Japanese indie PC exclusives are super interesting

Japanese indie PC exclusives are super interesting.
Do you agree?


>Unity shop assets

interesting, but where is the rape?

Did they finish this? I think I have the demo.

w-what happens if they catch you

>ask for Dark Souls for Christmas
>get this

th-thanks grandma


and yet they look better than the custom assets


Go on...


Little girls are for cute!
Touching is not allowed.
Unless it's hugs or patting.

Hug you say.
Like this?

>girls winning at video games
I'm sorry but this is just too unrealistic, it doesn't make any sense

what is she doing

giving in

Family bonding.

She's clearly feverish.

any more ?

im such ronery nerd, i want waifu

CALL 911


das it mane



>losing to a girl in video games

God even in their escapist fantasy Asians are ultra beta

Who replaced her legs with sticks?

>being too autistic to understand that he let her win

Its rare, but you know one of Romero's wives was a Quake tournament player.

>bangs aren't pulled down by gravity


Some guy told me to Google search "pure nudhism" and go to images.. I'm not brave enough go do it. You anons should check it out for me.

I didn't know Persona 5 got ported.


Pleas post more

A deal's a deal oniichan.

What's the name of this video game

Does anybody have a working link to the uncensor patch?




I'm learning katakana.

Ironic weebs not welcome

Dude, my friend, bro. Can we get a closer look between her legs?


Western games are just afraid to get creative like this. When they try, it's usually full of cumbersome gimmicks.

Japan can't into PC programming, they can't even into unicode and antialiasing which is something so basic that nowadays is granted

There is some weird truth to this. Asia in general doesn't do much for the PC. Korea's MMO factory cobbles them together rather oddly sometimes using internet explorer for a login interface and things like that. Japan only really makes VNs for PC and just now starting ports in the more recent gens.

I'm really not sure why either. I mean a console has its own SDK, but every console release you have to relearn and reinvent the wheel. PC you can just use whatever mid-tier language you know or fuck just rent Unreal engine and maybe hire a couple guys to do some custom scripts and poop out a game.

And for all the shit Sup Forums gives it Unity isn't bad if you are using the C# side of things. Not the engines fault its got a mass of copy paste asset maker games.

I really can't explain it, PC just seems so much easier to design for since you can use anything.

>Full body suits like in Ressentiment will never be invented

Not to mention that every single japanese console port has from medium to huge compatibility problems and shit support that take people like durante 10 minutes to fix

I haven't started kanji yet.

I'm poor so I'm doing self teaching.
I'm still trying to get the phonetics down

That's something only a soyboy would say.

>I-i-i jus let her win, I-i-i'm not terrible at video games, honest!

Oh jesus christ the way her pigtails bounce

so when does he start punching her in the face?

>I'm poor so I'm doing self teaching.
but there's nothing wrong with that
Best of luck to you user, I'm starting my learning journey as well

soyboys dont get to fuck prime imouto pusy


When did we ever fall so far as to make people feel insecure about self learning?

Try with a dictionary like jisho

Newfriend detected.

Wrong. Everyone knows the real way to get pussy is to completely dominate a female and slight teasing when winning because they imagine how you do that to their warm little snatch.

You know nothing about imouto tang.

that wouldn't work if you're a masochist tho, which the majority of Sup Forumsirgins are.

That's not how imoutos operate you dumbfuck.

says you.

you get deaded

I bet this faggot has never even had sex with his sister.

Who plays this garbage?

is this really what it's like to have a little sister? do they really wan

>liking japanese little girls

Are you a ricedick or just a beta?

No, wan is the sound japanese dogs make.

god damn it benis...

I was not aware that the japs ever made any PC exclusive titles.

Fuck yes, Japan!

Imoutos will wan if the conditions are right. But you have to put in time to train them.

Why am I feeling funny?

Did you forget about 2hu?

>letting people beat you at video games

What the fuck do you think doujin games and Comiket is?

If only you knew.


>that lust
what a slut
also I just realized that lust is an anagram for slut

This is why your sister never wanted to have sex with you.

>not liking all sorts of little girls
You disappoint me, user.

>Not losing at a video game to get imouto sex


You don't "enhance" anything by changing it's subjective quality.

What game?

>postponing kanji
Get started already you lazy shit. Google Tae Kim Anki deck if you don't know where to start. Learn from words.

I agree. I come to this threads for the lewd girls, but I have never gotten to play any of these games. Do they even exist? Are they pirateable?

isn't the core2k/6k recommended deck?

Will anything ever surpass Mako's game as the prime lolige?

Its not that good

There are couple of sites / forums exclusively dedicated to Japanese PC hentai games. They're an issue to get running and most games aren't really worth it but there are a couple of gems available.


So can you name said sites and forums?

>not (B)

anime paedophiles OUT NOW!!

is (B) the randoseru version?

I have the red backpack version, that's just a screenshot I got from Google a while back. Please no bully

I'm not gonna spoon feed you, kiddo. If you want those games you'll have to go trough the pain of finding them yourself.

Hizashi is the prime.