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We get it, paid marketer-san. No need to make 50 threads an hour.
But what does she wear under it?
I wonder if she'll be a secret playable character like in a few of the other Megaman games. And I wonder what sort of cute costumes they'll give her for beating each of the Robot Masters.
On the one hand, it looks neat. On the other hand, I'm pretty hesitant to give my money to CrapCum. This is a company that expects literally every game they make to sell CoD numbers, so whether or not I pirate it, I feel like it won't matter.
Broom Roll in Powered Up was pretty great, I'd be ok with that again.
Is that the Smash 4 art style? Neato.
megaman not so good lol
well holy god damn
Im excited, but I have mixed feelings on the lack of midi and sprites.
>tfw no Project X Zone 3 that would introduce Sonic, Mega Man, and Klonoa to each other
>Bought both Legacy collections for PS4
>Considering getting them again on Switch for portability and because I want to support this series however I can
I might just give them to a friend of mine who has a PS4 because they don't go for much.
>It's real
>Capcom actually did something cool by sneaking a hint about an upcoming game in with some concept art in another game
I mean, it's Nu-Capcom, so I'm going to remain skeptical for now, but the trailer looked good, bros. I'm really hoping that they don't fuck this up
why are they doing this to mega man
Sonic and Mega Man already met.
megamans not hot lmao
the fuck is this? is this seriously a thing? did capcom actually do something for once? i need proof, dammit
>franchise hasn’t had an entry in 7 years
3 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 9 > 5 > 8 > 10 > 1 > 6
X > X6 > X5 > X2 > X4 > X8 > X3 > X7
Z2 > Z1 > Z4 > Z3
>Sticks taming Gore Magala
Most bullshit part of that entire series of comics.
>Sonia up front
>Luna shoved in the back
Someone doesn’t know their canon
>not knowing my nigga Vyse
Why capcom didnt make a sega versus game instead of infinite?
it's time to stop
I want this image on the left of Roll. But a clean image of it.
>no Capcom vs Sega vs Namco vs Nintendo
why live
this is my favorite video on the internet
9 = 3 > 4 > 6 > 10 > 2 > 5 > 7 > 8 > 1
X1 > X4 > X2 > X3 > X8 > X5 > X6 > X7
Z2 = Z3 > Z4 > Z1
I'm looking forward to the weapons seeing how they're making them multipurpose and easy to change to.
Kinda hard to top an airdash though.
>spent hundreds of hours mastering a terrible game
why would you do this to yourself
that Wily looks sexy af
He's that guy who died in Valkryia Chronicles (anime)
I almost bought the legacy collection for PC, but held off on it on the off chance that it would actually come to the Switch even if late.
And it looks like doing so paid off. Now they're making both the collections available on the Switch. And supposedly all the main X games too.
Having it all on the Switch, that I can also use as a portable device. I really kind of love that, I have been playing an insane amount of Mega Man on my handheld systems throughout the years. So this is really nice.
>10 that low
>7 that high
>1 above anything
>&Bass not on there at all
I haven't played any X games besides the first and I my opinion on the Zero series is that the average quality was consistent enough that I don't mind how people rate them, but the state of your Classic opinions dude.
Wily is a sexy bastard. Especially Ariga's Wily.
>Z3 >
pleb opinion discarded
>worse level design than the other games in the series
>worse ost than the other games in the series
>easy as fuck
>0 atmosphere
>disk system is stupid
>rehashed assets
>ciel is just a doll
>>b-but muh ebin omega fight!
fuck off
They’ll definitely bring Battle Network and Legends back r-right?
Congrats the X series is pretty much all downhill from there (X8 being an anomaly) so you got the best one done first.
I love how much people claim Omega is epic when you can literally just shoot him to death with no challenge. He's easier than most of the normal bosses.
his whole series is fantastic.
>X3 that low
That´s the reason Z3 is overrated so much, its the only one the majority of the people could beat
Battle Network was pretty solidly concluded, wasn't it? 6 didn't really leave open a sequel.
Neither did 3 but they did it anyway
>buying Crapcom games
Anyone who throws money at them is a retard, it's gonna shit.
I know i just fucking KNOW that when these get rereleased we're going to have a whole new influx of single-celled contrarians bandying around the hot take that X7 was actually not that bad and people just didn't get it
>no female robot masters ever again
Devil May Cry 5 and Ace Attorney Switch are coming.
I'm just bummed that Omega is a palette swap instead of a Zero-stylized X-era Zero. It would have made the wham factor stronger imo.
Considering how the entire X series aside from the first 2 games is complete shit, X7 really isn't that bad compared to the norm for the series.
Maybe for 12.
We don't know that yet
They said that it was something they plan on exploring for another Classic installation, so chances are, a robot mistress (female robot master? whatever the hell the term is) is likely to appear when the devs think of an appropriate theme.
>6 didn't really leave open a sequel.
You can always play as Lan's son I guess
X7 is REALLY the only one that is complete dogshit
Its barely a functioning game anyway you look at it
who even am he?
>that voice acting
>that edgy cringe-tier dialogue
haven't had a chuckle in a while, m8. thanks for posting that.
Did they reference Legends in any way on the stream?
X6 is just about as bad.
but yeah, as bland or subpar as X3-5 are they are video games that work, same with X8.
servbot was an answer to one of the trivia questions in the preshow, which is kinda interesting because everything else was specifically focused on classic and x
The timeline video that lead into the MM11 trailer mentioned the Legends games and had Misadventures of Tron Bonne in the background as a spinoff.
>wait ages for a metroid game
>they announce two games at once
>wait ages for a megaman game
>they announce two games at once
This pleases my autism.
Well you got the X series right.
Heck, I'll take it.
They announced one game. An X collection isn't a new game, it's a collection. You've played it all already.
I don't really have a problem with it being 2.5D but it just looks so lifeless and bland, there's no aesthetic behind it.
Like, Powered Up had the chibi cute thing going on, Maverick Hunter had strong anime stylings, Network Transmission has a bunch of computer shit going on in the backgrounds and cel shading, but this is just... flat nothing.
X8 owns, it's not much of a platformer but barring a few hiccups it's a hell of an action game
my cum ;^|
This game is clearly cel shaded too
>megaman x samus
was it because both were neglected by their parent companies (until recently)?
That's the idea correct.
The Game Informer interview flat out said they had one considered but cut her because her weapon didn't fit and they didn't want to gender bender another robot just for the sake of having a girl.
My impression is that this is a working demo/alpha so a lot of the elements are going to be rough around the edges to varying degrees. If it continues to hold onto the blandness at the end of the development, then something probably went wrong in the art department side of things.
The walk cycle bugs me the most from what I have seen, but getting a classic megaman game that attempts to modernize the look a bit while retaining the feel of the original games is something that people have been asking for. Time will tell if it is a Human Revolution or a Duke Nukem Forever.
>yfw Right Stick is a Weapon Wheel
>yfw Jackhammer/Pilebunker arm weapon that gives you an airdash is confirmed
The two special weapons we've seen have been pretty good.
It'll be interesting to see if the obligatory shield is actually useful or Plant Barrier tier.
God bless our new brick bodied overlord
Mega man 4 and Mega man 6 are underrated gems. Fight me.
Almost every Mega Man game is a gem user
Will X9 be announced soon
>None of the platforming will ever require the airdash due to the "play the stages in any order you want" nature of Mega Man games.
It's funny how much more positive the reception for this guy is over Sheep Man who was introduced first for 10.
Why would I ever fight you. They're both some of the NES games I like most
>new mega man game has a release window before act 3