Is PC + Switch the best possible gaming option?

Is PC + Switch the best possible gaming option?

No. PS4, Switch, and PC is

If you're a nintenfag falseflagging on Sup Forums, yes.

Depends on the PC, if it's high end, then no, if it's low end, an Xbox One X could be an alternative (If you don't pirate)

that + PS4

How do you have the time to play in 3 consoles? You probably end up playing few games on each platform.

This ass can't be real

I meant 3 platforms, not 3 consoles.

Idk, some people are just lucky.

What's the point of having a switch?

I only play exclusives for the consoles and the rest on PC. There's long stretches with no new worthwhile exclusives coming on PS4 or Switch.

ass thread?

Xbox, Nvidia Shield, PS4, Switch, 3DS, and a gaming laptop.

all you need is a pc and a ps4

>men ass

I would fuck that lady until she gets sore and start shouting 'rape'



+ Bloodborne machine. For Bloodborne and literally nothing else.

I definitely believe PC + Switch is the best entertainment combination, once the Switch gets some more non-gaming apps.

Just PC


must be great being a girl and only having to train your fucking gluts, instead of literally every muscle in your body like men have to do it
and it aint even difficult yet there are more girls with flat asses than with nice ones wtf makes me mad