Personell Top 3 GOTY

Post em anons.

1. Zelda: Botw
2. Persona 5
3. Nier: Automata

Other urls found in this thread:

P5 and Gravity Rush right after it.

1. Nier Automata
2. Super Mario Odyssey
3. Persona 5

Nier Automata
Zelda BOTW
Super Mario Odyssey

1. Darkwood
2. Prey
3. The Sexy Brutale

1. The Evil Within 2
2. Danganronpa V3
3. AC Origins (Didn't like it nearly as much as the top two)

Cook serve delicious 2

1. Botw
2. Sonic Mania
3. Cuphead or Tekken 7

Third would be Odyssey more than likely, but I haven't gotten to play it yet

1. Odyssey
2. Persona
3. Botw

Fuck, Automata being good isn't a meme? it cracked?

>being a literal mouthbreathing retard

1. Rivals of Aether
2. Super Mario Odyssey
3. Sonic Mania

1. NieR: Automata
2. Gravity Rush 2

I played BoTW but it felt like more of a tech demo than anything. Good ideas and mechanics but the "stuff to do" was pretty weak, not really GOTY potential in my eyes. I'm only just past Kamoshida's palace in Persona 5. Otherwise, I haven't really played any other games that came out this year.

Don't reply to my posts ever again

Fuck you

Both Automata and Persona are 7/10 at best, Sup Forums just has low standards

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

1. Persona 5
2. Super Mario Oddesey
3. Nier Automata

Yeah it's good. It's one of those Japanese games that gets super postmodern and tries to do interesting things with the medium, while retaining excellent gameplay (thanks to Platinum Games). Good OST too.

1. BotW
2. Persona 5
3. DOS2

1.Tales of Berseria
2.Fire Emblem:Echoes
3. Dangan Ronpa V3

DESU I only really played BOTW this year, I've been meaning to play Nier though

>being a contrarian faggot
How embarrassing.

1. Danganronpa V3
2. Divinity: Original Sin 2
3. Super Mario Odyssey

>Hollow Knight
>Persona 5

Hollow Knight was OK but i still can't see how it makes peoples top 3. Maybe #5 - #10

1. Persona 5
2. Yakuza 0
3. Nioh

1. Yakuza 0
2. Persona 5
3. Super Mario Odyssey / NieR: Automata / Tekken 7 / Xenoblade 2

It's a got great exploration, fun fast-paced combat, god tier art and atmosphere, and plenty of a god map. I will admit the beginning is a little slow but once you get going it's fantastic

Hollow Knight
Zangeki Warp

1. Metroid: Samus Returns
2. Yakuza 0
3. Super Mario Odyssey


Nioh is "Okay"
The Mummy Demastered is "Okay"
Gravity Rush 2 is "Okay"

Hollow Knight was fantastic on its initial release, the additional free content they've released since then has elevated the game even further. But, opinions and all.


1. Automata
2. Prey

1. Horizon Zero Dawn
2. Super Mario Odyssey
3. Resident Evil 7

Reminder not to reply to ACfag

>Fuck, Automata being good isn't a meme?
You dumb fuck. Can't you tell?
> it cracked?
Yeah. There's a fan mod to fix some issues on PC too.

1. Makoto Niijima
2. Sadayo Kawakami
3. Futaba Sakura

#1 NieR:Automata
#2 Divinity Original Sin
#3 Hollow Knight

It has been a FANTASTIC year. These motherfucking games are tomorrow's classics for sure. Thank goodness for this gen, I thought I was done with gaming after the PS3/360 era.

You sure have mediocre taste user.

>old hag second

Yakuza 0
Nier Automata

What can I say I got a mommy complex

1. fallout new vegas
2. final fantasy xiv
3. tom clancy's rainbow six siege

1- Yakuza 0
2- Persona 5
3- RE 7

JoJo's Bizarre Persona 5
Bing Bing Wahoodyssey
Near A Tamato

Nier Automata
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Tales of Berseria

Persona 5 was just more of 3 and 4.

I can't decide between BotW or Odyssey as #1
#3: Cuphead
#4: Sonic Mania

1. Zelda
2. Persona 5
3. Sonic Mania

Cuphead was great too, but I've wanted a game like Sonic Mania for years now. Looking forward to trying Nier Automata.


Persona 5
Yakuza 0

2. Destiny 2
3. Super Mario Odyssey

#1 Xenoblade 2
#2 Nier Automata
#3 Prey

1. Nier
2. Horizon zero dawn
3. Zelda

Literally the only games from 2017 I’ve played

>1. PUBG
>2. Destiny 2

third spot yet to be determined, will probably go to xenoblade 2

I only played three games this year but if I were to rank em
1. BoTW
2. Odyssey
3. Automata

1. Nier: Automata
2. Mario Odyssey
3. Divinity OS2

Persona 5

not necessarily in that order. honorable mention is Samus Returns

1. Divinity OS2
2. Cuphead
3. Darkwood

only among degenerate weeaboos who would lick the turds of a japanese gamedev thinking it was gold dust

1. Elex

yeah that's about it, everything else this year was trash, can't believe people liked Automata, sure the gameplay was okay, but the story was just absolute shit like literally written by a 15 year old, people always said nier had such a deep story and then this shit

Stay mad that Japan makes better games, soon-to-be-irrelevant euro trash.

Unironically this. This year was full of 7/10's that people are praising endlessly.

>7/10 games are bad

no one said they're bad


1. Nier Automata
2. Persona 5
Power gap
3. Hollow Knight

They're certainly not 10/10 masterpieces.

One of the posts heavily implied that.

Unironically read the OP instead of jacking off your contrarionism.

Tch, yeah, uncultured swine who have never tasted a real, TRUE good game, such as...

now that is something noone has said

1. Nier Automata
2. Breath of the Wild
3. Persona 5

1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. NieR Automata
3. Persona 5

Plenty of people have said it. Probably not in this thread, but the metacritic shilling threads should tell you all you need to know.

1) Super Mario Odyssey
2) Tekken 7
3) Danganronpa V3

1. Yakuza 0
2. Persona 5
3. Nier Automata

I'm saying it right now. Nier Automata and Persona 5 are 10/10 masterpieces.

I would've said mario Odyssey, but it was too casual for me. I don't like Zelda because of the abhorrent framerate and DLC. I hated Nier for the disgusting sex fanservice. I hated Xenoblade for having too much story. Really, the indie scene is where the fun is at.

1. Persona 5
2. Prey
3. .hack GU Last Recode

How is what I said contrarian? 7/10 is a good score. My issue is that people are playing this year up like its one of the best years ever in the history of videogames. I don't feel that many of the games released this year will stand the test of time compared to many of the games released in some of the actual golden years of videogames.

You sound rather triggered my man lmao

I tallied up all of the posts and assigned each rank a point value (1st on the list = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point) and have produced the following list:

1. Nier Automata
2. Persona 5
3. Super Mario Odyssey
4. Breath of the Wild
5. Yakuza 0
6. Prey
7. Divinity Original Sin 2
8. Cuphead
9. Hollow Knight
10. Danganronpa V3

Isn't it hard to die in Odyssey? Anyway I liked Hollow Knight a lot, what did you think of that?

Automata wouldn't have even come close if P5, Mario, BOTW, and Y0 were on PC. This board is pathetic.

2017 is a great year compared to every other year since what feels like forever

I loved Hollow Knight.

1. DJMAX Respect
2. Cuphead
3. NieR Automata

Mario and Zelda are also pretty cool

Haven't tried Persona 5 yet. I probably will. But Automata has some pretty serious flaws desu. It's hard to give it a 10/10. But it's definitively my favorite game in a while despite of that. I think it's a pretty "significant" game too. I hope people other developers are learning from it.
That's the problem with trying to give scores to games I think, it's mostly about avoiding mistakes and being good enough at everything, not taking risks and being truly awesome at certain things even if you have some screw ups.


>ctrl+F "dangan"

Neck yourselves

a point ranking for what is the bestest of all the video games is stupid, whaddaya know

Despite its flaws it kept me up all night for like a week because it was so captivating, I didn't want to put it down. How can it not be my GOTY?

I don't think that a 10/10 means flawless. It's all subjective and comes down to personal preferences in the end. Persona 3 is one of my favourite games of all time despite its glaring flaws because the things it does well outweigh its flaws for me. Same goes for Nier Automata.

1. mass effect: andromeda
2. doom
3. pubg

>I don't think that a 10/10 means flawless.
OK. It's often interpreted as flawless but yeah it shouldn't be. It makes more sense if it just means "as good as games that exist at around that time got", not "couldn't be improved".


Personell 5
Hat Tim
