What the fuck is their problem? How hard is it to make the leaders look historically accurate?

What the fuck is their problem? How hard is it to make the leaders look historically accurate?

Other urls found in this thread:


because it's an agenda thing
SJWs are post modernist retards who think ugly = beauty

>Basing on a white paiting and a korea model actress

The truth is, leaders are ugly, just look the world leaders today. And other thing, asians couldn't draw shit in that time.

but why doesn't the leader look asian let alone korean?

Whats going on here?

hahaha they took away the downvotes

is she supposed to be korean or latina?

oh shit they didn't change the downvotes, they seem to have just increased the upvotes by ten without actually changing the viewcount

yes they did, around 70 less DVs

You brought it on yourself by buying this shit game.
Civ peaked with IV. V is only good if that's your first Civ ever. VI is literally unplayable...

... and all Sup Forums can say about it is waifuposting and "SJW conspiracy"

>doesn't look asian
what do you think she does look like

what the fuck, they took away 80 of the 260 downvotes and made the upvotes 2000 after around 200

botnet or youtube itself doing it?

wouldn't it be racist to not acknowledge asians in this game? they literally are erasing one race in this game

Koreans look like that


east asians as a whole tend to be fair skinned, especially royalty
like the whole reason they are biased towards white skin and away from darker skin is because culturally for them it mean royalty vs commoner in the field

>Waaaah I want my idealized beauty in every single game

Gamers are dead.

The one on the right looks like my sister's Puerto Rican friend.

She is supposed to be the artist's interpretation of that historic character.
Sup Forums needs to stop getting riled up every time something doesn't fit their agenda.

Honestly, I don't care.
Civ 6 has cartoony graphics in the first place.

The facial structure is not even remotely korean. Yes, even without plastic surgery. The crown also doesn't look historically accurate - Korean crowns are with more smaller things on top.

she looks like a chubby mexican mother/pre-teen

You anti-SJW are just like SJW
Really sick of you people on here, is it hard to stick to Sup Forums?

She looks like some filipino

It's nothing new. Europe also had an obsession with chalk white skin while royals were the only ones who could afford to not get tanned and once factories got every Joe and Jane completely white, their priviledged trips to Casablanca and the tanning associated with it became the beauty norm while being fair skinned is connected to spending far too much time indoors playing vidya.

anyone notice that the video was first unlisted? it had about 50/50 like to dislike. now the video is 'public' and is nearly all positive. do you think they made it unlisted to get all the negative feedback on that video, then re-up it?

Why do people seem to think that the painters of these statues were unaware of what shading is

who cares nobody plays civ 6 anyways lol

You guys do know the Koreans were brownish until they got rap- I mean interacted with the Chinese more, right?

It's not agenda, it's just weird to have some mexican mestiza leading the Korean Empire. Would've been better if they reduced the eye and nostril width a bit.

She looks like a pig. I mean literally like a pig.

She looks more like southeast asia like Filipino.

The fact that that beautiful marble was originally painted over still astounds me

They already went full fiction as to add more female leaders and minorities nobody cares about. That cunt is the producer?, women don't play Civ what the hell.

Civilization is officially a game for girls now.

Civ 6 fucking sucks. It is the worst fucking game of the entire series. The only one worse than it is that spin off After Earth or whatever it's called.

Afterbirth I think it was

I recall Sup Forums a while back meming about developers trying to appeal more to gamers who have grown up and started having kids of their own, with stuff like TLOU and the new God of War, but damn this does feel kind blatant.


Korean noses have a downward angle, not upward and wide. Koreans have thin lips. Korean faces are more triangular with a predominate chin. Koreans have monolids. And yes, I'm talking about pre plastic surgery Koreans.

Not to mention no famous eyelid or high cheek bones

Post her Civ6 version

>all those gook comments
>most of them complain about the choice

>triangular face
I mentioned those nincompoop.

They haven't released her yet. Soon though.

>add too many females
>too many minorities
I don't see any black man being the leader of a European civilization. It shouldn't be surprising that a black man is in control of an African civilization or an Asian in control of an Asian civilization.



>They absolutely must have these features with 0 variance whatsoever

That's not how genetics work my guy.

Left is Right?

I think hes just misusing the word. He probably is implying that there were no major black civilizations, and that those which did exist shouldn't take priority over the bigger civs.

Everything you thought was just so important doesn't matter. Everything you know is wrong.


>He probably is implying that there were no major black civilizations, and that those which did exist shouldn't take priority over the bigger civs.

Honestly how many games do we need that jack off the same 15 western historical figures?

>Game series specifically about X
>But why don't we make it about Y now?

Be quiet you delusional gook. K-Dramas are just a circle-jerk for Koreans to fantasize that they have a real history like China and Japan.

>>Game series specifically about X

The series is called Civilization.
Not Western Civilization. Just Civilization.

Theres ton of good Middle East, Far Eastern and even South American civs to add. They don't need to start 6 off with a bunch of obscure and even fictional shit.

>Korean faces are more triangular with a predominate chin


Korean faces are like big rectangles, similar to Mongolians.

Why should we use the same historical figures every game? I think it's nice they're using the little guys. Be they black,white,hispanic, or asian every leader great and small can be in a game like this.

That would be the case if they didn't have crimson chin chins. There's a reason they shave those down when they get surgery.

>Sup Forums is literally upset that they put blacks in a Civ game
Never change Sup Forums

Its one thing to use obscure, small civilizations. Its a complete other issue to use leaders that even their own people generally hated and felt wasn't a good leader or accomplished little. Nobody is complaining about Korea being in this. They're complaining because they basically went down the list of Korean leaders until they found a female to shoehorn in. Go ahead and all in less popular civilizations, but don't attempt to rewrite history in a game based roughly on history.


>destiny gif
>Sup Forumsbait post

But I'm not talking about using hated leaders that almost killed their people. I'm talking about leaders like Mansa Musa or St.Olga.

Is this better Sup Forumsermin?

>Theres ton of good
Whose to say the ones they're adding aren't good?

>They don't need to start 6 off with a bunch of obscure
Why not though?
And by whose measurement are these leaders obscure?

>and even fictional shit.
Are you saying Civ has always been 100% historically accurate up until this point?

You fucks realize literally everyone is a caricature, right?

What's wrong with lesser-known civs being in the game? I'm glad they went with more unpredictable stuff like Scythia, Sumeria and Australia and with different leaders instead of the usual suspects.

same thing.

>You fucks realize literally everyone is a caricature, right?

They don't. It's just another excuse to bitch about female characters in a vidya. They never post the male additions.

>same guy mspaints the same fucking pictures in with every reveal every time

That isn't even close to looking Korean. That's more like Malaysia which is a completely different subset of Asians.

What is with these fucking retards and blacking everything?

People bitch all the time about how silly the art style is for both the males and the females in VI. Korea's just happens to be offensively bad. Also caricature still implies it looks remotely like the person, but it doesn't at all.

I want to fuck Darney in her elf costume while pinpointing her face mere inches from her Latin-Hawaiian inbred queen.


>caring about a company that practices nickel & diming dlc schemes

Why the fuck would a caricature of an asian woman have a giant nigger nose? Worthless dipshit.

South Asians are the niggers of Asians, defined by a darker skintone and generally being scummy criminals.

They must have re uploaded it after all the dislikes they were getting.

>game about the major CIVILISATIONS of world history
>mad that HISTORY isn't changing between iterations of the game
>we should pretend these African kingdoms were equal to WORLD POWERS and CIVILISATIONS that formed the modern world

>Not Western Civilization. Just Civilization.
lol same thing

And it's illegal now for people to complain about awful looking caricatures?

some asians have wide + flat noses. They don't all look like your korean plastic girls

>The truth is, leaders are ugly,

Wasn't Cleopatra so beautiful that she made artists intentionally portray her as uglier than she was so that people would take her more seriously?
I know for her side profile on coins she demanded they give her a big ugly nose and a pointy ass chin.

>When it's a progressive caricature it's perfectly okay despite still being racist as fuck

like some kind of kalergi mutt thing

They don't like acknowledging racial differences and want everyone to look like an American mutt.

So is this actually what the leader looks like? Or is it just the chick from the montage trailer?


Nowhere does the game say it only includes the biggest and best civs. Nor is there a fixed definition for a civilization with a strict number on population, size, conquests, contributions, etc.

>Doesn't understand that Asian genetics are much more rigid when it comes to facial features
There's a reason Google and Facebook are still struggling to tell Asians apart with bots.


>IDK what a producer's role is in videogame development, the thread

The OP literally complains about "historically accurate" and compares it to a realistic drawing. Fuck off.

Because most archaeologists are not artists und on the spectrum.
If a fat nerd in his basement can wash and oil his space marine miniatures so could romans.
But scientists these days are brain damaged.

>>Doesn't understand that Asian genetics are much more rigid when it comes to facial features

More rigid? Sure.
But fuck off with this ALL ASIANS MUST HAVE 100% OF THESE FEATURES nonsense.

Some Koreans have flat piggish noses. It happens.

its called white guilt /vol/

Yeah, but not a single Korean looks like a Mexican teenager.

And I'm not the OP. You fuck off kid.