Battle in a JRPG

>battle in a JRPG
>If MC got KO'd it's a game over

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I forgot all about that mechanic. Who the fuck thought that was ever a good idea?


>If MC got KO'd it's a game over
>Enemies focus the MC over the rest

Name 12 games that do this, and I better not see no Jackie Chans

I could list every single SMT game, sonny.

>game over if MC gets knocked out
>enemies have instant death attacks
>there are multiple different kinds of instant death attacks with different elements

>Enemies focus on ally's
>Except when using the OHKO moves

Nah there was another game, an older one, I can't remember the name of it but I've see it somewhere else before.

>You die when you run out of MP
I kind of like this one

>MC KO results in a Game Over because demons are assholes and won't hesitate to abandon your dumb ass.
>MC KO results in a Game Over because the MC is so forgettable everyone will literally forget he exists if Stan isn't active.
>Persona and FF13
>MC KO results in a Game Over because ?????????????????

You were the one giving all the orders in Persona games and the party would wipe shortly after with no opportunity to rez you if you go down.

>Persona 3
Has Death inside him, if he dies it gets released.

>P4 and P5Big bad have games that the MC is a part of, MC death means that they lose.

That said does this mechanic even need a story justification? In persona 3/4/5 and most SMT games, the MC is by far the strongest character so its justified, from a gameplay standpoint, to give their death more weight.

>MC KO results in game over
>instant death spell hits homunculus you forgot you found in a chest

the best

MC death in P5 is a time paradox


Time Paradox would be for every character and would stop applying after you catch up to the prologue.

the comic that cannot be translated

This reminds me of that other comic with all the deformed animals and that cat with the fireworks and a dead wife.

Should have gone the Prince of Persia route.

>"And then my Mudoon reflected off the enemy and hit me instead."
>"Wait, no, that isn't what happened. Let me start over."

Made by the same guy.

I'm not getting a name am I? it's k though,
was just curious

Final Fantasy XIII, every SMT/Persona games.

>MP hits 0
>Character dies
>This works on enemies as well who tend to have low MP values

Persona would be incredibly easy w/o the protag ko


>NPC joins battle
>game over if NPC KO
>NPC blatantly walk over to the enemy


thank you, user have a (you)

this is fine but
>abilities that can one shot you, making you lose huge amounts of progress
fuck you smt

The concept of an ally with recarm not knowing what to do on the turn after the MC dies and letting the world go to shit because of it is somehow hilarious.

The P3 hero even temporarily dying means that Death will escape his body and end the world.

Fuck Star Ocean 3.

>Escort mission.
>Game over if they die.
>They get killed in the next cutscene.
>They didn't do a single god damn thing to justify having to keep them alive for the escort.

Okage shadow king on PS2 had it.

>Play over half of the game
>Main Heroine still isn't playable.
I'm challenging you to find out what I'm talking about. I'll reveal at 100 posts.

didn't one of the dragon quests do that? was it IV?

>that faggot angel's multi hit insta kill in smtiv's purgatory

Wait. I'm playing 4 and that doesn't happen. Is it like that in the previous SMT?

so this thing is eldritch toriel kidnapping children from mimigas?

It happens in 4, it's the reason each party member gets "will take an otherwise fatal hit for the MC" for levelling their

4 and 4A don't do MC Game Over unless you're playing on the highest difficulty, iirc.

it's a bunch of disgusting muties before termination

SMT is not persona dude lmao

he's not talking about that persona shit,.

Nier Automata?

This art looks like Shibamoto's work. Is it?
I'm confused because the only work of his that got translated to my knowledge is Pandemonium.

>If MC gets knocked out it's game over
>every enemy on the fucking planet decides to only attacks the MC

>battle in CRPG
>if MC got KO'd it's a game over

What's going on with the OP then? The image looks too...professional. Did someone really just translate one image from it?

I'm just kind of salty because after so many years and after winning awards, Tsunousagi never got translated, The Knight of Flower: Dakini never got translated, and Baku never found its way to the internet.

In any case, on the off chance that there's some human being out there in this thread who knows how to translate, typeset, etc:
The Knight of Flower, Dakini:!94VXmAgR!2boLJzLHZt2ICnaKKrD5kA

Read the thread.

>he missed out the shitstorm

>he'll never get his own anime

Although it sounds like if whoever started translating it sends it to Shibamoto, we might actually wind up getting something.

>best android
>doesn't post jackass

So far i know, Sho didn't reply back and he is translating it anyway.

I guess I'll have to hold onto hope then

The Darkest Faerie?