So what does Sup Forums think of Life Is Feudal. I'm interested in purchasing it, but I figure I'd ask you guys on your thoughts of it.
Life Is Feudal
Other urls found in this thread:
>it’s shit
>it’s awesome
>something about racism
There, that’s all the answers you’ll get from asking Sup Forums. Now fuck the fuck off and form your own opinion for once in your worthless life.
Have you heard of "Buyer beware", you fucking numb nutted motherfucker? I'm not spending my shekels on a game that I don't know if its price tag is worth it.
well SOMEONE has to bite the bullet first. do your part user. we cant always review every game for you. Time for you to do the reviewing.
Simply epic, bro!!! Le Jews XD!!!
Do you watch Pewdiepie too?
what is your problem?
shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels
>le green text
LOOK MOM!!! I DID IT!1!! I AM nOw A 4Channer!!!! LmAo RoFL
This thread is the worst Sup Forums has to offer
Whats the point of replying to thread if you haven't played the game? I'm not forcing anyone to go out and purchase a game. I'm simply asking (for those who have played the game) what their thoughts on it were?
>IP count didn’t go up
Fucking pathetic, OP. Kys yourself.
Want to support small indie studio? Buy it.
Want to optimize your spendings? Wait for it to be stable and polished (spring).
I used to have a friend who had a girlfriend that worked at the company making it, something in PR. He'd shill that game to everyone he'd meet, all day every day. Really nice guy otherwise, but that pissed me off no end.
I've not played it simply because of that.
This girl?
Judging from the current steam reviews, it's quite bad. Devs planned originally to make it MMO'ish akin to Wurm Unlimited, that is, increase mapsize, slow progression EVEN MORE, and somehow polish the content. From what I understand they've done none of this, and instead pulled a full Digital Extremes and are releasing the MMO version as an entirely separate entity from the current beta release. Despite this, people think the game is even slower then Wurm's skillpoint progression, which is the same thing in LIF. Just someone trying to reskin Wurm in my opinion, and remove the complexity that makes wurm great by tacking on additional grind. Avoid it.
Thank you for your input.
Ah, so that's why this game is failing
Ah, so that's why this thread is failing
That's a shame. I never had the chance to play Wurm when it was popular and my friend was really looking into this so I was pretty excited when I saw it was a Wurm clone.
But I don't need a game to grind forever getting nowhere. I already play Warframe for that.
roastie getting toasty :-)
Warbros #1
>Wurm isn't popular
It recently went on sale for 1$ not too long ago. Most of Sup Forums from both 4 and 8 went to sklotopolis, average pop hovers around 180 on the server. Starting area is a hug box, but you can freely build a boat and sail out to some other location if you wish were people can bash each other. However, it usually doesn't stop people from making grand cities on the starter isle and venturing out. My opinion is entirely biased however, I enjoy the grind of wurm, it faintly reminds me of warframe.
I was hoping a thread about this would come up.
I'm playing LiF:MMO right now.
It's basically Wurm but tonnes better in some places and a bit worse in others.
It's fucking fun though, and getting a Sup Forums guild going would be great.
Sounds like I missed out on something fun. The last time I played a game with Sup Forums it was that weird unity MMO I forget the name of. The one where the tutorial level has a skeleton boss that curses you to have a giant head and if you make friends with the NPC you can get the secret skill of combat psychology.
Its not popular, so no v-attention.
whats the point of making a thread if you haven't played the game you spoonfed all your life baby fuck.
Yeah, I suppose so.
It's a really autistic game though and I think it'll get pretty popular when it releases on steam in January.
Sup Forums doesn't really do survival games but I think this one would appeal
If anyone has it or is planning on getting it, I've made a discord
so that we can get a guild or something going
Be warned, the map is massive so you have to walk 2/3 hours to get to meet up with other people usually, but there are 2/3k people on the map at one time so you will regularly bump into people on your way
Buy it, I need a raise.
For what it's worth OP, I enjoyed it. Do NOT bother playing if you don't have a dedicated group of friends and/or a large clan to play with though - to get any sort of functioning town you'll need a LOT of people and a LOT of time & effort put into it.
Don't bother playing solo, unless you are willing to pay a lot of money And risk being resskilled by a territorial clan. Also Don't trust anybody, mainly russians. Find yourself a clan on main discord.
It's basically reign of Kings or the forest mixed with MMO "do what you want" elements of something like Eve online, except incredibly grindy.
Takes about 4-8h to make a chair last I heard.
jeus, you must be new here