Can we stop with the meme that the Sonic Adventure series was good? Can we stop saying they're the best example of Sonic in 3D? Can we just stop this shit?
Can we stop with the meme that the Sonic Adventure series was good...
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adventure 1 has the best sonic gameplay in 3D, literally prove me wrong
Can we all just agree that Chaos was the absolute pinnacle of Sonic antagonist?
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are not only the best 3D sonic games. They’re also the best sonic games period.
>what is literally any Sonic game released before 1996
It's just one crazy adventure fag spamming all sonic threads.
Does sonic work in 3d?
Does Sonic work at all?
Adventure 1 was good.
Adventure 2 was not.
SA1 and 2 are terrible, but SA1 is still the best 3D Sonic game.
A piece of shit. Equivalent Mario games blow Sonic the fuck out.
Unleashed was the best 3D Sonic
I agree.
>tfw you first realize the reason you can't go super in Sonic 1 is because no one knew there was a 7th emerald yet
>tfw you first realize the reason the first six stages of sonic 3 (barring the mountainous marble zone) have water is because angel island was crashed into the ocean
SA2 is amazingly good though.
boost games aren't 3d at all imo
adventure 2 was the last proper 3d sonic
Sonic 3D was always a mistake. I think the only people who think they're good are those who grew up with them.
It's a stupid idea from the start, most of the gameplay becomes a copy of Mario 64 and the only sections that are actually "fast" are on rails and almost entirely non-interactive.
The games aren't great but they're better than all the recent boost games. Who in the right mind would think that literally just making a "go fast" button would make a sonic game better rather than worse? Its all about gaining momentum in a satisfying way. Boost formula made the gameplay so flat they feel the need to inject ungodly amounts of fanservice and gimmicks. The levels are all just straight lines and they don't even do the 2D sections right. I would literally rather play a SA2 Knuckles level than play forces.
>the reason special stages exist is from the Chaos Emeralds fucking with space/time wherever they're located
>most of the gameplay becomes a copy of Mario 64
Not to say that Sonic Adventure is good or bad objectively, I have my pros and cons about both games, but how is anything Sonic does with its fairly straightforward platforming comparable to the much more exploratory SM64 with a larger variety of inherent tricks and jumps in comparison?
>most of the gameplay becomes a copy of Mario 64
are you high on angel dust
i never said it was good
but i still have fun just fucking around in sonic and tails' levels
I actually crack a smile when I see shit like this.
Forces is still fucking terrible though.
Okay, fair enough. What I meant is that clearly Adventures was developed at a time where Sega felt they had to go for the 3D game like Mario 64. A 2D game would've felt dated. So they hamfisted Sonic into a 3D world even though it didn't make sense gameplay-wise. As a result you end up with slow and imprecise platforming, tons of minigames and the only sequences that look like a Sonic game are on autopilot.
>most of the gameplay becomes a copy of Mario 64
Nah, I've got a friend who didn't play Sonic until his 20s. He actually said SA2 was one of his favorites. I think they're good, if flawed games with some rough edges, but I think they get a noticeably bad rap these days due to being automatically negatively compared to what's typically considered 20 year old nostalgic "masterpieces", when they're obviously just trying to do their own take on concepts. Their current reception feels honestly forced by the failure of later games like shadow and 06 rather than inherent to their own merits.
i don't think any game but SA2's ever given me a multiplayer experience of grinding rails in space racing a friend and fucking with time powers. then stopping that to go and play tamogatchi on crack within the same game
they have their niche i'm not sure any other game's gonna fill anytime soon
That doesn't really describe SA1 or 2 at all. Their platforming is the easiest to control and most satisfying of any 3d sonic title including colors and generations. Additionally, the auto-run stuff is actually at a minimum in stuff like SA1, particularly in cases like Red Mountain and Speed Highway which are both really good applications of the 2d sonic concepts in 3d.
You're right to say that they have rough areas, like Sonic's Lost World in SA1 being noticeably clunky in parts due to experimenting with how sonic should play, and Sky Deck being ass, but the core platforming isn't what hurts the Adventure titles. It's a lack of refinement in things not inherent to the core sonic (and sonic-like platforming of something like tails). Notably, the treasure hunting strangely has opposite issues in SA1 and SA2 which could be fused into a great exploration-styled experience if the radar system of 1 and the larger stage design of 2 was mixed, and the mech shooting is limited by the fact that it's designed for a system with 1 analog stick. And yet, you still can see signs of what they COULD be if taken a step further and truly polished in cases like Pumpkin Hill and Cosmic Wall which are genuinely great respectively.
The first SA is really comfy.
It has my favorite OST of any Sonic game, but is a mess as a game.
Either you like the arcadey pinball mechanics of the 2D Sonics or you don't. I'm not a fan.
ye, sonic 3D blast is the blue blur's best outing into the polygonal realm.
It definitely lacks polish in a lot of spots. Sonic should have been the only playable character. No one was asking to go fishing as Big the Cat.
it doesn't count as a 3D sonic, but i'd truthfully rather play 3D Blast over most 3D sonic games.
Can we all just admit it was kino yet? The last good 3D Sonic game before they made nu male, western game critic approved Spongebob Sonic?
>He didn't enjoy the chao garden
Please Sega, just give me one fully developed standalone chao garden game.
What about the 3D parts of Generations?
i don't trust that guy after he said he not only prefers SM64DS over the original, but also prefers Sunshine over SM64
I will never use Sup Forums's garbage memes as a positive term for anything, no.
kill yourself. spindash-jump in adventure 1/2 feels as good or even better than mario oddyssey's cappy dive shit for long air distance travel.
This looks like shit user
They're not good, but they are the best example of Sonic in 3D. Fuck off boostfag.
>someone took the time to make that image
The Sonic fanbase pretty much deserves all the shit they get desu.
Adventure is alright not great.
Utopia is the best example of 3d sonic.
Sure. You ever play Marble Blast Ultra? or Utopia?
Theyre the best user. Get used to it.
>No one was asking to go fishing as Big the Cat
he's literally a tech demo
Reading this thread has me shaking with anger. You're all fucking piece of shit idiots that honestly need to get decked in the face until you finally think properly. I'm 1000% convinced that the only people who don't like "edgy" Sonikku are out-of-touch, old, ugly, fat, balding, black(?), 40 year old neckbearded virgins. Only chads can truly understand the meaning of the 3D Sonic games from 1998-2009. Only chads can truly appreciate for what these games have to offer in terms of graphics, music, story, level design and gameplay. Only chads realize that the games onward from 2010 are pieces of shit, and that the Classics are overrated mediocre trash. Suck my fucking dick all of you. I physically want to hurt you fucking idiots. I want to bully you into submission. I want to beat the fucking shit out of you senseless. Fucking old out-of-touch nigger bastards trying to act objective after forming some sort of high ground they've made for themselves. Give me a fucking break you retards. The fact that there's alot of you too means that stupidity is fucking rampant on the internet. I'm smarter and better looking than all of you. I'm better than you idiots in every single way. I'm a god-like being compared to you retards. Eat the corn off of my shit you retarded idiots.
They were good. And they are the best example of Sonic in 3D.
The problem is that sequels never worked out the kinks and improved the formula.
It would be like if the Super Mario Bros series stopped at 2. Just cold stopped at 2. You'd have the game where you can't even move left, because the screen doesn't scroll left. And you'd have the sequel that plays nothing like the original. And then a decade and a half later, people tell you that Mario was never good. You know in your mind how Mario Bros SHOULD work. Mentally, you can imagine Mario 3 and Mario World. But they don't exist, so you can't get other people to see what you see. But the potential is there. It's always been there for the taking. No one takes on the task though. No one makes the Adventure formula what it should be.
Even if it's pasta this is your average 3d sonic fan.
>No one takes on the task though. No one makes the Adventure formula what it should be.
Let me introduce you to a little project called
Agreed. I laugh out loud whenever someone actually mentions that Sonic Adventure was good.
The first good sonic game since 3&K was Mania.
He doesn't have a job. So no.
A little project where everything is scaled to a massive size, almost no demonstration of pinball physics, and Sonic spends all the time in the air?
Yeah, it's neat. Promising even. But needs to be reigned in.
Is the T-1000 the best Terminator antagonist?
Even if the lead dev is lying when he says the levels are going to be much tighter and linear, it would still be hundreds of times better than SA2 and company. The collision actually works, for one. And there's no automation.
The first 3D Sonic game I played after Heroes was Colors, I was absolutely appalled with the physics and controls. For some reason boostfags want more of that garbage.
tfw Sonichu is more popular and important than sonic these days
No Sonic should not have been the only playable character, everyone else should have just been offshoots of his gameplay with their own gimmicks.
Nothing was wrong with the way Tails or Knuckles played.
lol no sense of momentum. So fidgety.
Not to imply that they are anything significantly good at all or that 3D Sonic is even great, but the Adventure games are probably the best 3D Sonic games
Not just that, but also six goddam revisions
At least they tried to be 3D games.