Xbox WONe


1 week to go

I wonder if Microsoft is desperately pumping money into the Xbox brand for these exclusives. They aren't releasing their sales figures for a reason, after all.

What game is this?

Why are we left out sonybros?

his thread was brought to you by microsoft

Xbox has to have at least one exclusive before it dies

>getting excited about an alpha release game plagued with issues
>getting excited about an alpha release game where the devs are more focused on cosmetics then fixing the game

If it weren’t for cancer streamers this stupid piece of shit game wouldn’t have even lifted off the ground.

Don't feel too bad, PUBG is an unoptimized peace of trash, can someone post the benchmark on One? I want to have a laugh.

>tfw you bought a bloodborne machine

30fps with drops

>tfw all the people who talk shit about pubg are butthurt sonybros

>Destiny 2 native 4k on Xbox One X

patch just dropped today

It's not a good game though, there's a reason you only have one life and can't watch other players after you die, they don't want you to notice the flaws of the game so quickly.

They’ve already confirmed it can’t do more then 30fps on the xbone x. I can’t imagine what the normal one fps rate. More likely 15fps

Lol it's got no hope.

I still get drops to 30-50fps as well and I have a. 1080 oc ffs

How so
Nobody knew pubg was coming to Xbox when it started becoming popular and tons of people shit on it during that time

>playing shooters at 30fps

Post speccy or computer with timestamp

This. It’s not even optimized on the first platform it was designed on. Can’t imagine the shitshow it will be on xbone.

>Have a PC
Wow OP enjoy your cinematic gaming experience

>this is what sonyfags think

>Destiny 2

Yep I sure do love medium settings 30fps with drops "4k"

It's probably going to be like ARK, 20fps at sub-720p on a regular Xbox One, 1080pish at 30fps on One X.

same xbot starting another console war shitposting thread

Xfags hypes up a pc game everyone is already playing

I'm ga

>Have a ps4
>Wow OP enjoy your cinematic gaming experience

Just like all the Xbox one """exclusives""" at E3, right?

>Xbox has to have at least one exclusive before it dies
It did, it got its one exclusive in 2014 and then it died.

So, bout the same as bloodborne?

>all the salt in this thread

>Having such a low intelligence quota that you completely misinterpret a post

>having an even lower one and misinterpreting MY post
o i am laffin

>Have an IQ that is below zero
Here's an image of you

Here is you, Reddit boy

>tfw the xbox version is better simply because Chinese players are gated from playing on NA xbox live and the hack users will be permanently banned.

battle eye fucking sucks on pc and Chinese players are cancer.