Motion blur: on

>motion blur: on

post more cute

>film grain
>chromatic aberration

Why is a girl dressed like that drinking a beer so cute?

very cute, go on

There is something really depressing about that image.

>AA: on/off

>subtitles: on

nothing depressing
probably a cosplayer coming back from a con and she forgot to change

>graphics: on/off

Also DOF. Fuck DOF for the same reason as film grain and CA.

oh gosh

>keyboard: on/off

>playing with graphics

fucking nu-Sup Forums i swear

Jesus christ, she's no fun.

she looks she would die during childbirth


>monitor: on/off

Why would I adopt someone who can't give birth?

yeah, they're dressed as Kotori and not best girl Nico

sonic riders had this, iirc it was just 4xMSAA


Can you imagine how much fucking baggage would go along with banging a cosplayer at a con? That's not even touching the topic of... If it could even be enjoyable


>chromatic aberration
>no off

Maybe you're new to the scene but those fests and cons are essentially big fuckfests. Everyone is banging eachother in their rooms. It's like the definition of casual sex.

I mean as long as you blow a hot load of knob slop on her back does it even matter?

And i guarantee you 99% of all congratulations goes are needy, drama queens, on medications, and generally fucking them brings a shit ton of baggage

Con goers*

not video games

not like it's something you would ever have to worry about

I happen to have had 3x sex with females thank you

>customizable UI

>body sliders

>You must restart the game for changes to be applied

>motion blur and other shitty postprocessing effects have nothing to do with video games
I hate how the game devs put a ton of effort into the textures and then just blur the shit out of them so you can't even see any detail in motion

I'm talking about going to a con to pick up attractive women, you're going need to be less of a hideous mess to pick up a woman who dresses scantily and can leave the joint with just about any dude she wants. I'm not having a conversation about the pigs you scooped from your local farm.

OP we all know you just want to dump images of whores

>body sliders

>modded ass sliders

why is her nose fucked up?

>game has gender slider

i enjoy threads making fun of bad graphics settings and i want you faggots using it to post roasties to leave

>game lets you respec almost anything

>when you tilt you're waifu's brain and she remains undecided if she despises you, gives no shits or if she's mildly amused.

i-I might be an M


>and she forgot to change
They never forget they're in cosplay. Cosplay's are usually uncomfortable as fuck.

They're just getting buzzed between panels/events to help deal with the masses. Cosplayers are often introverted nerds, even if they're cute. They often barely tolerate crowds, and suddenly in they're in a crowd of sweaty weeaboos.

You need lots of beers for that.

what a minute


>Not an S/M switch
>2020 - 3

She's a 10. Here's to you.

>chromatic aberration
>film grain

/thread ruined.

>vsync: on

>can't even see her body
>gives a 10
it's internet girls that you'll never meet, no need to have low standards

Why the fuck do people suck motion blur dick so much? Shit fucking sucks.

3x0 is still 0

>I will never have a pale gf

end my suffering anons

>that body


toothpicks, all of you.

>sli disabled

Muh fucking dick

I always turn that shit off along with bloom. Motion blur and bloom are eye cancer and it's baffling how people actually want them.

her cun cun is probably full of CEO cum cum and just isnt in the mood for shenanigoats

>Sound On/Off

Me on the right.


Don't worry user they tend to be crazy bitches and usually not worth the trouble.
but god damn is that silky pale delicious and do I still fall for it every time

built for black cock

>sound effects: on

I'll be your pale gf.

I'm sick and have around 2 years to live, reason to be pale, so no long term relationship I guess.


Anime conventions are split into two types
>Actual conventions, where you go to panels and meet guests
>A giant party for 20-somethings with shared nerdy interests to hang out at

I've been to plenty of room parties and it's not that abnormal.

And the orgies?

You don't have to date every person you fuck.

Hey, fuck you, guy. Subtitles in games feels complete. If i dont have em i feel like im missing dialogue. I like reading.

d-don't do this to me user

anyone else fucking love ass?


>framerate: unlocked


begone back to /xivg/

I don't even go on Sup Forums but

>being this degenerate

*punches your head*
stop lying on the internet

>it breaks everything
Fucking Rockstar.



>game lets you change sex

>gives you the option of previous games controls or new one's

>lighting: low

>tfw no spicy latina mommy gf

>hookups are degenerate
Spotted the virgin.

>posting the shopped version

im a fat idiot would u date me

>Everyone is banging eachother in their rooms

More like top 1 percent of weeaboos mating with top 40 percent of cosplay girls

Nobody else is fucking at these things except the cosplay 7 out of 10s and up (Adjusted for weeaboo inflation these people in real life would be about 5 out of 10s)


>actual wom*n

I want redditors and normalfags to leave, only traps are acceptable

enjoy the antibiotic resistant gonorrhea and hpv

You seem to have mistaken me for someone actually attractive. I would never be invited to such a thing.

post more booty settings