It's not as good as Jet Set Radio.
It's not as good as Jet Set Radio
It's better.
shut your shitass mouth
Shut up
I didnt even know this existed... is this a sequel to jet set radio? holy fucking shit
I understand the complaint that JSRF is easier and more "casual" than JSR, but in practice 80% of JSR's "difficulty" is fighting with the controls and not actual difficulty. Sure it doesn't have anything as difficult as the Yo-Yo race or the jetpack Rhinos but it also has far less frustrating bullshit. Streamlined isn't always a bad thing.
Think of it as an extended remix.
Why shitfling?
Both are great.
Because this is Sup Forums where fence sitting is not allowed.
Is there any way I can play this on PC?
In terms of aesthetic/ost then yeah it just doesn't capture the magic
Though it's a better game, objectively
Okay, here's my fucking rant about why Future isn't as good as the original as a game. Visually, of course, it's better (maybe a bit too dark at times but generally improved), has marginally better music, and is slightly more stylized in a good way. But here's why it's not as good.
>levels became too big, making it easy to get lost or fall and have to travel for three minutes to get back to where you were. That residential area place with multiple floors was retarded.
>to compound on this issue with the maps being too big, the INGAME map is not detailed enough to help you figure out anything
>small complaint and I know it was done to streamline the game, but spraying grafitti feels somewhat pointless when all you need to do is walk and hold down spray to spray large surfaces. The motions in JSR at least have some skill involved where you gradually get better at spraying them faster
>the plot is just plain stupid with stuff like being kidnapped and forced to be in some arena games and shit like that. Also this is purely opinion but the Noise Tanks look fucking stupid in this game
>open world seems kind of cool but going from point A to point B in order to get a Grafitti Soul can take upwards of ten minutes if they are on other sides of the map
>I'm not going to complain about the Underground Sewer System's gameplay requiring you to git gud with making high jumps, I'd rather complain about the (again) abundant issue with falling and having to redo big parts of the level over again just because you fell
>this is purely preference but the level structure of JSR helps the pace of the game and makes it feel more like it's progressing as time goes on
>also, having the police only appear at certain times makes the game often feel like there isn't any rush to do what you need to do, which is a detriment, since the plot suggests you should be being hunted down constantly
I thought the narrative was that JSRF was too casual but half your arguments are you being shit at the game.
>large and vertical levels annoy me because they are too big for the game and falling means doing a large chunk of the level again
>prefer the level structure of JSR over JSRF's faux-open world
>feel as though the game just isn't as well designed or as well-thought out as the structure, level design and mechanics of the original
Now, if I was to go a bit farther, I'd say that I get the sneaking suspicion that most people who prefer Future played it first and then went back to JSR and found it clunky or slow or something. But I dunno about that one.
In summary, I'd like to say that I think Future is a perfectly fine game. A good game, even. I just don't think it's as good as JSR. Future definitely deserves an HD remake, but I think that a lack of one is overhyping how good the original game actually is.
XBox emulation is so crap that it may as well be non-existent.
The plus side is that XBox games haven't had the same markup bullshit on the secondary market so you should be able to find one plus a bunch of good games for cheap.
JSR is a chore to get through, Future made graffiti'n actually interesting
Who in the flying fuck honestly and seriously preferred 3-minutes-go levels?
I agree, though I still liked it.
Also I know this will be something that will make people scoff and disregard my opinions, but Jet Set Radio is one of my favorite games of all time, and I fully expected and wanted Future to be much better. I just think it wasn't. I found it rather disappointing, actually. Having multiplayer was cool, though.
I really liked the graffiti in JSR. It flowed really well and you had to get some distance between the cops and yourself before you could attempt it. Graffiti in JSRF is just boring. Instead of improving upon the system they had they just scrapped it and turned it into a button press.
Also as a side note I don't really like the "future" aesthetic. I liked the more urban feel of JSR.
You're right
Preferring JSR to Future has been my casual filter since 2002
>being this wrong
future had the better A E S T H E T I C, bar none
and the ost was better. fite me
It really is. Bigger stages, more characters, more story and better camera control. Part 1 could be argued to flow better cause stages were short and you could move along quickly, but that's more of an opinion than a fact.
>>large and vertical levels annoy me because they are too big for the game and falling means doing a large chunk of the level again
As opposed to JSR where falling means quitting the level, going back to the garage, and restarting the level, because you fucked up your Jet rank run and the game doesn't have a Restart Level option.
>bigger and more = inherently better
not if the design is worse
>falling in JSR means quitting the level
what? why would you restart the level if you took some damage or fell slightly? Jet isn't that difficult to get that falling once would doom the run.
I agree. I think the graffiti minigames and the time limits added to the game. Though my opinion might be influenced by having to play on an Xbox with shitty graphics and unstable framerate. Wish it would get an HD release for PC.
There are some Jet ranks that are really unforgiving, usually the races and the jetpack Rhino level. And besides that, not having a simple Restart option is really fucking annoying, where being able to just get back up and keep going in JSRF is the better option.
>Jet ranking
the only reason you'd ever want to do this is if you're playing on the 360 version and want the all Jet achievement, otherwise it would be completely pointless
Stop playing games.
>28 posts
>21 unique posters
someone's samfaggiiiiiing
I'm OP and all of these posts
You're right. Much casualized.
>playing the game is pointless
Burn your house down
This is the quintessential sequel in my eyes.
New system. Better power.
Make the same game except way bigger and way shinier.
>Now, if I was to go a bit farther, I'd say that I get the sneaking suspicion that most people who prefer Future played it first and then went back to JSR and found it clunky or slow or something. But I dunno about that one.
I actually played JSR first on the PC quite recently. When I finished it I went right into the sequel and there was a massive improvement in the controls. Future is there better game just for the improved controls and better sense of speed. It's simply more fun to skate around in Future.