Left: designed by an actual artist
Right: designed by a horny Japanese bastard
Left: designed by an actual artist
Does this "actual artist" even know what fucking time period Metroid is in? Does he even know the lore of where Samus's tech comes from?
I guess. It's just that the zero suit feels more convenient while wearing a giant robotic looking armor.
Why is she cosplaying a 1970s Soviet tank driver?
I thought she was supposed to be a bounty hunter in space
Isn't half the point of the Zero Suit that it goes UNDER the power suit?
I don't think there's room for all that extra gear under the power suit. It's not like she's leaving the ship without her suit of her own free will most of the time.
Is this a fallout character?
You wanna tell me how she's going to get into the powersuit all all that unnecessary armor?
>real artist
>give metal and leather shit on top of clothings supposed to come under a powerarmor
thanks god samus wasn't made by a artist, otherwise it'll be happening in the mad max universe
Nothing like some random heavy armor on my legs to help me move around.
>ACfag thread
I like Left if the Metroid armor is a giant mech. If not, how the fuck is all that gadgetry going to fit in a powersuit? Is this some sort of animorph alternate mass bullshit?
Does the real artist design generic background characters? Does the real artist have an actual job or do they work as a janitor hoping to make a break though?
>Left: Designed by an SJW and hardcore feminist
>Right: Designed by someone who understands the "sex sells" concept
>Left: designed by an actual artist
>face visible
Wow OP racist much?
Left: designed by an unemployed Tumblrina
Right: designed by a dedicated, salaried worker
How many fucking times do we have to have this shitty bait thread? We did this yesterday. And the day before that. Just fucking report and hide this shit.
There's nothing bad with neither of those designs since Samus is still hot, but if you are so enraged by the design on the right then you might just be a landwhale.
Left: Overdesigned garbage
Right: Simplistic, effective, and efficient
And that's ignoring the fact that the left destroys the purpose of the zero suit.
No I must shitpost
Are you saying horny people can't be actual artists?
No video game was ever improved by it.
Who care? Power suit samus a best.
"""artists""" unwilling to separate their political opinions from their work won't make it too far on pay roll.
Function dictates design. If you're making a game for horny teens, maybe you should show your employee the sluttiest skank you can draw. Art in a product answers to its function within the product, the product to the purpose it's being made for, never to whatever personal agenda you have.
If anyone is concerned they should go make their own game, but a self centered person only concerned about stroking themselves over their own opinions likely won't make it far pushing a product.
As much as I resent the left one and everything that it's trying to be, the original Samus Zero Suit was never great. It's just a blue catsuit with some symbols on it.
Zoom out to all of the major video game characters of the last three decades and it's not nearly as distinctive or as iconic as Mario's hat or Master Chief's helmet. The original Power Suit will always be better than the Zero suit.
I don't think anyone can disagree with me.
and i say neither of them can design half as well as some artists on Sup Forums.
>Hey guys, look at my cheap knockoff of a fallout MC!
If they put this much work into their own designs they could be pretty successful. But complaining about popular things is so much easier.
Naturally the power suit is more iconic, but that's not the point here. The zero suit is supposed to be simplistic. It's supposed to be just a body suit and serve to synchronize with the power suit and amplify Samus's natural abilities.
How can Samus turn into morph ball with all that extra gear.
It doesn't make my dick diamond hards, and I can't fap to it and it can't turn into morphball so no. Make her like but with bigger boobs, bigger ass, bigger eyes, smaller nose and flater face so I can get diamonds from her.
good concept
Zero suit is shit and has been shit since Brawl. Go back to the super undies.
this doesn't work in any way
The zero suit is rooted too deeply into the lore now.
> but that's not the point here
I was making a separate point. We're both saying the same things in our own posts, either way.
The only real difference is that you're applying "practical realism" to defend how bland the Zero Suit looks, even though some changes in colour palette like could make it look far more interesting. I'm not saying that pic is perfect but it's far, far better than the current Zero Suit and how "intentionally" bland and boring it looks.
horny japanese bastard wins again
Left only makes sense if for some dumb contrived reason she never uses her power suit
People like you are a blight on humanity.
>actual artist
Getting a degree from DeVry doesn’t make you an artist.
Is bad to want the design on the right to just at least have a holter or a belt? I understand the criticism of the design on the left though. The shoulder pads and kneepads look like literal trash, also what the fuck is the tube running up her body? A respirator? They could have easily replaced it with a cooler looking mask.
And yet like parasites, we continue to thrive.
You should say that to the artist and not a thread of strangers who already agree with you.
It absolutely isn't. It's just as rooted in the lore as her bra and panties from 2. You don't even need a reason to get rid of it either, you could just do it, there's precedent for it. Besides in Fusion she doesn't wear it and it's canonically the furthest forward Metroid chronologically.
Both are shit. If she's not in her armour then I don't give a hoot.
Zero suits supposed to be worn under the fucking power armour.
Whoever drew this is a MASSIVE RETARD
>Redesigned by Anna Fehr
haha well that makes sense
the thing on the left is actually incredibly generic. A lot of western and japanese artists for that matter think that you have to drown your character with accessories to make a good design, it's kind of the opposite.
Barbarella and all 1980s style “babes” are shit.
>People like you are a blight on humanity.
If you really think that then you're an idiot, an absolute legit cretin.
Sora could use a few more zippers
Reminder that this is the actual canon Samus, not that uguu trash.
Do you realize that it's a just a video game and nothing to get that ass blasted about.
why bother with any of that when you can be progressive and politically correct?
You sir are no friend of mine.
Retconned, soyboy. Nice reddit filename btw.
>inb4 retards say this is from Nintendo power or that it was drawn by a westerner
>Human raised by alien race to use advanced alien equipment beyond our ability to replicate
>Loosely connects pillows to legs with belts and random scrap metal distributed across her arms
I don't like the zero suit either, but come on. That shit looks awful. Samus without her suit should be dressed in something casual, not a second layer of combat armor.
is there any point to being in these threads other than to post / gather pics?
Metroid is from Fallout, right?
Does anyone who actually enjoys metroid think the zero suit was a good idea? Less armour was never a good idea. Hell give her bigger armour if you have to.
Why did they go from this superior Samus to the fat, saggy ass in OP?
This is actually pretty good minus the boots.
They stopped eating soy
If you think you're gonna get anything of substance from these threads, discussion or otherwise, you're not very smart.
>"whoa that pic is amazing"
>see stiff nipples
I generally find that ZS faggots have never played a Metroid game in their life and have only ever heard of Samus from Smash bros.
jesus christ left looks like a rejected design from RAGE
My penis enjoys it. That said, I wouldn't care if it never shows up again in any meaningful way in any future game.
50% of your post is forced meme words. Am I fitting in yet guys???
Prime 1 is peak Samus, bulky ass tanky armor but still smooth and futuristic looking, and a realistic, strong looking but still hot Samus
Samus wearing all that shit tier gear makes no sense whatsoever when she could wear something contemporary.
Even disregarding how Samus's regular equipment is already among the best in the universe.
Some standard federation gear would still shit all over the scraps she is wearing on the left.
Is that image drawn as an elaborate troll?
Not sure I agree with the tarnished old WW2 look, but I agree 100% that the zero suit "design" is complete trash.
Japan used to make all kinds of cool shit in the 80's and 90's, but now it's 90% degenerate moeblob fapbait. What the fuck happened?
it looks to me like some tumblr shit. The problem with samus is she's a tiny waifu when she's supposed to be 6'3" 200lbs. Should look more like pic related.
As someone who actually respects Samus, and not just see her as fap bait, it always sadden me when people call her ass "fat and saggy".
Don't you have any respect for her? Or do you hate her so much you have to use such degrading words about her backside?
left would not fit inside the power suit
Powersuit is literaly that, A SUIT, it made to have samus naked body inside of it, and nothing else, to conserve space and have better mobility
thats why the Zero suit looks like, so in case of malfunction she isnt fucking naked
>armor covers everything except vitals
Much more acceptable, but still a bit retarded.
Sybb fuck off and kill yourself already.
is literaly the same shit with a diferent color
HOT TAKE: Both designs are cool
Not him, fuckface. I just hate how people always hate on her ass.
Prime 2/3 is the best rendition of the Varia though. Takes all the things from Prime 1 and perfects them.
The left would be decent in an original property. It just ain't Samus though.
Left is nearly a trace of another Japanese artist work called Gunnm, though
Sybb I said fuck off and kill yourself. Do it you Swede piece of shit.
Ugh no way. Look how fucking tiny the shoulders are, the suit should have big ass bulky shoulders.
Left would be a cool design in like Dominion Tank Police or something. Not for fitting into a set of powered armor.
Ladies first
This. It's original enough that it stands on its own, but it's so far away from the source material it doesn't even count as a redesign.
Looks like he copied the design from Fallout 4.
Left: cannot fit under the Chozo designed metal exosuit
Right: skintight environmental hazard suit designed to fit under the Chozo designed metal exosuit
fuck off?
Its kinda sad so many redesigns are so intent on "fixing" the Zero Suit, instead of focusing on actual Power Armors.
That is her powersuit, weeb.
She's tall but she's never been muscular like that. Super is probably the most toned she's ever been and it doesn't come close to that.
left is a low-tech zss. She wouldn't even have her ship if she had to wear that suit
Uh actually she wears an 80s leotard under the exosuit.
If Super is her most muscular version, then why is Zero Mission Samus much bigger?
If Metroid were practical the suit would be empty.
She isn't. She's a waifish supermodel compared to Super and if you have eyes you works obviously see this.
did the artist on the right also do parasite in city?