Docked - 720p.
Portable - lowest 368p. Usual around 500p.
Performance - constant drops to low 20s.
Another masterpiece by nintendo.
Docked - 720p.
Portable - lowest 368p. Usual around 500p.
Performance - constant drops to low 20s.
Another masterpiece by nintendo.
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks for the beta test nintenbros, this shit is gonna be LIT emulated at 4K
And they reasonably explain these drops in the video.
It's a coding problem, nothing more.
The resolution on the other hand is pretty terrible at times.
Kill yourself, Eric.
Must suck to live this way OP.
Original and X were stable 30fps. This is fucking awful.
>And they reasonably explain these drops in the video.
>It's a coding problem, nothing more.
Just another nonsense - they will patch it, i swear.
No, if game released that way, it means they can't do anything about it. Switch just can't handle data streaming.
Good luck saving and loading every 5 minutes to fix fps.
Watching the DF analyses it seems the frame drop is a bug due to a memory cache that will be patched but it wasn’t great to release it without squashing that bug. It may also help mobile performance
>that will be patched
Jut like doom res and fps right?
Not gonna happen. Switch just can't handle this game.
You're wrong, but I admire your persistence.
>le switch isnt not garbage spec like wiiu! xD
X on WiiU was 720p/30
X on Switch 720p/30 with drops.
And i do not see much improvements in visuals.
Nintendo done something very wrong, if even they can't program for it.
Remember times when Switch suppose to be almost as powerful as xbox one?
Welcome to 2017
You forgot:
Gameplay - Still great if you don't give a fuck
>And i do not see much improvements in visuals.
That's your fault. Even your precious DF constantly mentions just how much of an improvement XB2 is over XBX, even if it runs on the same engine.
Imping fps and resolution not gonna affect gameplay.
Not in a game that isn't that much about smooth gameplay. XB2 or Mario + Rabbits don't need more than 30 fps, but Bayonetta, Mario Kart, any fighting game - 60 fps is a must. Sucks Doom isn't 60 fps too, makes it a bit harder to play, but I'm still having fun.
>your precious DF
They are clearly nintendo fanboys.
Yeah, just like Bloodborne's loadtimes right?
Chapter 3 end boss is absolutely murdering me.
Funny thing, you can't even say - but it is portable, so all ok.
Because in portable mode it is much worse.
Vita resolution in 2017.
>Complaining about Graphics in a Nintendo game
Yes it is retarded but it never mattered
this shit needs a patch in handheld mode asap, what the fuck did you do monolith.
I want to believe, but I struggle to imagine devs willingly accepting handheld as it is. Like, you wouldnt think testing hendheld performance would be something they were testing at the 11'th hour. Not the sort of thing to leave dead last and shrug off for maybe a patch sometime later. In that time wouldn't they have done anything possible to avoid going so very low as 360p if they had the power to?
It honestly feels as though the handheld version has next to no downgrade over the docked mode. I believe that if they dial some settings back, it should improve.
but nintendo fans always think it will be highend system before system showed first.
I remember some nintendo san site said NX will be stronger than PS4/Xbox one
generally low fps isn't much of a problem with third person games because of the higher distance between the player and the game
>Not gonna happen. Switch just can't handle this game.
It did happen. Zelda had the issue too
its a memory leak bug you dummy
Hey retards:
Not as big issues, and still drops in it.
>Not as big issues
Nice fucking lie
Zelda had huge fucking drops until it was patched. Hell if you reload and do certain shit in XB2 it fucking speeds the game up. Its a bug
i'll be emulating this is 4 years when im bored and i have nothing else to play while waiting for death stranding to come out
I just played this for 3 hours on an airplane in this exact area and it wasn’t this laggy 360p mess you all are trying to shill.
It was plenty smooth and looked nice. Honestly I’m amazed every time I start this game because the visuals are so damn impressive for a handheld.
Sure it runs better docked but being able to play that on an airplane was neat.
Battery life on this system is pretty subpar though.
wew, that will teach me not to use Tora, subbed him back in and did it easily.
the framepacing is also really bad. its one of the most performanced game Ive ever seen
>you all are trying to shill.
It is a fact m8.
Switch emulator when? Hardware wise it should be easy to do on current PC hardware
>Ninteniggers will defend this
Another 7 years
How is the performance in X?
So why listen to them then
Facts are facts but their interpretation is worthless and should get ignored.
>Another masterpiece by nintendo.
It's almost like if resolution was a meme and the game was indeed a masterpiece regardless of that.
The obvious problem here is that the game runs on an engine made for the Wii U. It's the same reason why BotW struggled at the beginning and it can be improved.
>I only listen to them when they can fuel my console war shitposting
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me
>Im putting words into other peoples mouth to fuel fuel my console war shitposting
Nintendofanboys never cease to amaze me
>putting words
Nigger you know exactly that's what you're implying lol. You wouldn't call them Nintendo fanboys if they weren't saying the game was good
A videogame company who cant work at their full potential because they are held by shitty hardware
Being buyed by Nintendo sure is the worst thing that could have happen to the guys at Monolithsoft... what a shame
Reminder that the 6 year old Vita runs everything at 540p
>A videogame company who cant work at their full potential because they are held by shitty hardware
every console dev ever
>You wouldn't call them Nintendo fanboys if they weren't saying the game was good
They say this in every nintendo video.
Oh, res 600p and fps only 20, but it is another tech masterpiece and portable, so all ok.
Every switch video. DF clearly fanboys.
So you can ignore all this bullshit about new shiny textures and need to look only on facts (res, fps).
>worst thing that could have happen to the guys at Monolithsoft
Yeah, shame EA didn't buy them to kill the studio off, or Sony, to tell them to work on cinematic games instead
Most games were visual novels, so of course.
>but sony
>But other game
>So you can ignore all this bullshit about new shiny textures
Oh so i'm exactly right. You only listen to them when they can fuel your console war bullshit. Thanks for admitting it
Why don't you cry some more you little bitch
I'm at least glad the shitposting went back to MUH RESOLUTION. I was getting really sick of the retarded boob crying.
Better be held by shitty hardware than greed
Woah we got a bad ass overhere
Yeah I'm really looking forward to this a decade from now, can't wait to pretend it is relavent and try and discuss it with Sup Forums while they're all living in the future with their shiny new games.
That's true. At that point you're just looking for things to whine about lol
Yeah nice try
How do new shiny textures help when the whole screen is slurred and the game runs like shit?
You take the whole picture into the account to judge a game and not just a part of it.
This low effort weebshit is a disaster.
Hi Eric!
>Giving Eric attention
Oh would you look at that, how do you prove me wrong? By completely shitting on the entire game for console wars. I bet 10 bucks if they called the textures shit you would be siding with them
you have pretty much done nothing but prove me right lol
It’s not tho
Yeah I'm sure Takahashi is really pining for the days where work was so stressful that his wife tried to commit suicide after a miscarriage.
>textures shit you would be siding with them
Can you even read you retard? They could have the best fucking textures in the world but the game runs at low resolution + a atrocious AA solution which smears the picture quality even further so the textures dont mean jackshit at this point.
Are you honestly implying they shouldn't praise certain parts of the game because other parts look bad? Lol
I love how you're acting like the game constantly looks like this when its just the portable mode
Portable mode is the most important
opinions opinions
Q15. Your leaving doesn't really matter. Episode II will go well in America. (02/07/05)
>A15. Thank you for letting me realize my worthlessness. Enjoy Episode II.
>Are you honestly implying they shouldn't praise certain parts of the game because other parts look bad?
Where did I say that?
>I love how you're acting like the game constantly looks like this when its just the portable mode
Im talking about docked, portable is even more of a shitshow. Did you seriously think about portable when defending this trash?
Ok then
Switch is a completely shit console if portability doesn't matter
Look at switch video title. ANOTHER TECH SHOWCASE. In video - sub resolution and sub fps.
Look at xbox one x title. MORE DISAPPOINTMENTS. In video - 4k, stable fps, more visual, but they wanted more.
This is why nintendo fans bring out cemu screenshots for their console war lol
>Docked - 720p.
It looks as sharp as docked Zelda. What tricks are they doing to make 720p look so good?
>Im talking about docked
No you weren't
>Sponsored By Xbox
X on Wii U looked way better in my opinion
So we are back to
>Im putting words into other peoples mouth to fuel my console war shitposting
Nintendofanboys never cease to amaze me
Have they patched the English voice desync yet?
More like you were Moving goalposts when caught with pants down
>specs matter more than the game itself now
As long as it doesn't run like dog shit who the fuck cares
>it doesn't run like dog
>368p, sub 30 fps.
You have done nothing but scream "please leave ninty alone" this whole thread.
will they release an optimisation patch?
Even if I was how is that any better than "FUCK DIGITAL FOUNDRY, but only sometimes"
>Docked - 720p.
>Portable - lowest 368p.
Is this a fucking joke? I had a phone in 2013 that could do better than this.
You know CPU handles AI?
Its a memory leak bug, so probably
>Im putting words into other peoples mouth to fuel my console war shitposting
Nintendofanboys never cease to amaze me