Good legend of Korra game when?
Good legend of Korra game when?
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They had a good idea with the one that came out a year or two ago but it just wasn't executed properly. I really think the idea behind the avatar would work really well, I just don't know what kind of game style would fit it. Don't think people would like a metal gear rising/Bayonetta tier game, maybe something like Nioh with stances but elements. However I didn't play Nioh so I can't tell you if that'd be good for it.
The closest we got was that one that Platinum did a few years ago.
It wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't what I call good.
I'd much rather have a more open game that focused less on bending fights and more on traversing the city and solving problems with your bending, with occasional fights in between. Think Witcher 3 (or perhaps Cyberpunk 2077 would be more apt) but set in Republic City.
never, probably
bring on the porn
Korra trainer is already out I'm pretty sure.
why the fuck do i even have this saved
i love this forum ;-)
>you actually impregnate her, yet you decide to stay around to be a decent father
That's pretty hot, besides the bit that's AWWWWRIGHT.
Is rape thats not because she enjoyed it just like her mommy.
they can't make a good korra game when the series is shit
Who said anything about rape? I'm just not into babies, that's all
I got a semi-chub
To hell I go.
read it up from ed or somewhere not gonna explain or judge
ayo lemme just recycle my old thread
Whenever 4 elements trainer finishes.
Should be done by next year.
Good Legend of Korra show when?
OP asked for a good game though
I dunno, third season was the alright one, wasn't it?
are you being serious right now or are you trolling me
there is no way you dont know what aaaww right means
Oh, user. You are already there.
Not sure, but if they ever try again, they need to realize her Team Avatar sucks and just omit all three of those bland cunts, and just have Korra doing Korra things with Tenzin helping out once in awhile.
The only game Korra needs to be in is a breeding simulator.
I dont think you know what blender means
I think you guys misunderstood
I've read Mai-Chan's Daily Life when it was released and liked it. It's just that babies are fine for smoothies and dead baby jokes, but they aren't erotic the same way an immortal hot girl dismembered would be, or hatefucking Korra and then upping the ante to handholding levels of sickness for that matter.
this entire is a real bad misunderstanding, im sorry about that
>You hate me but I know you still want to fuck me
It's true, Korra hits the all points in physical attractiveness but I can't stand her as a character.
fuck off pol
Never. The series was garbage.
>liking white Korra is now Sup Forums
We have gone too far...
Korra is for breeding by white men.
Find/make a lol thread, fag
What is this Korra gif they're talking about?
Why do Americans need ti make EVERYTHING about race.
or just make a new avatar game on previous avatars or possibly future avatars?
I'm almost sure that they will never do a new series ever, especially after how Korra was handled and the movie was a huge pile of shit, a game that push the potential as much as the airbender series is a dream that will never came true.
Hell, i pretty much think the air bender series is a one-thing wonder happened to Nickelodeon and didn't manage the success it got.
The one from that thread obviously.
But the Platinum game was great.
He's talking about that white girl from that webcomic that looks like a white version of Korra.
No shit!
Whoever the fuck the newfag children are from earlier, fucking kill yourselves! Jesus H. Christ!
I know, but since when is white Korra Sup Forums territory?
reminder Korra doomed the world when she brought in Spirit Refugees:
Korra is not even in the top 10 of the most attractive chicks in her own series. The bitch is actually pretty ugly, don't know why anyone cares about her.
I just wanted to help clarify since you felt the need to address a board that had absolutely no bearing on the conversation whatsoever.
So I apologize if I upset you, you faggot.
No, you wanted to fucking stir the pot, like every other goddamn thread on this imageboard! You didn't have to react as viscerally as you did (assuming you're one of the first two, not , in which case, thank you although these trolls really don't deserve to be spoonfed), so don't lie through your goddamn teeth in the interest of some long reply chain that ain't gonna happen now because I'm not seeing what I wanted!
3 > 1 > 4 > 2 IIRC
>TFW know a girl that looks like korra
>she's Arabian
She's so beautiful anons, shame I'm so ugly I hope she meets someone who treats her right
Hopefully never, she doesn't deserve a good game.
Well, if you're not a total loser like me, you could at least give it a try
Arabic girls are easy to SMASH.
Go to the gym and go for it, user.
Only eat whole foods, stay under 2000 calories a day, buy dumbbells and LIFT.
Workout 2 hours a week.
If you are still a little orc, weak sunglasses to hide upper face and remember the first 15 seconds are everything. You can be ugly as long as the first impression is of confidence and energy.
What's up with all those ugly anons, knowing some hot Arabian woman, but not having the balls to make a move? Or is it always the same person?
That's all I have in my SFW folder
That's some serious autism
Is Korra worth finishing? I dropped it at season 2 with the whole "light vs dark" bullshit but heard season 3 and 4 are much better.
>it's shit
Typical Sup Forums
3=4 > 1 > 2
Just give the first few episodes of season 3 a chance.
Watch the Wan episodes then drop the series
>brown muscle girls are my fetish
>even then Korra has some other god tier girls
>too emotionally attached to the characters in Korra to jerk off without feeling guility.
Fuck my autism. I can't do it to characters I've grown attached to, I can only do it to flavor of the month weeshit.
>too emotionally attached to the characters
Are you gay, son?
That's just how I am. If I've grown emotionally attached to a character I feel bad jerking off to them.
Season 3 is better than most of ATLA.
Platinum had the right idea with the bending switching but just like tmnt game they made they fucked it up by not just using the dpad because they have to have items on the dpad for whatever fucking reason
People also forget that game was made in 6 months and was sold for 20
This is patently untrue
>actually i am fapping with this
Do it, user. Fuck RL Korra, we believe in you.
>Season 3 is better than most of ATLA.
Now that's clearly bullshit
That's quite the claim dude. Even at its lowesr TLA was still pretty damn good.
I feel you, man
Yeah I wish they did more with it, it had such potential. My brother and I were gonna get it but it didn't seem to have much depth so we skipped it.
Do you have the pic of her asking if she's rolling her eyes correctly?
>tfw no qt brown gf
Why even live?
I'm not influenced by nostaliga, S3 of Korra is better than S1 and half of 3 of ATLA.
No, sorry.
They all have there shitty political agenda.
>Season 1 - Anti-council/xenophobic agenda
>Season 2 - Anti-spiritual leadership agenda
>Season 3 - Anti-Anarchist/Monarchist agenda
>Season 4 - Anti-communist agenda
Remember patriot, fight for your "democracy"!
Nothing wrong with that, and it normally should improve fapping, but his case is different in this regard.
Jesus fucking Christ, this website
So? The original had some political shit too, do you not remember the second half of S2 for TLA being about the Ba Sing Se conspiracy stuff and the city being taken over eventually by the fire nation?
I at least appreciate that they made their Hitler doppelganger a woman instead of a man.
Whose the secratery qt with the glasses?
Zhu Li
>not political
nigga what
>Season 4 - Anti-communist agenda
You wot?
Open fire on poster
I fucking hate this place.
Kuvira was top waifu material