Perfect action games don't exi-
Perfect action games don't exi-
The updated version is even better, but I definitely agree that DMC4 is the best action game ever made.
nu-Dante > Nero. What a boring cuck.
this. nero is kinda shit
Nero is actually fun though. Donte feels like they mixed parts of Dante and parts of Nero without the oomph that made those character feel fun to play.
too bad DMC4 is not a finished game
Dices happen like two or three times in the whole campaign anyway, and it's not like Kamiya is a saint when it comes to bad design choices in character action games. But yeah, Bayonetta is still the best
> Dices happen like two or three times in the whole campaign anyway
I never found Nero fun to play really and was very happy when his segment was over. Dante was a blast to play in DMC 4 though.
Question for everyone that played the SE on PS4/Xbox One: Gameplay-wise, Lady or Trish?
And why is it Lady?
>on PS4/Xbox One
Is there a reason you excluded PC? Also yeah I too really enjoyed Lady. It was a nice mixup of playstyles and an insight into how DMC would function if guns actually did damage. Trish was fun too but very limited and felt "automated" or "scripted" in a lot of things you did with her.
Bayonetta shits on DMC4.
At least the dice is easy to rig
Telling it like it is.
>in b4 DMCfags complain about the Witch Time as if a character action game despite it being a non-issue.
Let me fix the thread pic for you OP.
He's right retards. At least Bayo is a whole game. Meanwhile you fags are clearing Bloody Palace for the umpteenth time because that is all the content there fucking is.
>okay you did all these levels
>now do them again backwards faggot
Other than that I liked it a lot. Should probably replay it though cause I don't remember too much about it
I-in what w-way user?
Oh, no. Just forgot it was released on PC as well.
> playing with witch time
it's time to leave kiddie wheels behind
>let me just run away and do ranged attacks with no danger to myself at all
Wow this sure looks better than DMC
Yes let's not forget the one attack an hour DMC enemies do
>tfw I played Bayonetta on PS3, and still loved every second
I replayed DMC4SE last week, and honestly it's not all that impressive now. For 2008 pretty dank though.
Level design is horrible both now and then.
In The Technomancer, there's loads of enemies that attack fast as fuck. That doesn't somehow make it hard to eternally dodge around in circles
Ye u just need to buster when the number u want is up. I never got all the complaints
Are you trying to imply something?
Not that user but everything except combat
Why would you care about the level design in these games. All you need is an open environment and something at least pretty to look at. You're not playing a platformer, or a Metroidvania.
hey fuckers, suggest me a game with combat similar to dmc/bayo (combos and execution heavy)
Why would you care about the level design in these games. All you need is an open environment and something at least pretty to look at. You're not playing a platformer, or a Metroidvania.
>Level design doesn't matter guys!
How do you even argue with someone this delusional. Yeah, all we need is bloody palace, the rest of the game doesn't matter. GOAT!!
What the hell?
Why would you care about the level design in these games. All you need is an open environment and something at least pretty to look at. You're not playing a platformer, or a Metroidvania.
god of war :^)
One guy deleted his post because he quoted the wrong post
Some unfunny faggot copypasted it
I fucking hate 3 & 4fags. Ashamed to even share the same fanbase. Bayo and NGbros are cool though.
Where are the NGbros anyway?
It's fucking ludicrous to say DMC1 is better than 3 or 4. It's impossible to play it and enjoy it more. Stop it.
agreed,dmc1 level design is a million times better than 3 and 4 combined
1 is shit, and not CHRAZY at all. Only Resident Evil faggot lords and Onimusha fans like that piece of garbage.
If all you care about is raw gameplay and comboing shit into the skyline, nothing about the actual game itself like atmosphere, level design, enemy designs that are still being reused to this day and that glorious OST that isn't infected with lyrical fucking cancer, then yeah sure, it's weaker. DMC1 remains to shine brighter than the rest of the series however in every other aspect however.
>Only Resident Evil faggot lords and Onimusha fans
Guilty as charged.
yeah dmc1 is definitely better at everything except being a game
You don't get points if you play lame, there is a hidden timer that resets your points when you're too far from them.
Classic DMC4fags.
DMC3 is my favorite but I agree with your sentiment. DMC fans make me embarrassed to even like the games nowadays.
Case in point.
Nah, DMC1 is still a great action game to this day, just not in the same way that 3 evolved it. The combat is just far more direct in it's approach. It's not about being sperglords with combos, it's cheesing enemy gimmicks for quick kills.
nero is ok and he can still grow into cool character in his own right. not everyone can live the crazy Life style.
Yeah so just stay relatively close to them while still being out of harm#s way easily
Fuck you Bayofag
You can run away and do ranged attacks with no danger to yourself without staying 30 meters away you subhuman
nero took the concept of a devil arm to its logical conclusion and that's alright
It's only going to get worse bro. The series belongs to the normalfags now.
you CUHRAYYZEEEE XD nu-DMC cucks need to leave. absolute cancer
Atleast DMC is a real interactive game and not a glorified QTE simulator with cinematics everywhere
like this big budget action series that debuted on the most popular console in the world at the time wasn't normalfag territory to begin with
It's the same thing in every DMC game.
nero as a character i dont care much about. but his gameplay is simple to learn but hard to master. i prefer dmc3 dante because dmc4 requires too much finesse with the controls but he can be variably fun because of of that
DMC doesn't have a billion sword attacks that hit from safe range
Action games are supposed to be purely about the action and dante doesn't have styles in DMC1 so its shit by default
i agree 100%. i mean fuck just give me bloody palace as the whole game and i wont care, the game is fun as fuck when there is enemies, not platforming or running for long sets
The combat is the entire game for a hack n slash...
Yeah, that's why Capcom gave the IP to westerners in hopes of pulling in those GoW numbers right?
Well, the new coke succeeded. Shit was not the same around here before DmC.
Hack n Slash is a dungeons and dragons subgenre. Don't know why you'd bring it up in a thread like this.
Bayo and Dante crossoved when?
frig off grognard
Okay so hack & slash are now Diablo clones
aRPGs are now Souls clones
What are DMC clones? Character action? Fucking hate that term
>Awful platforming
>Quick Time Events
>Endless cutscenes
God Hand or bust.
The Dark Souls of Genres
the only gripe i have about bayo is that shit.
Judgement Cut.
people who don't like and are not good at a genre of games should not be allowed to name it
fucking giant bomb
>God Hand or bust
This so much
Except for the QTE's.
And the awful afterburner minigame which isn't fun at all and goes on for far too long
And the lack of a boss select or buss rush
And the platforming segments
And the puzzles
Both of which you have to pointlessly re-solve when you replay chapters
And the scoring system requiring you backtrack to arbitrary points in the map to stumble upon random slapped-on encounters
And the Lt. Surge combo which makes the game a joke
And the motorcycle minigame, which is the worst racing game I've ever played
And every single colossus boss being shallow and repetitive to fight
Ah, so this is what mental retardation looks like.
You can have great combat and still have space for other things like level design, OST, etc...
Also, Bayonetta combat is great but DMC4 had more depth into it.
So instead he made it a QTE fest
We get it, you don't like the game. No need to convince yourself about it.
No seriously, where are the fucking NGbros? This is a DMC thread and everything, and one hasn't popped in to say Black or NG2 are GOATs. Was that all one poster or what? Getting kinda dissapointed now.
I do like the game, I'm just sane enough to be able to acknowledge the game has many many flaws
No no no no. Liking a game means you have to be a complete fucking cocksucker.
>Backtracking: The Game is now the perfect action
Samefagging won't make your point any better, user.
>Ye u just need to buster when the number u want is up. I never got all the complaints
Oh fuck me I never even realized this I kept shooting it with the damn gun and got supremely lucky on rolls
single gun press counts as hitting the dice twice if memory serves.
DMC is my favorite franchise and 4 isn't even fucking close to perfect.
>half a game
>bad enemy design
>shit story
>bloody palace is so bad that most of it gets modded out
>one good boss
>had to be re-released with extra characters, some of which are just cancer to play because the game wasn't designed around them
>nero and his retarded love interest are fucking awful
Here's two (You)s for your constant shitposting efforts to split the fanbase even more every single thread, you pathetic faggot.
Let people like and dislike what they want you manchild.
>like and dislike what they
"only as long as they know what they like is dog shit and my taste is supreme" -every faggot on the internet.
Well that's you every single thread. It's not hard to tell. Are you gonna throw that "flock off" picture at me next?
Since you asked so nicely, here you go lil bitch.
2 was pretty disappointing.
>let me just stagger lock this enemy and jump cancel spam with no danger to myself at all
Have you played God Hand or The Wonderful 101. Ninja Gaiden Black and 2 might also fit.
Have you played God Hand? Or even DMC3 for that matter? Games that are focused solely on combat don't need level design. A lot of the time it just gets in the way. See: Bayonetta.
>This fucking threatened because an user happens to have differing opinions
pathetic dude.
>A lot of the time it just gets in the way. See: Bayonetta.
Which is why you just play Angel Slayer or Bloody Palace if you want to fight unendingly in games like these. There's zero reason not to have at least decent levels.