ITT: vidya moments women will never understand
ITT: vidya moments women will never understand
God this game was a piece of shit. Why did that’s REAL Apocalypse Now game bomb on Kickstarter?
>you are the demons
>then John was a zombie
rlly mks me tink
Hello, women.
Perhaps I had my expectations too high but aside from a few small things I didn't understand why people shit themselves for this game.
Maybe I would have been a too good soldier.
Why should I feel bad about the death of imaginary people in an imaginary scenario where I can't change the outcome?
Hue dur I bombed innocent civies.
Where’s General Shitstorm? OH NO he’s dead. I guess I’m General Shitstorm after all. Let me kill he rescue team now.
game sucks
>TFW by liking spec ops: the line, you've contrarianed the contrarians
nigger I didn't know how anyone could understand it. As soon as I saw all the red dots in the back and it told me I could kill them but couldn't see them. Of fucking course its civs. But you're not allowed to get off the gun anyway because "you have to be a bad person. Do you feel bad yet"
Hello, Reddit.
Hello, impressionable teenager from early 10's.
One could argue you could simply stop playing but its ultimately not an option in the game.
I don't even react to most forced story emotional events anymore, they are all too predictable and drawn out once it happens. You need to be reminded something just happened to some character you were never attached to.
Watching my squad of dwarves in Dwarf Fortress try to fend off a mega beast and all quickly get smashed to pieces and only have two dwarves just manage to live had a greater emotional impact than spec-ops ever did.
Why? Because he didn’t like a game edgier than fucking Shadow the Hedgehog?
You say this, but this is written by a popular female YouTuber that makes a lot of Nier videos. She legitimately believed 2B and 9S weren't in love, but actually saw each other as siblings.
Uuh, user, danger close, check your target, over.
>Let me kill he rescue team now.
You don't have to do it tho. Game suck anyway. It's just another cover shooter with some decent ideas.
But the story is there if you play the game or not. They will still kill the civs but when you play it, it says "YOU DID THIS" that drives me crazy. Or maybe I'm just pissed off cause I remember everyone talking about it and saying how deep this game is and thats overshadowing the actual game itself. Your on point about DF though.
Hello, little girl
You have no fucking choice in Spec Ops the Line other than turning off the game.
I like where this is going.
>How women saw it
>"Oh my god, are they gay or something?"
>How men saw it
>"Wow! That's two men, comfortable in their raw heterosexuality willing to settle their conflict with their fists, all while their naked, sweaty bodies rub against each other and glisten in the sun! This isn't homosexuality, this is M A S C U L I N I T Y and how MEN solve their problems!"
Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong door
No no, this IS the right thread.
Why should you be able to change the outcome? The game is telling a story, you dont expect to change the outcome in a book or a movie. You are forced to follow a established route. There is nothing wrong with the game forcing you to follow a predetermined path. In fact, because you feel uncounfortable having been forced down that path makes me think the game was successfull in transmitting his message.
Because you're neurotypical
user, games don't play themselves.
>Why did that’s REAL Apocalypse Now game bomb on Kickstarter?
it was a literal scam
Reminder that the messages to stop were not directed at you, but Walker. You were just there for the ride. All the decisions made were his. The choice was his to make.
Walker represents the player, though. Just like Raiden does in MGS2.
The real message is the game is boring as balls and don't make a deconstruction without also deconstructing the fucking gameplay. This shit isn't a movie
projection projection
spec ops was good and tough on the hardest difficulty
the phosphorus moment was goat, because at that point in game you should already be good and tired of the game's cancer to wanna
instantly fuck up literal nobodies without looking, but of course normal difficulty soyboys wouldn't know shit about that
this board is just filled with helpless weebshits and redditors
Walker can't see the loading screens.
>you dont expect to change the outcome in a book or a movie
But books don't blame the reader for the authors weird fetishes.
imagine being some brainlet who gets riled-up about spec ops' "message"
> the game was blaming me!
> "weird" fetishes!
this just proves the fact that the faggots which got "insulted" by the game, are just that - faggots
when did spec ops blame you? you could turn the game off any time :^) and if you don't like the game talking about what's going on (the narrative) in a different way, that's on you
doubt your panties twisted up this much when CoD put quotes from REAL people into their murder sims, but your tiny fucking head is probably too weak and full of shit to understand why THAT'S in poor taste and "bad"
better drum up contrarian bs against spec ops
Can you stop speaking in underage?
Kinda wanna play spec opa cuz i hear it has really nice subtle touches
>finishers change to be more brutal later
>trigger discipline disappears
>sometimes when you sie the game skips the game over screen and cuts to the last checkpoint immediately with walker shaking his head and going "..what the fuck..?
Stop speaking in faggot
Oh wait thats your mother tongue
Just like when she got tongued by niggers
I got some news for you there m8
Fuck you!
CoD is a cash-in, spec ops tries to be 2deep4u and fails because it doesn't understand video games are not books and some things cant be pulled off in an interactive medium
you nigger
Every time someone says this it's always peak irony because the whole reason Spec Ops works is that it understands what makes video games video games and pulls some shit that can only be pulled in an interactive medium.
obviously they pulled it off, because they released a finished game and you're just a fat virgin
quality post
> gets called out by a video game
> "it t-tries to be 2deep"
it was deep enough
Fucking hell user, you don't expect to change the outcome in a book or movie because they lack the interactivity inherent to vidya. That because the game is telling a story it should be artificially contained to their standards is the dumbest shit I've read in Sup Forums in a good while. Also the entire game is a critique of Walker/the player rushing in and forever pressing forward trying to play the hero but ultimately making things a thousand times worse. That message would carry far more weight if you were actually given the opportunity to take stock of the situation and leave.
>That message would carry far more weight if you were actually given the opportunity to take stock of the situation and leave.
No, because then you'd actually avoid it entirely. Why should it let you, when other games don't?
There are statements from the devs saying that the leave with military ending is not real. When screen fades to White it was Walker being an unreliable narrator, and if it fades to Black it was real. I don't have at hand source but you can find it easy on sure.
Because it's trying to put itself above other modern military shooters and to a lesser extent games as a whole. It's not as if I expect the shooter to turn into a full blown RPG with branching paths or anything, the option to simply leave Dubai at some point for an early ending would have been enough.
so when did walker actually die? helo crash?
Some of the tarintino-y aspects are nice, but the game railroads you a couple times into doing things that are retarded and you know aren't just wrong, but needless, specifically the WP scene.
It is really obvious when you're aiming the rounds that what you're firing at in't armed soldiers.
I will never get tired of how butthurt fagots get over spec ops
Fuck, i have nightmare about them.
the FUBAR difficulty is pure kino.
fuck you, dumbass
no shit you could instantly tell civvies apart in the fucking game, because you've just spent hours looking at the 10 or so types of enemies there are, but the scenario itself is very much believable so you can piss the fuck off
spec ops are very much trained in abusing equalizers against forces that outnumber them and in that situation, our insane delta chad walker would have definitely called that shit in barely looking at the screen after getting shot at for hours
I put like 40 hours into this game even though I don't even think the actual gameplay is that great, though it does have a lot of variety. I thought this scene was fucking retarded. He just happens to fall on the sword and I'm supposed to believe that just because they didn't know how else to force this tragic ending.
Raiden rejects the player, though. That was the whole point of MGS2.
>people would never murder civs in real life!
>last 40+ years arab shitholes have been getting carpet bombed pretty much indiscriminately because of people like picrelated (and petrolwars obviously)
sheeit in that wp scene crowd there were definitely at least a couple jihadis masquerading as burquettes, lugo is just a bleeding heart faggot
>game forces you to make baad decision to advance
>tries to shame you for it afterwards
11/10, GOTYAY, truly showed me that war is hell
>last 40+ years arab shitholes have been getting carpet bombed pretty much indiscriminately
>tfw Operation Desert Storm was 700 years ago
how is it forced? you could sit there and keep having gunfights with re-enforcements as much as you want
comfy times
>to jump or not to jump
>no shit you could instantly tell civvies apart in the fucking game, because you've just spent hours looking at the 10 or so types of enemies there are, but the scenario itself is very much believable so you can piss the fuck off
Then the game itself fails in presenting its own narrative to the player. This scene could've been presented to you the same way the mob scene works, where you have the option to start murdering civvies or firing into the air to scare them off, but the game doesn't specifically tell you that. You fire into the crowd because you don't think you have any options, but you do. The WP scene railroads you into massacring a crowd of civvies because you don't have any other options, even though you should.
guys! gta forced me to drive this fuck-up "brother" of mine around in a taxi otherwise I couldn't advance in the game, so I basically never finished gta4
GTA doesn't finger wag at you the entire time for doing what the game asks you to do so you can continue playing the game that's finger wagging at you just for playing it.
all of them
>People STILL are complaining Spec Ops:The Line wasn't mass effect.
Jesus christ you fags.
Enjoy the game for what it is, I'm tired of neckbeards complaining about the game guilt tripping them, the fact you're so butthurt about it means the game got to you, which, in every right, means it did it's job, it fucked with you, which means it's a good game.
Sorry you're so assblasted that 5 years later you STILL can't understand the goal of the game was to fuck with your head and stick out in your mind.
Did you even play the game?
> OST 10/10
> Visually 10/10
> Performance 10/10
> Voiceacting 10/10
> Writing Excellent
> Functioning, if shallow gameplay which is fine for a six hour game
> "durr it tell me violence is bad, fuck dis game 0/10"
How come only retards dislike this game again?
Best Song
>dude womin never get us dudes
and they shouldn't. they have different roles in life.
why it so bothers you? i mean, why you give a shit that womin will never truly appreciate video games or some movies?
i see this shitty kind of thread way too often later so I need to ask
good, so you've backpedalled to the point which is
> it could have been done better
we're almost done here, my brainlet friend, and yeah that mob scene was fucking dope as well
Joke's on you, I haven't even played it
Fucking this. Women will never understand what it's like being born to kill and maim the enemy. I fucking can't wait until I get into the army so u can do the one thing I was made for.
"Joke's on you, my opinion is irrelevant"
Thanks, I guess?
>being this mad your favourite "intellectual" and "deep" game gets absolutely, rightfully btfo by anyone with more than two braincells to rub together
>how do you know this piece of shit tastes like shit without eating it?
>Because it's trying to put itself above other modern military shooters
In this regard it's actually deliberately aligning itself with them.
Women will never understand
>Waaah I did something bad in the game and it made me feel bad about it.
>muh no choice
>muh monetary value
Spec ops is great because it gets so many people buttmad because they choose their own "comfort" over "the right thing" and then don't like being called on doing that.
Honestly we should go back to bombing arabs instead of trying to save them.
>Being THIS angry a game pushed you out of your comfort zone.
> h-ha I bt-t-t-tfo ur g-g-game!
> t. shit taste
Dunging-kruger in action.
lmao dumb weeb
it reminds me dishonored a lot. people complain that only way to get good ending is to go non-lethal and all the fun is located in lethal playthrough.
i mean, nig, just butcher people if you want this fun, but you will be called out. and shitters across the globe get super upset that after slaughtering everyone on every level they got told and bad ending.
Pretty sure even women can understand when a game is pretentious and shit.
>"This game is g-garbage!"
Why are we still discussing it so long after release then niggers?
>Zeke and Cole just relax for the last time, drink some beer and watch old movies, allowing Cole to feel human and actually relax
It was actually one of the best moments in the game
The thing that makes Spec Ops kind of shit these days is that everyone knows what the twist is.
Everyone fucking talked about it, and years later they still talk about it. You can't go into the game with a blank state, when you get to the civvies scene, you're already thinking "Oh, this is the bit with the civilians."
When I played it, I tried to escape doing that scene but the game forces you to do it anyway, so once the game forced me to do something I didn't want to do and knew the consequences, it then SHOWS me the consequences and expects me to feel bad at what I've done, when I really feel just as indifferent as before.
The only time I actually felt bad for something in the game was when I shot civilians who were crowding me because I didn't know I could've shot in the air to make them disperse.
It happens IRL too, people that eat meat react to vegetarians like that alot. People think they're being judged on their moral character all the damn time. When someone did a "totally off the grid" experiment where him and his family just didn't use electricity outside of a couple of things and 1 laptop so he could blog about it (that was powered by a solar charged battery) some of the nastiest online attacks he got were from other ecologically minded people saying he was "giving them all a bad name"
when was this image made
Why are you reading threads about games you haven't played?
I played Spec Ops a few months ago and I didn't know the twist. Learn how to avoid spoilers.
How did I backpedal, you fucking retard?
I think one of the main points of the WP scene is that, unlike non-interactive media, video games necessarily involve the player. Rather than a passive observer you are made into an active participant. At the same time, many games expect you to simply follow orders, like a good soldier, even if their orders are sometimes pretty fucked up. Most other games try to obscure this fact and gloss over any hypothetical alternative solutions. Spec Ops intentionally highlights it. And that's why the fact that there is no choice is entirely the point in this scene.