Birthright vs Conquest

I heard Conquest had better gameplay, but Birthright had cuter/hotter girls, so I just bought that instead. Did I make the right decision?

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It's the weakest of the three, but still a decent Fire Emblem game despite what people will say

That's pretty subjective, but I agree with the girls being cuter.

Anyway, I'm assuming you're new to the series? Conquest is intended for veterans anyway, it's the hardest game in the series. Birthright is pretty average/on the weaker end of the series, but it's still a fun game.

No. Gameplay > waifus, though really it depends on what you value in waifus. For instance Camilla > Hinoka. But if you're new then yeah, Birthright is probably better for you.

I've played Awakening before, but that's about it. Panne best girl. I get the basic mechanics, but I don't wanna mess with stuff like growth rates and breeding for perfect kids and shit like that.

- Absolutely amazing gameplay, the game mechanics plus the level design will deliver a phenomenal experience to anyone playing it. There's a lot of tactical depth and varied missions where you need to utilize your units in different ways to complete the objectives. Highly recommend.
- Writing is GARBAGE

- Gameplay sucks because maps and bland mindless slogs
- Writing is garbage
- Really no reason to play this game at all because the gameplay sucks, whereas the gameplay is the sole reason to play Conquest. That being said, it's still better than Awakening.

No. Birthright is babby's first strategy game. Cute grills isn't worth a snorefest of a game

you made the wrong choice either way

Fates is trash.

Conquest is easily the best FE when it comes to combat. Which is yours fag?
>But muh story
If you play FE for the story or characters then you are the problem

Waifu does not mean girl.


Return birthright and play a better game

Starting with Birthright is definitely for the best, unless you're a tryhard who likes to pretend to be hardcore on vietnamese message boards.


It isn't the FE fanbase either I keep seeing people recommend the easiest game in the serie every time someone want to get into something. Just try out the one who look the more interesting jesus christ.


In what fucking world? You're probably some entry level casual who hasn't even touched 6 or RD on hard, and certainly not Genealogy or Thracia

>how to tell someone has never actually played the games they’re bringing up: the post

Chances are a beginner is going to get more frustrated playing the game designed for veterans. This is common sense for anyone who doesn't operate under Sup Forumstard logic.

>6 is harder than Conquest
Top fucking kek. Just throwing Rutger and Milady at everything sure sounds tough.

I think the chance of someone getting frustrated while playing a good game is less significant than the chance of someone getting bored playing a bad game. I guess the people who make this sort of recommendation assume that everyone has infinite time and for some reason has committed themselves to forcing themselves through every game in existence, but for the vast majority of people a better idea would be to ignore the bad games and only play good games.

I went casual for birthright and regular for conquest, seemed like the proper way to go

That spot belongs to either gaiden or awakening

>objective good
>objective bad

Objectively Sup Forumstarded.

But I like challenging games. If Awakening was my first FE I would just have ignored the rest of the serie.

>Gameplay > waifus
Too bad there are so hypocrites when it comes in that. Even if a game has great gameplay, they'll still whine about not liking the characters.

That's pathetic, OP. Really, really pathetic. I'm so glad I didn't turn out to be like that.

Okay but you're not a beginner, obviously you'd go for the more challenging of the two games.

No it isn't, what the fuck? Did you play these games?

Wow such good post mark

Birthright has the best story of the three just by virtue of playing it straight, you help the righteous weeaboos, defeat the evil king, unify the land, and save the day, the end

Conquest and Revelations get really stupid with it, both have fucking abysmal plots, I know it's Fire Emblem so nobody's expecting some literary classic, but they're on another level

Conquest has the best gameplay with some interesting map design, Birthright is ok and gets some interesting ones toward the end but in general it's much easier even if you choose not to grind, and Revelation is a fucking mess, most of the maps are really awful gimmicks and the easiest way to beat the game is to only field the royals and corrin and not even bring a full army because the little guys will just have to be babysat while Ryoma and Xander can one-round everything

I have so much buyer's remorse for getting Revelation, it is extremely not worth it, if you play both BR and CQ and feel like you need more, just look up a synopsis of Revelation's plot on the internet so you can see how bad it is, then replay one of the other two on a higher difficulty

In no world is Birthright worse than Revelations

Nope, >had cuter/hotter girls. Nope as well again.

Okay then say that in your first post, saying "wtf didn't u play da gaemz?" is bait-tier.

Don't say insane, patently false shit. No offense.

Take your own advice

Do you want to fight me? I'll choke you out in 2.2 seconds.

Only if you jerk me off while you do it

Setsuna is a miracle of the universe.

This guy knows what's up.

It's far worse in every regard.


It's a flawed masterpiece, but it's anything but hard.

>certainly not Genealogy or Thracia

>choosing a game for waifubait

truly, the lowest common denominator

How's Mass Effect Andromeda these days?

You fucked up. Conquest has better everything but story. BR and REV are medicore.

>Telliusfags still pretending to be oldfags

no idea, I dont play shit games.

>but story.

of course, they will never allow the No-japan country looks bad.


Good joke faglord

Too thicc and strong for your average Sup Forumsirgin

Are any of the Awakening DLCs worth getting?

>*falls intro trap for the 105048285th time*
>"dude i'm absent-minded lmao"
>repeat for every support

Future past and Apotheosis

Ryoma is one of the biggest reasons why I got Birthright.

That and I also really wanted to put Garon's head on a stick after some of the shit he pulled.

Shame I'm not rich enough that she'll put up with me.

This is an Awakening fag pretending to have played the other FEs

>Conquest has better everything but story.
If you have CFW the storyhack makes it the best of the three.

>play male Corrin
>marry Camilla
>no problem
>play female Corrin
>marry Xander
>it feels weird and creepy


Genealogy is only hard at the start what are you on about. Once you got your pairings going around Eldigan's chapter it becomes a cakewalk. Also, the children are fucking broken if you levelled correctly in Gen1.

>Play Fire Emblem Warriors
>Game crashes when I fight the final boss

I cant remember the last time a game had me so mad

I love Hinoka's THICK THIGHS!

Birthright has a boring story and gameplay for babies
Conquest has a stupid story and adequate gameplay

She isn't a true gold digger. As long as she has a man who can make her happy and work to support herself and family back home she's good to go.

Most people seem to think it's the other way around, including Treehouse.


I guess that makes sense.

Really? I think the fact that Camilla is already practically choking on your dick when you're siblings kind of takes the impact out of actually marrying her, but Xander actually treats you like a sibling so having him suddenly turn around and want to paint your insides white is kind of jarring.

Does this hack change anything specific like the retardation from Aqua and Kamui or is it just a couple lines added?

>do Revelation path
>"Corrin, we should take out the commanders so Xander and Ryoma will listen to us
>take out the commanders
>"We shouldn't have done that Corrin"

Maybe, but the game treats marrying Camilla like something Kamui doesn't want to do, and in the dub it tries to play up her 'mothering' side while shipping her with Silas.

Why is Nohr Noble so much better than Hoshido Noble.

Seriously, I felt like I was nerfing myself when using Hoshido Noble.


>Nohrian noble ladies literally walk around with their panties on full display and easily movable for sex
Sluttiest nation on the planet


There's a few big changes to the story in the later chapters. It makes Kamui less retarded and more assertive, Aqua takes a back seat to the decision making, and Garon is sympathetic while still being a dick.


Who the fuck do I pair Elise with so that the idea of her getting married and having a kid isn't really fucking creepy

How much would Fates have changed if Azura was the main Lord and Corrin didn't exist?

Hoshido Noble has trash skills and focuses more on support. Plus Nohr noble is more sexier.

NN gets Draconic Hex, which couples amazingly with Grim Yato.

No one. The only shota is in Hoshido, though I'd have traded off her support with one of the Hoshido royals if I could. Would have been more interesting to have pairings that weren't just royal/royal.

Damn I really want to play this but I hate the english names.

Out of curiosity, Is there a one of these for other fire emblems, like the awakening girls?

>Would have been more interesting to have pairings that weren't just royal/royal.

I wonder why they forced that soo much. sorta.


that font size is for ants.


I want to marry and impregnate Hinoka

Worse, Azura is part of the problem.

Xander and Azura constantly make the situation shit and Corrin gets the blame for being the main character.

Draconic Hex works well with everything
>Dragonstone Tank and retaliate even harder
>Turns tomes into magic shurikens

>not making Corrin a Hero, Paladin or Malig Knight for AESTHETICS

You fucked up either way idiot, you bought the worst game in the franchise


I really like the Dark Knight look. I just wish you could dress up in the spooky skeleton helmet.


Yeah, accessories were a great idea but too many of them are dumb comic relief stuff. I really liked the shields and the cooler cosmetics like eyepatches and crowns.