
Just finished Yakuza 5 yesterday, can we agree that this is one of the best videogame series ever made?

Also Yakuza Thread

It's one of the best open world/beat em up hybrid game series ever made I can agree.

I liked Haruka's parts and 0 is the best game in the series.

I really like Yakuza 5, but I think it has the most retarded plot in the series.
Haven't played 6 yet tho, so I'm expecting that to get even more stupid.

>Hey guys thanks for sacrificing money and time of your lives including the life of Majima's wife for my sake so I could become an idol, now let me go on stage and say that my did is a Yakuza and that I don't actually want to be an idol, roflolmao xD

I haven't been given such a massive middle finger by a game before Yakuza 5. Fuck this game.

The best choice. Kiryu always wins.

my dad*
Fucking autocorrect, how the fuck do I turn this shit off in the nuFirefox?

I bought 0 and Kiwami and have the CE for 6 preordered

Gio better show up at PSX and announce more on the way, telling people not to expect anything is the oldest trick in the book.

>but I think it has the most retarded plot in the series.
But 4 exists. 5 has some hilarious moments like the Shinada/Baba thing and the big Omi twist, but overall it's pretty tame in its insanity.

They already explicitly said they're keeping their announcements for 2018.
Considering the overwhelming rise of popularity for the series and the amount of positive feedback they got on their poll that asked western fans if we want Kiwami 2 and Fist of the North Star x Yakuza game (they literally closed the poll prematurely since they got so much feedback) it's basically a 100% certain that we're getting both of them.
People may shit on HyperBitJewro but in reality that faggot youtuber e-celeb is definitely part of the reason why the series got so popular in the west in recent years.

>But 4 exists

I really enjoyed the story of 4, more than 5. Yakuza 5 has great moments even in the entire series, but i didn't like some points of the plots and some parts feels really slow pace (like Saejima and Shinada). I know that even Yakuza 4 has his problem with the story (the bullet thing) but i really like it better, even the final battle that i thing is probably the best in the series.

Also, i learned to not take this stories seriously. And Yakuza 3 has (for me) the weakest story.

>I know that even Yakuza 4 has his problem with the story (the bullet thing)
It's not just the bullets, it's the amount of times they use the "We were actually working for the other side" reveal in such a short timespan. Like, as soon as you're done with Tanimura's final fight you're starting up with Kiryu and you're getting bombarded with all these allegiance reveals as soon as you meet Tanimura and Akiyama and get the show rolling, it's pretty hilarious. Not to mention everything regarding Akiyama's money and how he kept it hidden was just astounding on top of what happens at the top of Millennium Tower.

Kido being the match for Saejima and Daigo even being someone you had to fight was a bit weird since Daigo barely did anything and your only reason to fight him from what I remember was Majima saying Daigo set him up. Kiryu then says it's time he gets Daigo on the straight and narrow but I personally didn't really feel attached to the fight at all outside of getting to punch Daigo.

5 is down to earth by comparison.

I found the fight with Daigo really fitting. He sacrifice one of his men, his advisor and a sort of a friend, for the sake of the Clan because he tought to be in the right. He is right in a way, but non totaly. And that's why Kiryu fought him, because that's not the way to do things and not the teach he give to him in the past. Kiryu know that Daigo is a good man and that's why he choose him to lead the Tojo, but in that moment Daigo mind is going nuts and is Kiryu job to take him back to the right path. With his fist (it is Kiryu after all).

Yakuza 0 reminded me how much fun video games can be and why I love them.

Japs are literally saving gaming.

>People in this thread actually arguing Yakuza 4s plot is stupider than random crime boss pretending to be a cop to shoot some random pop idol so his son can be Yakuza boss plot with 10 hour prison tutorial in the middle of the game trying to kill each other on a roof so the villain can reveal his plan plot

No fucking kill yourself.

Yeah Yakuza is the best series I’ve ever played. Will play Kiwami 1 this week and can’t wait for 6: The Song of Life

I don't have a console. If I only play 1 and 2, will I get massive blue balls in the end? How do these games compare to the later ones?

1 and 2 are really good game and probably you will have ton of fun. But I suggest you to get ps3 and 4 and play the other one because you wanna play theme after the first two.

You mean is there a cliff hanger or somethng?

I don't think they've progressed massively.
Yakuza 3 adds a more open looking world which gets copy pasted to the next few games, Yakuza 0 adds some new combos, you'll really replaying for the plot and cool side story stuff.

be playing even.

A fucking gangster fighting with his fists? Nibba that's shit taste.

The build up was great but the last act was bonkers

Just wait till Yakuza 6.

>Never speak to me or my friend's girlfriend's daughter's half-chink son ever again

>That scene where the sniper guy is about to shoot himself but has his gun shot out of his hand in the nick of time by the prisoners who somehow knew were he was

>Everything with Saejima's sister.
>Rubber bullets.
>I was actually a cop.
>I was actually a Yakuza.
>I was actually working for Munakata the entire time.
>I keep my life savings in my office because I don't trust banks but don't lock the safe at all and even my assistant walked in on it once.
>it was actually Arai's fault.
>No it was Kido's.
>No it was actually Munakata.
>Daigo just throws Majima to the dogs.
>Akiyama is okay with just leaving his life savings on the rooftop of Millennium Tower and having the helicopter disperse it with no backup plan.

Yes, the rooftop "Let's fight to find the real bad guy", Shinada yelling at Baba about baseball when the guy doesn't even know him, and Omi chairman being the old detective who managed to orchestrate everything were out there, but the sheer ridiculousness of everything in chapter 4 onward of 4 most certainly outpaces everything 5 brings.

The everything after the first chapter is so fucking retarded that I was glad when it was over, even the side missions weren't that good we had cancerous shit like hunting and awful rhythm minigames and I normally like that genre.

The only part I liked was the final fight because there was no dumb bullshit plot stuff just a guy who wanted to fight.

You forgot Munakata secretly being the Big Bad of the whole series who orchestrated the 10 million yen chase in Y1 because he wanted to build a really cool prison or something???

*Billion, fuck. Ten million is like thirty pounds in real money.

I not arguing 4 didn't become retarded but it was no where near as retarded as 5, also some of your bull points I don't agree with.

>>Everything with Saejima's sister.
Don't remember anything wrong here besides how she dies
>>I was actually a cop.
I'm sure criminal gangs have lots of plants in the police, see infernal affairs etc because it's a real thing.
>>Akiyama is okay with just leaving his life savings on the rooftop of Millennium Tower and having the helicopter disperse it with no backup plan.
It was in character for him cause he's kinda stupid.
>>Daigo just throws Majima to the dogs.
They ain't friends

Aint gonna lie I don't remember the entire thing I'm sure lots of it is indeed stupid I remember laughing at it towards the end but it never bored me with pop idol shit for 10 hours at the very least.

It was to get more power and controll on Kamurocho and get the money all for himself. And get rid of the Tojo clan in a way.

I loved Y5 because it had so much shit to do. Took me 107h on my 1st playthrough and I didn't even go for 100%, but did all of the substories and another drama.

>raises haruka
>doesn't get to have sex with harukas mom
>lets the chinese lady from 2 go to america for big white cock
>now has to raise some retarded half chink kid

is Kiryu the biggest cuck in video games?

>Don't remember anything wrong here besides how she dies
It's how she so coincidentally happened to be put in every situation. Akiyama knew her for several days, she knew Tanimura for a bit, and then she ended up in Okinawa of all places by chance so Kiryu could take her back to Kamurocho for her to die saving Saejima who just so happened to also have escaped prison and visited Kamurocho just at that moment so they could see each other one last time.

>I'm sure criminal gangs have lots of plants in the police, see infernal affairs etc because it's a real thing.
See, the thing here is it's fine if you do it once, I get it, but then you pull the same card two more times in the game, one of them which was mere minutes after the last reveal if I recall correctly it gets to be ridiculous.

>It was in character for him cause he's kinda stupid.
He's completely paranoid of keeping his money at the banks but isn't paranoid to leave it unguarded and unlocked in his own office? Akiyama's not exactly dumb, he's just really lazy, but this and the moment with the money at the end was out of nowhere for him.

>They ain't friends
Majima is literally Daigo's top officer, he's more or less Kiryu's best friend, Daigo has massive respect for him and lets him handle the Kamuro Hills project on his own to the point that he would die for the man rather than give it to the Chinese mafia in 3, he's someone he refers to for difficult problems and even consoles in in 5 when it comes to there being a mole in the group and needing his help, and you mean to tell me he would sell Majima out that quickly? It also came out of complete left field in a passing mention as well right before you go to Millennium Tower as Kiryu.

I also forgot Hamazaki and Saejima both washing up on Kiryu's doorstep while shot.

Hes beyond pussy in that sense bro. A true man of purpose.

Switch Collection when?

He also wanted to have the police rule over the Yakuza with an iron fist again rather than the Yakuza having free reign but it wasn't for any moral reason, it was because he wanted a piece of the monetary pie. I believe that was why he was having all those prisons built, right? So that he could have somewhere to throw the ones that didn't listen and make them "have an accident" legally while the Yakuza members that did get with the program paid him tithes and stuff.

I forgot how boring the first few chapters of 3 are.

Her brother was in the prison in Okinawa and she wanted to visit him

That's right, my bad. Then it was probably the fact that Kiryu just so happened to be there with Hamazaki as she's asking. Thanks for the correction.

She just has so much left up to dumb luck that lets her meet him one last time.

I've played 4, 5 and 0.

Is the pacing in the games before 4 any better? 0 worked best with just 2 characters and switching between chapters but 4 and 5 feel like they never really pick up. It's just a mess of different shit and the story only really starts to take shape at the end of the game.

And actually she was getting money from Akiyama none of it was coincidence

How are the people in this series so good at shooting guns out of peoples hands

>Is the pacing in the games before 4 any better?
3 is the only one where the pace sort of gets stilted due to the kids, but even the kids don't take up that much of your time (Maybe an hour at best, though the time you spend with them the second time does definitely feel like it's just shoved in there when the story was just getting somewhere before it happens). Outside of that it's not like any of the games where you switch characters since it's just Kiryu the whole way through so there's no real parts where they just outright stop you to introduce someone like in 4 or 5 before the story intertwines.

>none of it was coincidence
I'll take it back then since I don't remember it well enough I guess, though I still feel the whole Okinawa scene was way too much dumb luck for her.

I remember her brother was on death row that week or something close to it the Yakuza boss said he could get him out if she paid a bunch of money,Akiyama gave out low interest loans if they proved they could earn it he made work as a hostess she got the money and went to see her brother the fact that Akiyama and that guy both washed up on Kiryus door step was pretty convenient true though they both were escaping together I can't remember why Kiryu was going past the prison and met the girl though but you have to suspend SOME disbelief at least.

>I liked Haruka's parts

you should be shot

>though they both were escaping together
Keep in mind Hamazaki was shot like four times and both he and Saejima fell several stories into the craggy rock-filled water below so the fact Saejima alone survived was crazy enough. Pretty much immediately after not only did Saejima reach the shore days prior to Hamazaki, but Hamazkai also didn't die from his gunshot wounds or the fall and he managed to also land on the same beach days later. There's suspending your disbelief for Saejima and then there's Hamazaki's entire case. I think the prison guard who also shot Hamazaki survived as well since I think you fight him in Okinawa so that's three of them.

>I can't remember why Kiryu was going past the prison and met the girl though
Weren't they both going to check up on some records at the police station or something and they both heard her talking to someone at the front door?

>lost the pool game substory in 3
>can't retry, simply 'finishes' the substory and doesn't complete it
>I haven't saved in 2 hours

I seriously forgot how unforgiving the older games were.

I made the same mistake with the taxi substory when i used a heat action on the taxi damaging it. Still got Amon so it's just an autism thing.
