
How come the vast majority of games made for the Nintendo Switch are designed for children when the vast majority of Switch owners are full grown men.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?

shit thread

The cognitive dissonance is real

89% male is pretty shocking. I wonder if that's a normal rate for early adopters or if there's something about the Switch lineup so far that isn't attracting females.

How much of those 86% males are virgins I wonder?

>3% N/A

Vidya demographics that actually fucking matter as far as real videogames go are heavily skewed towards males, more news at 11.

Pretty standard.
50% girl gamers is a sad political push

>email survery targeted persons who had nintendo account
yes, kids sure do read emails and answer surveys, let alone have a nintendo account


Do people honestly think this is accurate? We've all read the small print at the bottom right?

Women only play mobile games. 90/10 is way more realistic for actual gaming.

11% is actually a large percentage for a console. Women usually only play shitty mobile games. The "50% female gamers" is simply scummy people counting mobile gaming with console and handheld gaming.

Who benefits from this narrative that 50% of people who play vidya are girls though? Publishers won't sell more games to a "girl gamer" audience if that audience doesn't even exist.

Do you really think people who look for bright colored bars are bright enough to read?

>male gamers create such a toxic environment that female gamers don't dare to buy a Nintendo Switch

What a disgrace! The government should make it mandatory that at least 50% of all consoles are sold to women and if need be subsidize women who can't afford to pay for the console themselves since they only make 70 cents on the dollar.

is she kill?

She probably wishes that she is.

i think its the lack of games. when pokemon and Animal Crossing come to switch i think it will get more girls into it. Most girls like the 3ds for those games and some like fantasy life.

basically just means unspecified

Feminists benefit because they can use it as an excuse to get developers to pander to them, as they speak on behalf of all women

>Question: What is the age and gender of the person in your household who had the strongest desire to purchase Nintendo Switch?

Bet you feel real stupid now, don't you?

manchildren will buy it regardless of what they make because it's nintendo. Nintendo makes games for kids because they need to attract the next generation of autists to keep the cycle going.

Jesus, what a sausage fest, no wonder we see so many rabid fans defending the poor character designs in Xenoblade 2

If this isn't pointless falseflagger shitposting then you are a a double faggot, if not you're just a regular faggot that I hate.

It's a better estimate than anything else anyone has. A representative survey doesn't mean getting literally everyone to reply. CI is a thing.

When you work all day the last thing you want out of a made-up world is gritty realism.

I can confirm it is truth, at least in my country.
I have the biggest nintendo switch facebook group in my cunt with 8313 members and counting.

Consider the fact that the survey used isn't a good representation of the actual data. 12 and under probably don't know how to use e-mails.

90/10 is realistic for nintentoddler consoles maybe
for PC it's more 99/1

Ever thought that if adults buy them much more than children, then maybe they're not designed for children?

Okay, but won't most devs who've been in the business for any meaningful amount of time realize that those statistics are horseshit? I mean, shit - Fucking /v-tards can figure out these statistics aren't accurate as far as console titles go, you really think people who have been in the business for decades are incapable of looking at these numbers and put two and two together?

and obviously this will be ignored because it does not go with the shitposter, AKA sonyggger narrative.

no one is saying this

Did you even bother to read the question they asked in the e-mail? The children usually have a parent e-mail registered.

Parents play video games now
'Adults' make $300 purchases

Wii U was 95% IIRC

You probably hear gaming journalists/feminists saying that half of all gamers are women. That's extremely misleading because it factors in mobile games and Facebook games. When it comes to consoles and PCs, it is usually 90/10 M:F.

its fun



Children tend not to have 300$ laying around to buy consoles so their parents tend to be the ones to buy them. They also tend to not have e-mail addresses as they're children.

you can't read, can you

I can. A child has no desire to purchase a switch, they just want to play it. The parent has the desire to purchase the switch for their child.

Woman don't really play console gaming like men.

Go to any video game shop, the little black and arab kid are all around the PS4 low price deal, while you find 20-35 something checking out nintendo games.

ok so you're a retard
>I'm a father
>I have a son
>I bought a Switch because he wanted it
>"hmm, yeah but my son didn't want to buy it, he just wanted to have it, so I'll respond saying that I was the one who wanted to buy it"


It doesn't mean you won't see girls playing games (my GF has a PC and is getting a Switch), but they only hit around 50% when taking into account phone games.

Nigger, read the fine print at the bottom of the image. Damn sonegroes are dense.

By that logic, MLP is a mature, adult show for men

>Muh gamer card!
FUck off with that gatekeeper mentality. Facebook and mobile games are games too.

Then why do so many companies pander anyway?

Do children not like it?

Virtue signalling is supposed to get you points from all demographics, and it means that there's presumably a lot of space in the female demo to pick up new consumers

That's pretty much literally what feminists say about gaming.

Women will come when Animal Crossing and Pokemon are out.

Hasn't been working, has it?

Because actual children look down on mario and want to play "adult" games like call of duty.

I think it's mainly down to early adopters. The same document that this survey data comes from also says that they're seeing an increase in intent to purchase from wider demographics. A lot of those customers are probably going to be buying the Switch during the holiday season, so there may be a shift in the statistics by the next time we see them.

Micro-Transaction Skinner Box ≠ Game

Why would I suddenly stop liking their IPs just because I got older? 30-somethings ate Nintendo cereal for god's sake. It was different back then.

>the e-mail survey was sent to roughly 600,000 persons
>the response rate was about 11%

Why do adults reply to surveys more often then children?

Is this why Bayonetta flopped? Because Nintendies aren't WOKE to realize playing female is the end game?

>Who benefits from this narrative that 50% of people who play vidya are girls though?
I honestly have no idea. Probably no one.

>Feminists benefit because they can use it as an excuse to get developers to pander to them
That's counter productive though. With a sub 10% market share, developers would see a female market as a way to expand.
With an already supposed 50% market share, there'd be no need to pander. Then you'd just go with the tried and true because you've already got the demographic supposedly. So why pander?

>How come the vast majority of games made for the Nintendo Switch are designed for children
Not sure why so many people don't understand this, but Nintendo doesn't make games for kids, they make games for everyone.
Just because the games don't involve things that make them unsuitable for children doesn't mean adults can't enjoy them as well.

Nintendo has always tried to make games that everyone can enjoy, thats why they rely so much on pantomime and body language instead of spoken dialogue, that way even language is hardly a barrier.

They're more likely to buy handhelds, I imagine. Something that'll fit in their purse.

Which vast majority? You have zelda, mario, splatoon and arms that could be considered kid games? The rest seems to be sport games and the occasional indie game that's not targeted at kids. So yeah the system sellers may be called games for children, but that's about it. And what do you expect like many have stated. You can call it manchildren or retardation of the youth. My son used to only play batman, battlefield, assassins creed and gta when he got into his teens. But now he plays pretty much every game possible. I don't know why but children love playing "adult games" while adults love to play what's most fun.

children dont have money

>How come the vast majority of games made for the Nintendo Switch are designed for children when the vast majority of Switch owners are full grown men.
These particular group of men consume an extensive amount of soy

Why do games have to be full of adult themes in order to be good? Mario and Zelda aren't very "mature" in the sense that there isn't any gore and there's little or no sex appeal, but they're still difficult to master and fun fleshed out games.

Also think about all of the adults who have kids and want to play games. They can bust out Resident Evil 7 when little Timmy is asleep but what about the other 80% of the time? They're making games that are fun to play as adults and fine to watch as a kid.