That kid who said “ow” when he got hit in a game
>that kid who swerved as he made a turn in the game
>that kid who got immersed in video games
>that kid who lightly hopped forward in his seat when jumping in a first person game
that kid was me
>that kid who angled himself trying to see more without moving the camera
I always move my head based on what's going on and say things that my character feels
In games with romance subplots I actually blush at flirtation and shout shit like YEAH GET IT when things go well. It's autistic as fuck, please help me.
>that kid who made sound effects with his mouth that the game was already making
Holy shit I would love to see you play Metal Gear Rising
>that moment you think you are in an open field and spit on the carpet
I can never tell when I blush
Best way I can describe it is feeling suddenly hot and flustered.
I'm sorry
I just get really happy when I read romantic stuff.
Happy in the pants right
>That kid who shook the controller slightly every time he hit an enemy like a fucking retard
Depends what I'm reading. It's usually in the pants, and then the heart first though. Looks matter a lot.
>that kid who stood up from the couch when something exciting happens in game
Fuck i was an autistic kid.
>that kid whose mouth hangs open whenever they're focusing on a game
I don't understand the issue. Is saying "ow" in response to seeing something convincingly painful strange? Or are you insinuating people say "ow" like it's they themselves getting hurt?