ITT: post the most brainlet things you've heard regarding gameplay

ITT: post the most brainlet things you've heard regarding gameplay

>faster combat = better combat

Everyone is equally intelligent there is no such thing as "brainlets."

>Everyone is equally intelligent there is no such thing as "brainlets."

>the story is the most important part of the gameplay

>only combat is considered gameplay, no combat means its a movie

bido gam!

dark souls 3 is the best

>my enjoyment of a game deals with only one aspect of it

>I shouldn't have to perform well to kill the raid bosses, this isn't a job!

yes, he was pointing out one of the things that brainlets say, you retard

>we're streamlining the gameplay

>Im a healer, I shouldn't dps

Destiny 2 is a quality game

A real ass conversation in regards to Civ VI
>The graphics look like a fucking mobile game.
>>It's fine graphically, they changed the art-style however to make the came more visually cohesive when zoomed out. I don't like it either, but they had a good reason.
>Well, they still should've made it look more like Civ V, ALL GAMES SHOULD TRY TO LOOK AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE.

>metroid prime is a shooter

>Gundam Versus isnt a fighting game

Civ 6 looks great, you brainlet.
speaking of art direction
>people actually think doesn't look fantastic

Faster more agressive punishing combat typically is more fun though

when the combat is piss easy it doesn't, there's nothing to be punished with

Will this brainlet meme just die already? You all are more retarded than those wojak things you make.

Why do you think I added punishing as a requirement?

>Dark Souls is the best 3D Zelda!!

>No MP mode, must be shit

You don't kill a meme with wishful thinking user
Get on your knees and start begging

slow combet meen mor inteljent gamespley

No user, HE told ME that Civ VI was bad because it wasn't realistic. I told him he was a fucking idiot, and we argued for half an hour about realism vs. aesthetics. He also hates hexagonal grid design for some reason, preferring squares, but I've heard people defend squares before, so I can't be too upset with that.


>fighting games are easy you just learn the combos

What does the curvy A stand for?

>Will this brainlet meme just die already? You all are more retarded than those wojak things you make.

>A loot-based system is inherently flawed, every game that had it was a boring grindfest

hurr durr this mayme is dum waaaa


thats a fucking dark souls 2 giant

It stands for atheism Amerilard

And here is him making dark souls 2

fucking brainlets

this board is so fucking cancer like holy shit i am so DONE with how retarded everyone is here like everyone is just a disrespectful piece of shit that doesn't actually care or have the empathy to even be worthy of any human interaction at all like these shits just fucking disable the fucking dubs from all but me just to be a fucking asshat and i'm using asshat as an insult even though i love hats and it's like holy fucking shit it's like every person in here is a fucking tumor and i hate being the only white bloodcell who even fucking gives a ddamn and they all just complaina nd fucking trash each other anyway and fucking suck dick all day long just sucking up to each other like dude chill the fuck out and everyone takes EVERYTHING way too far like IT'S JUST AN REACTION IMAGE HELLO IT HASN'T EVNE BEEN UP FOR A MONTH LIKE IT CHILL AND I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FUCKING USES IT LIKE IF I WANT TO MAKE THEF UCKING REACTION IMAGES LET ME HAVEA FUCKING REACTION IMAGE LIKE JESUS I'LL TAKE A WOJACK AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS WOJACKS ARE FULL OF FUCKING SHIT SO AT LEAST UNLIKE YOU I'D BE DOING GOOD BUT JESUS YOU'RE JUST A FAGGOT

That doesn't even look like wojak


>pepe turned into a literal nazi and wojak turned into a severely braindamaged potato

...are you ok user?

At least get the eyes right.

>>Everyone is equally intelligent there is no such thing as "brainlets."

a more time consuming grind = hard game

>lootboxes are fine as long as its cosmeties only

Me tiiimetavl. yu luk smat so me in fuutaaa! teech meee teknology like DAWHEEL and FIIYAAA

I knew it was SOMETHING scary! Jeebus protect me and all the other white children!



Wojack posting decreased the board quality to unfathomable levels.
I'm pretty sure we are lower than the Challenger deep

>Hey did yall say we were doin a brainlet thread?

There was no change in post quality




>fighting games are hard, all you do is hadouken spam

>There needs to be more realism. Realism is the best. Realism is the point of games. I NEED my fictional fantasy game to be realistic. No you don't understand that's not realistic it can't be in the game. Saving the game is not realistic. Why is my character not dropping his pants to take a shit every few hours, THIS IS UNREALISTIC REEEEEEEEEE
>Aaahhhh yes, now THIS game feels very grindy and full of pointless chores, completely realistic, very true to life, everything is a hassle and the game feels like work. Truly this is the pinnacle of vidya gaems. I love realism. Realissmmmm huhuuuuurrr druf druuurrrr

Wow you got me there

This is in fact objectively true. The rest are clunky pieces of shovelware and only enjoyed by retards who think piss poor movement/combay system is somehow "ground breaking".


>The human eye can't see above 24 fps

>TF2 is still a good game in the year 2017

>muh mix-ups
>muh 50/50
>muh setups
>muh matchup knowledge

These wojaks will make a fine addition to my collection.

>graphics and story is more important than gameplay

>tfw when you forget that artificial difficulty doesn't make your lazily developed shovelware "good"

>I still like video games.
Fucking brainlets.

> the gameplay would be better if the character was more diverse/less white

>usnig "comfy" as a reason why a gaem is gud when its sub jective

If fighting games ran at 90fps instead of 60 you'd have twice as big windows for split second inputs like just-guard and wake-up ultimates

When paced properly, sure.

Brainlet wojack makes me laugh so hard and it really shouldn't, god damn

>retard needs memearrows to indicate joke

>I use the brainless wojack meme

>I can't fathom that you'd enjoy something despite its faults
>no stop saying you liked it because I didn't
>you liking this game I don't like is literally the same as you eating poo poo haha watch me because a real smug piece of shit about it
>so what if the game is designed around a poor progression system unless you use the microtransactions, just don't buy them lol
>I got 20 dollars worth of microtransaction gear and it only took me 100 hours so the game is fine

>Dark Souls sucks! Here look at these webms of me sucking ass at Ninja Gaiden that proves it!

>found the number of minutes in 5 years (365*5*24*60 for you dunderheads)
>divided by 72 to see how many one oven could churn out in that time
>multiply by 15

Anne is talking shit and Rudolf should kick her out
>multiply by

This meme is embarrassingly reddit

Or maybe put her into an oven or something

shut up fag

>Story doesn't matter in an RPG

>using big word
found the vedditor


>The game needs waifus or else it's unplayable

>wizards are supposed to be overpowered in RPGs!

This is absolutely true though, unless ofcourse you consider VNs games, in which case you should go to a more fitting place for you

It amazes me how even now you funny 4channers manage to innovate on such an epic meme and keep it fresh.

>tetris is a movie
>racing games are movies
>sports games are movies

How many of your brainlet wojaks do you have in circulation?
I've got 3

>streamlining the gameplay is casualizing

It's funny how this site still spams that Reddit is supposed to be the cancer, yet I don't see them making these threads; I don't see them defending loot-boxes and EA jewish practices; I don't see them defending the ban of net neutrality.

It really... makes me think.

>"this game is realistic cus weapons break!"
>character can someone swing a crowbar hard enough to shatter it.

>mtx is fine if it's just cosmetics

Someone on Sup Forums once wrote "It doesn't matter if the game's story is dumb as long as the gameplay is good"

How the fuck am I going to invested in the game without a good story to back it up?

"it betur wen slo"
> unfortunate circumstance wojack.pic

i-is it the g-gameplay...?


>Silent Hill isn't about the cult it's about Silent Hill being your therapist!!!

>if you crawl you bleedout faster

Kys yourself

>CS:GO is an rng-based game because I can't perfectly predict my weapon's spray pattern after 2 hours of gameplay.
