What will you be playing this month/on Christmas/New Years Eve, Sup Forums?
What will you be playing this month/on Christmas/New Years Eve, Sup Forums?
I always do a playthrough of Duke Nukem Nuclear Winter around this time of year. I've been doing it every year since 1997.
Max Payne 1 & 2 like I usually do this time of year
>giving chocolate to a dog
It's probably fake or photoshopped in, but still... anyways, gonna get around to finish Pillars of Eternity in preparation for Deadfire
>Woman =
>Cookie =
>Dog =
>he thinks chocolate is harmful to dogs
Literal retard.
Why is she sharing that cookie with that cat
GTA V snow mod
Simcity 4
Tron 2.0
gonna be a comfy af december
realm of the mad god
Dog = Me
Woman = You're mom
Cookie = My BBC
feed your dog a block of dark chocolate for me user
I could because my dog isn't a designer dog. I don't keep dark chocolate in the house anyway.
I bought WoW, but I didn't sub because I heard the last raid and raid finder doesn't start until mid december. Also waiting for DBZF
so you suck your own?
well on Christmas day and New Year nothing sadly because I will have to socialize with mine and gf's family/friends, but this upcoming month I'll play AC Origins when i get break from work. I'd like to replay arkham origins, that game was christmasy. kinda bad but christmasy
Probably league of legends.
Why do you guys call chocolate a cookie
That's a cookie, dumpass
Chocolate is basically poison for dogs, who the hell would do something as horrible as what that girl in the picture did?!
dogs can eat a little chocolate
dunno yet, probably Darkest Dungeon or Doom
>New Year's Eve
I've been invited to someone's party for the first time this year, so I probably won't be playing vidya
Alliance Alive and Drakengard 3.
>dogs can eat a little chocolate
They can't metabolize caffeine, you know that natural insecticide we all drink in the morning?