So why aren't you playing the best mobile game of 2017, Fire Emblem Heroes, yet...

So why aren't you playing the best mobile game of 2017, Fire Emblem Heroes, yet? It's generous with 8% rates and not jew like FGO or GBF. Playing strictly as f2p is viable. It constantly gets new content. Characters are unique with a lot of customization of skills. So what's your excuse?




It's nowhere near as bad as EA lootboxes. Plus FEH is the only mobile game accepted by Sup Forums.

>it's ok when Nintendo does it

literally just

Someone post THAT FGO vs FEH revenue per day picture

because its cancerous P2W bullshit


People spend more in FGO because the rates are garbage not because the game is fun. Fatecucks have stockholm syndrome to the franchise.

I'd rather suck Aids infested cock than play mobage.

>It's generous with 8% rates

you still have shit natures and RNG stat growth

I'm F2P and I'm in the 19th tier of Arena, out of 20 tiers.
It doesn't take much effort for me to get to 99.999 points in Tempest Trials either.
Getting into the high ranks of Arena Assault is pretty P2W though.

Unless if you mean Pay 2 Waifu, in which case I agree.

RNG stat growth only matters for levels 2 through 39.
They made it so stats even out at 40 so the only difference is through natures.

Was obsessed with it for like a week until I realized I was loopingbetween
>grind mindlessly for orbs to make better heroes
>make better heroes so I can grind mindlessly for orbs

>RNG stat growth only matters for levels 2 through 39.
>They made it so stats even out at 40 so the only difference is through natures.

I'll stick with Grand Order. They don't have natures or RNG stat growth

>I'll stick with Grand Order.

I am playing it, but I treat it like a mobile game should be treated and only play it when I want to kill a few minutes at a time or am out doing stuff. People who grind the game for hours and buy tons of orbs and stamina potions are doing it wrong.

except the large customization of skills is what makes those characters NOT unique beyond locked weapons


This. The only thing that matters for a Unit now is raw stats, movement type, and unique skills/weapons. This is why all recently new units have higher than usual BST and most have special weapons, making old units entirely redundant.

I do, fun little thing. I miss battle cats desu.

So you'd rather play the game where you have a 1% chance of a 5*, and only get quartz for summoning sparingly

Than the game where you have a 6+% chance of a 5*, can upgrade non-5*'s to 5*'s, get one of the 4 best 5*'s for free, can earn more free 5*'s by playing, and get orbs for summoning from everywhere

because there's a 1/5th chance of a 5* having -Atk

You have provably, mathematically, objectively bad taste.

or you can not be a gimme gimme player for a gacha game

Ok fatecuck. Must be nice to willingly enjoy the taste of shit.

wow the fate Stockholm Syndrome on full display here

They updated the app's icon just in time.

I wouldnt know it, I've had better luck in FGO than i did when i played Feh. then again i quit before the freebie units

>So what's your excuse?
Art is ugly, there are no interesting characters, gameplay is shit, fanbase is cancer, there are better alternatives on the market.

Because I'm not into fire emblem that much and the series stole my would be real life waifu from me

My waifu is in FGO and not FEH.


are you ACTUALLY irritated that another gacha has better rates than yours

are you ACTUALLY trying to shame me for liking a gacha that has a higher chance of winning

holy shit dude, thanks for the laugh

Do you play Battlefront as well?
Do you believe that "sense of accomplishment" bullshit?

I mean, You must know better than him, playing FEH and all. you know the taste of HIGH CLASS shit

>toddler tier story
>RNG stats
>terrible dub voices
>shit "events"
>terrible "pvp" system
>terrible production values in general
Only thing it has going for it is it's rates.

If it's the best game why do fehtards need to shill it on Sup Forums 24/7?

>new content
>all content is identical to each other and can be cleared in three minutes.
>gameplay is dogshit like all mobages.
I'll just stick to real FE games senpai. Have fun arguing over who is the king of shit mountain mobagetards.

>boring gameplay
>RNG stats on units you have to roll for
>p2w pvp shit
>story non-existent
I'll pass

I'm not even the initial person you were arguing with. I'm saying that its cute people use the gacha rates as an excuse for their game being better and not the gameplay

your flip out is my laugh of the day too

Shitposting. We generally have our own threads up 24/7 discussing the game.

After a while of spending, they just grow numb to it all. They think that maybe this time, if they spend money and get quartz, they can finally get that rare character. But they won't, and they'll spend more, no longer caring that they don't really need the character, just that they have to own it at any cost.

>not playing treasure cruise

To be fair FEH does have better gameplay than FGO and that's what matters.

There's nothing else to defend about gacha games though.

That's what toddlers do with every ninty game.

>shit story
>shit combat
>shirt art
>b-but you get these useless units easily!

Pathetic. Why don't you stop shitting on better mobages every single thread FEH shill?

Nokia phone

But once you have better heroes, you don't really need to mindlessly grind for orbs. Hell, any of the CYL character with their default skill set and neutral IV can carry you through most of the content.

FEH has had a thread up on Sup Forums 24/7 since release. It's that good.

Not that user, but you don't need to have *5 to clear the game. Even I'm still use my old *2 and *3 on the main story.

why wasn't it banne- oh, right, NintendoGAF

they're not even the same genre or I'd argue with you on it. I left FEH because FE-lite just wasn't doing it for me, I'd rather just play a regular fire emblem game

>better gameplay
not really, FEH just has better customization
the game itself doesn't make enough use of that customization

I like FEH because the game runs beautifully and the app oozes quality. FGO looks like it was made in Flash and your FPS plummets when collecting a lot of stars on any device.

Some mod tried to get them to move to /vg/, but he quickly got BTFO.

>gacha^2 with the fucking stat distributions
>gameplay is either faceroll auto battle easy or getting your shit stomped by challenges and pvp that's clearly designed around fully decked out whales
I gave it a try and dropped it hard in a month.

Why is the go to response for FEHshills whenever someone criticizes their game "ITS STILL BETTER THAN FGO"?

If FEH is so good why is every single thread shitting on other mobages? Inferiority complex much?

They're both shit but FEH's being a watered down version of real FE makes it even shittier.

Just shows the state of nu/v/

It won best Google Play game of 2017.

I'll agree on the "runs" but not quality, thats the weakest point FEH has and one of the strongest points FGO has beyond a few of the older units which have been getting updated visuals for.

You realize FGO and GBF aren't 2017 games right?

FEH has a lot of character building and strategy when it comes to the PvP aspect. It has a constantly evolving meta which is very engaging. FGO meanwhile has been stuck on the same old stall teams / buster memes forever now.

I play both, but FGO is inherently more limited as a game. However I think FGO may still be more fun as the servant pool grows and we get better bosses, although that won't be for a long long time.

I don't understand.

Like i said, different types of games. honestly people bitching about them just because they're both gacha game is always funny to me. You can enjoy both

>oozes quality

FGO didn't win GOTY 2016 either.

I do enjoy both. I just recognize FGO has shallower gameplay.

Like how despite Candy Crush and Hearthstone are different genres, you and I can say Hearthstone has much more gameplay.

It isn't a 2016 game either you dumb wojak poster. And it's not like winning an awatd makes it a better game.

FGO wasn't released in 2016 either idiot

a-user, it didn't come out in 2016 either

I'm trying to find the google play award of 2015 but i dont think it existed for a singular title at the time, and from what i can tell they didnt even include non-american games

honestly i found the pve in FEH shallower (probably because of how easy it was to get top tier units, i should have crutched myself more), but it does have PVP over FGO, i don't think pvp would even work in fgo though without overhauling the combat system for it

Can we admit that GBF is superior and end this pointless discussion?

It didn't win anything in 2015 either.

>best mobile game of 2017
I'm already playing Duel Links, what more do you want?

It's only available in Japanese, though.

because the google play award didn't exist in 2015 user


It's fully translated in English.

>My gatchashite is less shite than your gatchashite!!

>the absolute state of FEHtards

Oh, shit. Installing right now.

Pick one and only one.

Google Play did have top picked games of 2015 though and FGO didn't show up there either.

I'm sorry, Senpai...

I like Fate characters more.
My favorite FE characters aren't in the game and/or have shitty artists.

Not everyone likes Korean MMOs pretending to be mobages Grancuck. Don't you have a crossover to play?

>no problemo when the gooks do it

it didnt have top picked, it had top played

wow what a shocker a non nintendo-japanese game didnt make top played game worldwide

No, sorry.
I would enjoy it if the UI wasn't such garbage and if it wasn't browser based, STILL.

Having played FEH, FGO and GBF, as well as PaD, I can say without any doubt that they are all fucking terrible.

Ironically even now FGO still isn't top played since it's installs are comparable to FEH. Although I guess you can keep parroting your top grossing statistic?

>too much gameplay

lmaoing @ the toddler r/n

FEH isnt in the top played anymore either, it just occasionally makes top grossing much like FGO

I already am. It's decent as long as you throw away any dreams of staying in T20 and ranking high in AA as a F2P. I could but it's not worth the trouble going in with +2 merges against full +10 teams of dancers and horses.

Because it being a watered down version of a series that has been nothing but watered down for the past 5 or 6 years does not mean it has good gameplay, it's fucking mobiletrash. Because fags pretend it's any better than the other mobiletrash just because "muh Nintendo" Because it's completely inconsistent in the art and voice departments when those are supposed to be the strongpoints of mobiletrash. Because its story is nonexistent when FE games at least pretended they had a story even if it was shit. Because gachashit is cancer no matter how generous shills pretend it is. Because any endgame maps requiring lucking out on gachashit is just as bad as lootboxes and literally inexcusable. Because /vg/ exists and yet you faggots need to have a general on Sup Forums anyway. Because it's still cucked by nintendo's retarded sjw translators. Because IT'S SHIT.

T20 is the playground for the whales. They need a way for them to have fun after all.

FGO is a different app for different regions, while FEH is one app worldwide. As in FGO's playerbase is split many ways unlike FEH.

>So why aren't you playing a watered down SRPG with microtransactions?
A question that answers itself
>But it's the best mobile game of 2017!
That's like having the nationwide highest test scores of all special education students.

Nintenbros are so desperate

nintendo somehow thinks that rooted phones can hack themselves free gems or whatever the premium currency is. so rooted phones cant play the game, or at least can only play a few times before they're hit with an error message and are forced to uninstall and delete all game data before it works again

>retards are willing to drop thousands for one character with 1% rates even though the gameplay is garbage
The absolute state of fatefags.

But it did win GotY~

Top played is split by region. FGO didn't win in 2015 in Japan.

>Been rolling on various banners since September
>Only gotten 1 5*
>Rolling on FGO since launch
>Have 6 5*
>F2P player on both

Look, I like fire emblem as much as the rest of Sup Forums, but it's clear it,doesn't want me having my waifus

and neither did FEH since you can't compare with an award not invented at the time of the other game's release