The Great Debate

XenobladeX versus Xenoblade2

Which is better?

Other urls found in this thread:

>mediocre vs mediocre

X is way better, 2 is Tales of series audience trash.

>anime game on nintendo console
try being less of a social outcast

Their both anime, just different in style.

One was a huge tech demo on wii-u for their more experimental projects. While the other was made to release to learn about the switch's hardware using an existing engine.

I just started up XC1, any tips or good-to-know info?

X had a lot more effort put into it, xenoblade 2 felt like it was made for handhelds in mind.


Left is better.

How did we go from this...

to this?

To this

Nintendo Switch handheld limitations.

why do you lie?
why do you resort on cherrypicking as argument?
is your life so empty that you NEED to tell lies on the internet to be happy?

Boycott Tales of Xeneptunia like all of v is doing.

He's not wrong though
XC2 is the equivalent of FF13

Switch is more powerful than the WiiU yet XCX looked far better. I'm enjoying XC2 but I wish I was back in XCX's world


>368p in handheld mode

Man X shits all over 2.

nigger you are fucking dumb.
The xb2 map he posted is from a building and he's compairing it to an overworld map.

post a bigger xb2 map then, you literally can't.

Left is a jrpg under iwatas eye.
Right is a jrpg under new Nintendo CEO eye

As someone who has played both, XC2 is better.

Better gameplay, better characters, better design, better nopon comedic relief, better story.

XCX is the weakest Xenoblade game.

as someone who played both, X is infintely better. xc2 was clearly rushed and downgraded to fit on a portable tablet.


X is better. But has awful horrible character models.

Seriously, what were they thinking? It's not a hardware limitation or anything it's an art style choice. What were they DOING

XC2 was rushed, yeah, but that only shows in its UI, map and not so stellar performance.

The game itself is finished and superior to X


>Made with handhelds in mind
>Hits 360p at times in handheld mode
>Looks atrocious in general in handheld mode

If anything it was made with docked mode in mind first.

>awful horrible character models

Was everyone trying to keep the REAL Best Girl to themselves?

Nah, XC2 is better. And as a bonus it has a lot of fuckable characters that actually look great.

X looks like 80s/90s mecha anime.
XC2 looks like like soulless modern animu shit

that's no where near the size of X's world. clearly they downgraded to sequel to fit switch's portable hardware. it says a lot when it game hits 368p (worse than Wii quality) and 20fps

As someone who played both X2 only has a better story. Its rushed in just about all other aspects.

X is an open world game
XC2 is a linear story-driven RPG
They're two entirely different games and you'd have to be a complete idiot to compare them directly

Feels more like it was held back by portable mode. They have to make that shit run on hardware that downlock to almost 300mhz

I actually quite liked X's character models, it was a throwback to Xenosaga's while still managing to be an improvement over them. Not to mention how unique of a style it was. I mean just look at how generic XC2 is, I literally thought it was a Tales game when I first saw screenshots of the game.

user that's only one province he posted in that pic

add two subzones, the multi-layered city, the ship and the sea of cloud when there is high tide and it zones.

It has awful characters period.
Nobody is interesting, the main character is just a husk, everyone is a potato, and Tatsu is probably the worst thing to ever be conceived.

It was never going to be as big as X considering its all travelled on foot. X was designed with flying a mech in mind

And blaming switch hardware is fucking pants on head retarded as it's stronger than the WiiU you mong

Literally the size of the area in XCX around New LA, except theres more verticality and theres fucking 7 of them.

Dont fucking cherry pick.

>portable tablet
As opposed to all of those non-portable tablets you see around.
Now go ahead and post a picture of a tablet that was mounted to a wall or a stand or whatever. Just because it was shackled down in some way doesn't mean it wasn't made to be portable.

>stronger than wii u
>368p in a game that looks like it runs on Wii

>only has btter story
what about music, characters, battle system, etc?

>XCX comes out
>Sup Forums hates it and expresses love for the previous game
>XC2 comes out
>Sup Forums hates it and expresses love for the previous game
So by the time XCX2 comes out, is everyone going to talk about how much they miss XC2?

I'm so glad the nopons in XC2 are legitimately funny.
I've unironically laughed out loud already while playing the game. They're really great, kinda like felynes in Monster Hunter.


You've said this like 7 times already. It won't make it true.

welcome to hell.
this place is a fucking shithole.
i don't know why i'm even here.

*lowers to 368p*
*framerate drops intensifies*

like any game, Sup Forums always shits on the newest instalment regardless of its quality.

Haven't played X yet, but did the world need to be that big? Is it actually filled with optional stuff to find and fight?

Nah it's just because you move so quickly once you got your mech after 500 hours

XC2's world is far more interesting and worth exploring.

You guys hated X when it came out now you suddenly love it.

You'll hate 3 when it comes out and hate 2.

It's not the Zelda cycle. It's the Nintendo cycle.

sort of. It's a great game for the sidemissions but the main story is really lacking. Worth picking up, it can actually be emualted smoothly in cemu as well now so long as you're not on AMD.

The switch is weaker than the Wii u. You have no proof showing it's stronger.

No it didn't, it was empty garbage and had horrible game structuring such as locking story progression if you aren't a high enough level.

It's a horrible game.

I loved X but Xfags ITT are retarded. Most of the world was empty. There's only a few notable moments when the size of the area is important. Other than that you're just sprinting around everywhere like a madman.

Yes seeing you've obviously spotted the trend of a franchise getting progressively worse with each iteration

mario kart 8 deluxe

IM really enjoying X2 but it's obviously been rushed.

I was so happy it was releasing so quick but since playing it I honestly wish it had been delayed until maybe the summer. Some serious performance issues. Also sidequests are scarce and shit. The map is atrocious after coming after X which probably has the best map system of any game ever and one of a handful of games that actually used the tablet well

Other than raw hardware data which shows its significantly more powerful. And that it can run unreal 4 alone shows it.

nah it's just Sup Forums being Sup Forums. Anything remotely popular or hyped gets shat on by a very vocal minority. You can even clearly see in this thread one guy memeing about resolution and framerate repeatedly.

Yep. Tons of unique quests, monsters and bosses:

oh no you saved a youtube thumbnail whatever will i do
xb2 libtard shills btfo

its just butthurt Xfags trying to convince retards that their game isnt shit

>no proof

botw runs at higher resolution with a far more stable framerate.

mk8 runs at 1080/60
it runs doom.
it runs ue4.

You might be mentally retarded. The very fact that MK8D exists and runs at 1080p 60fps permalocked is all the proof you would need.

Really it's just shitposters trying to turn a fanbase against itself.

Yeah, they're a huge step up from X.
I couldn't get myself to like anyone in X period honestly. Everyone was soulless potato faced idiots with weird overexerting dialog that doesn't fit the animations.

XC2 feels more subdued in that regard which is pretty hilariously ironic considering the style change.
And I'm not a weeb, but most of the designs are alright with me, some are fucking ridiculous like the crystal samurai girl with an assflap and the bunny monstrosity, but it gets a laugh out of me.

I liked both. X did some things better like visuals and the world but 2 did other things better like combat and story.

They're 2 different games, not direct sequels. Stop being faggots

game that can run on cemu with any toaster

there's no hardware data showing its significantly more powerful. the fact that xenoblade 2 hits 368p while xenoblade x is always 720p is all the proof you need.

Except that we know the specs. The thing is though that handheld mode is downclocked heavily and most games have to look the same in both modes except for resolution so even in docked mode games' potential are held back, they suddenly have to design a world that runs on a 350~mhz cpu

I start and stopped X like 4 times because I don't have the data packs (not enough HDD space) and so the game just RAPES the disc. Like literally tears the disc up every second you play. It's insane. The data packs are basically essential. I gotta get around finishing that game.

>You'll never explore the world for the first time again

Pyra ate too many cinnapon rolls, made her all tired and nappy!

With all the Xenoblade hype I was gonna ask how much X is on the Wii U store. Then I remembered that my Wii U only has 32 gb of memory so even if I bought it I wouldn't be able to play it. It's probably still $60 too. Fuck you Nintendo.

Remember to ignore and shame any opinion that can't name specific examples of gameplay, story, and presentation beyond common webms and the rabbit.
They are just as blatantly ignorant as VC1 fags bitching about VC2 and 3 on designs alone.

Why has Xenoblade 2 been such a magnet for shitposting? Most JRPGs pass right by, but this has been like a lightning rod for shitposting.

Is it because it's on Switch? Is it because of the anime titties? I'm genuinely confused.

Tits don't work like that.

2's combat shits all over X's. X is literally just spamming overdrive or waiting for your Skell's arts to recharge. 2 requires you to be good with party synergy, timing, and planning.

Xfags are threatened by the GOAT

>2 different games have different performance therefore this one is weaker

You're definitely retarded.

X is for true Xeno fans
2 is for fake Xeno fans

>game that can run on cemu with any toaster
still better than wii u

This, XC2 combat is far better than XCX

It only goes sub 720p on handheld mode you fucking redditor


Every good switch exclusive so far has caused a shit storm.

god dang her tits are huge


everyone pretty much agrees that 2 is inferior to X. the massive artstyle change, the downgrade of the overworld, the 368p and 20fps of the switch hardware, $60 for all this shit.

Good things she's not a fucking real person then isn't it?

It's almost like she's a physical manifestation of ether and not a human being bound by physics

40% Nintendo Hate
35% General Shitposting
20% Anti-Anime Hate
5% Fans Angry About Art Change

No we don't

>its on switch
>there was a lot of people shitposting about it getting goty and now that it turned out to be an 8/10 other shitposters act as if they're on some righteous crusade to btfo the first set

who is "this" everyone you idiot?

Why are Sony fans always so autistic?