but it's a super cute mystery dungeon style game with a great soundtrack and a lot of cute skits to unlock. Ironically, because of the RNG, making curry in that game is next to impossible because you need the right rice and ingredients and having them both spawn is like having the planets align.
Methonium is a god and I won't let you besmirch his name
Monster Hunter.
>Feeders and inflation fags
>check it out it's a fat elf that tries to get fit but SHE CAN'T
>so she stays fucking fat and we get to keep seeing her "sexy" body and that of all the other fat bitches
Woooow how amazing and interesting too
One Way Heroics+ is a roguelike with some simple food mechanics.
One hilarious thing is that food rots, one stage is the regular rotten food. If it manages to rot past that stage, it becomes an unholy throwing weapon. Extremely rare for that to happen though.
>potato deedlit is the main instead of dark elf
Fuck japanese editors. They have the worst taste in everything.
Oh, I remember reading about Baiten Kaitos in a magazine and thinking that was such a cool idea. You can eat bamboo shoots but they mature into bamboo spears. Other foods just rot but then they become damage items.
Dark Elf is too responsible to base a story of hijinks around.
Oga best girl.
Dragon's Crown
No she isn't. That's why she can't fit in her costume and her legs hurt.
It's the multiplayer expansion.
Oh. I'm retarded.
Leon, go back to AH >:| before I hug you to death
Thank you for saving me the search.
The Ultima series from 1-7 had food mechanics were u need food for every party members or else u will starve to die.
Btw, FUCK GREMLINS! These bastards are nightmares when low on food and stuck in a dungeon, and seeing them taking ur food till you starve to death! >:(
so whats the deal, is the translation group dead or is the manga dead? we haven't had a new chapter in a while
>ywn make Oga a mom
>left to right
Pig a best.
Most MMOs tend to feature food mechanics, though they vary wildly in terms of depth and quality.