Games that let you play as a loli?

games that let you play as a loli?

Dragon's Dogma

Me fixing my panties

Fortune Summoners

It could use some updating, but I'm sure there are still enough games here to keep you occupied.

Me without panties

me in the back with the inverted hand

im the pancakes

Me on the left

Mighty Gunvolt Burst



Fire Emblem Awakening if you want to.

Which one? None of them have inverted hands. Learn your lefts and rights, brainlet.


Wait, can you BE a loli and have a fuckhueg pawn who carries YOU across deep water on their shoulder?

best waifu reporting in

Really need to remove Survival Kids.
That game sucks ass.

Phantom Brave.
Pic related is official art, you play as the green haired girl and the brown haired girl is her friend. It's on Steam.


>My wife Sombra in the back

Are there real people controlling those cat lolis?

>exposed fun box
Ya fucked up


Can't believe I like cunny now

Pow, just like that.

I'm playing like that, loli mc and amazon pawn, never happened so far.

In fact, I don't know how you're supposed to "teach" pawn things, or if they just learn by themselves.

god I wish that were me

Why did I unconsciously open this thread?

I don't know why I liked that game so goddamn much.

How does she get pregnant from anal sex?

You aspire to be a little girl like a normal person

Come on man, we all hate ourselves but pretending like you didn't come here because of softcore loli porn just demeans us all

Edelweiss games have no business being as good as they are.

Real life.

>amazon pawn
>Not living the Schierke Dream

What kind of mad scientist switch your brain with a little girl and how do I get a hold of him?

waifu age soon fellow unironic weebs

It's kind of unreal how you can easily forget how it's probably just a dude.
But seeing a little anime girl react to you rubbing her head is something else.

>friend did that
>i made an isidro pawn for him to summon
>taught it to throw firecrackers at everything
was fun until I summoned schierke and she wouldnt do anything useful for me

It's not just for the weebs bro, the give up machines will be for all

would you settle for a game that lets you play as a nep?

me with the glasses

>Magical Pop'n
I greatly recommend this. It's such a pure fantasy game. It can cheer you up.
>Twinkle Star Sprites
I DON'T recommend this one, the AI fucking cheats in the later levels. Frustrating.
>Umihara Kawase
Hard as shit but still fun. She's not a loli, she's a busty schoolgirl. Like, really busty.
This game sucks.
>Hitogata Happa
One of the easier bullet hells, but still tough. Great fun.
>Keio Flying Squadron
It's like Parodius, but more sensible without losing the fun. Awesome english dub.
>Bunny Must Die
This game is too damn fun.
>Eryi's Action
Totally not a game that says "fuck you" often, and totally a calming game for relaxation. I had fun.

Grim Grimoire reminded me of another 3DS game, but I can't remember what it was. The main girl was a scantily clad loli witch, and her familiar was a doll of some kind. I forgot what the story was, but I remember having a damn good time until I got stuck in a Japanese-themed world. Fuck if I can remember the name though.

I won't tell jijiji