It's been a strong first year for the Switch. Will Nintendo be able to keep the momentum going into next year?
It's been a strong first year for the Switch. Will Nintendo be able to keep the momentum going into next year?
>Will Nintendo be able to keep the momentum going into next year?
No. The blew their load in the first year with Mario and Zelda. 2018 will still be good, but just not as great as the first year.
It's already got a better lineup than any other console out there right now, so of course.
They shot their wad too soon. There's nothing to look forward to.
I feel like Kirby and Yoshi are all we'll be getting for 2018. We'll probably get some news about Animal Crossing and Pokemon but I don't think we'll be seeing either release next year. Maybe a little more info on Metroid as well.
Can yes, will maybe.
I can't remember what games look good, but I'm pretty sure the Switch has a few gems coming out soon. It's getting an Ace Attorney game so that'll be dope.
But overall, it'll be hard to top the first year. They really came out strong with the Switch
>maybe Metroid and Pokemon
Meh....2018 is looking dry as hell, unless they pull a surprise or two in a January Direct
They've got Pokemon and SMT:V. Of course they will.
Who has that big infographic of what Switch games are coming out and when?
why the fuck did I buy this thing?
The weaker 1rst/2nd party support will be compensated by stronger 3rd party support
It will start to ebb, for sure. Mario and Zelda have earned a reputation for consistent quality over the years that the other major Nintendo franchises lack. Yes, Metroid Prime 4 is coming out but it could still disappoint given all the shit it needs to try to make us forget. What else other Zelda, Mario, and Metroid will get gamers as hyped? Maybe Pikmin. You're not gonna get another Mother, ever. After that, there's no other major hitters left.
>Strong first year
>no games
>After that, there's no other major hitters left.
>Animal Crossing
>not all major hitters
The Switch is so close to being great. I wanted a stylized (bad) graphics machine with silky smooth 60fps gameplay in practically deprecated 1080p. 100% focused on fun and performing identically in tablet and console modes.
Instead its mediocre in both modes which makes it feel overpriced.
I mean, Splatoon is the best shooter released this year...
Fucking spics
Smash will not come out next year, unless its a port of 4. Mainline Pokemon has never proven itself on a non-handheld and could trip. And animal crossing? That's a niche game, that is not a heavy hitter.
>After that, there's no other major hitters left
>2D Metroid
>2D Mario
>Top-down Zelda
>Mario Kart 9
>Retro's game
>possible returning ips
Come on man, try harder
Literally the only thing I'm worried about is that they'll let their switch eshop turn into a steam-like horrorshow of shovelware.
There's already a literal mobile game for 10 dollars that's full of microtransactions.
This isn't even the Switch Zelda
Also, you forgetting about Pokemon and Metroid Prime?
Splatoon just makes me think what a fun N64 / Gamecube game it would have been. I don't want to play that shit online with tryhards.
>That's a niche game, that is not a heavy hitter.
Animal Crossing consistently sells millions of copies on whatever system it's on, the exception being the awful Wii U spin-off. New Leaf is one of the best selling games on the 3DS, and the original AC is the 6th best selling game on the GCN
also forgot Paper Mario, but who knows what Nintendo will do with that
Let's what else they have to announce Janurary, because Metroid and Pokemon isn't happen in 2018.
>After that, there's no other major hitters left
>2D Metroid
We already had one, dummy
>2D Mario
>Top-down Zelda
That'd probably go straight to the 3ds.
Not gonna be next year
Not gonna be next year unless its just a port of 4
>Mario Kart 9
There was already a Mario Kart game just this year
>Retro's game
>possible returning ips
Like what? The only two I can think of are Golden Sun and Mother; the former will have the same problems Dark Dawn had and the latter is never going to happen and probably really shouldn't happen, to be quite honest.
Sounds like you're just bad, it's okay, they have a C- rank and even a casual mode for babies.
>There are no games coming out for the switch because there are too many games out for the switch Nintendo is finished
New Leaf sold 11 million
Just in case anyone thought Animal Crossing doesn't sell
>>possible returning ips
>Like what?
Kid Icarus, motherfucker
I hope there will be a new one on the Switch at least
>pokemon isn't happening 2018
You don't know that, with Xenoblade 2 releasing in 2017 Pokemon could hit 2018.
>We already had one, dummy
That's not Metroid 5
Too bad, Nintendo wants to make one.
>That'd probably go straight to the 3ds.
3DS is dying, I doubt it will get anymore major titles.
>Not gonna be next year
Could come next year
>Not gonna be next year unless its just a port of 4
A port is still big
>There was already a Mario Kart game just this year
And the Switch needs a Mario Kart built for it as well as its own 3D Zelda game that's not held back by the Wii U.
>Like what?
F-Zero, Advance Wars, Wario Land?
>Like what?
F-Zero ;_;
Reminder that Pokebarneyfag got doxxed.
In all likelyhood you will not have both a new Kid Icarus AND a new Smash. Sakurai goes retardedly masochistic whenever he develops either series. and it'll probably engross him for the entire development period.
I'm going to say no here. Zelda and Mario are some of Nintendo's heaviest hitters and they used them both in the first year to massive success. I enjoy Xenoblade and I'm looking forward to a new Metroid Prime, but neither of those games are going to attract as much attention from the mainstream public than a new open world Zelda or a new open world 3D Mario. Unless they have something huge to announce in a new Nintendo Direct, it seems like the Switch hype will calm down immensely in 2018
The only other megaton they can drop is Pokemon or Smash. If they announce the new Pokemon proper next E3, it'll blow up even bigger.
Not only did he get doxxed, he tried to pull some revisionist bullshit and claim that it had not happened at all.
Sakurai is no longer needed, Namco can handle smash for the future.
Why'd you think the Switch is a hybrid? The normalfags finally get the big screen proper pokemon like they always clamored for, and nips can keep playing it on handheld.
I hope Sakurai fucks off and is just a consultant for the new Smash game tbqh
Why are you replying to that retard, apparently 11 million sales is niche, even though that's about as much if not more than the entire Mass Effect Trilogy, a series that was apparently quite large.
>strong first year
>only good games are first party
>online is going paid next year
>It's been a strong first year for the Switch
Literally one new game and it's an nth level rehash
>Super Mario #876
-Newest game in mario series, another fucking rehash with zero originality
>LoZ: BotW
-Available on WiiU, essentially a last-gen game
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
-Literally just a direct port of a last gen game
-Jesus fucking Christ, Nintendo. Fucking why? I'm not going to buy the same game for the 6th time and I'm not going to spend an extra $300 to play it on your console.
Reminder: You can get a PS4 or an Xbox One for less than the cost of a Switch and get way more for your money. Don't fall prey to nintendo's gimmicks.
Shut up, Eric.
What games do you play?
They have more IPs than Mario and Zelda
>Animal Crossing
And that's just 1st party.
AC is a mobile game now.
A switch port would be fucking interesting though, considering it would be free. (not counting microtransactions)
>That's not Metroid 5
They're not making a Metroid 5 right after a remake of Samus Returns AND a new Prime game on the way.
>3DS is dying
Too bad, Nintendo wants to make more 3DS games
>Could come next year
I hope it doesn't. We're gonna go from only announcing it in 2017's E3 to straight up having a finished version the next year? That's how you get a rushed, bad game.
>A port is still big
Yes, it is. But you see how no one talks about Mario Kart 8 deluxe anymore? Ports don't tend to make a splash for much longer than a few months.
>The Switch needs ANOTHER Mario Kart
For fucks sakes, user, that's overkill. If you need another racing series then ask for a new Diddy Kong Racing or F-Zero. Speaking of which...
...*sigh* user, don't make me feel bad for you.
>Advance Wars
I mean I guess, but what exactly can they do to improve it? It pretty much came out of the oven just about perfect-- I have to imagine that's a big reason why we haven't had any more than the one.
>Wario Land
I'd personally be stoked for that, but it'd probably end up on the 3DS with all the other properties Nintendo doesn't have complete faith in.
to me, a consumer: the PS4 has Bloodborne. Xbox one has no remarkable exclusives
Might as well say FE is a mobile game because of FEH, or mario is if Mario Run exists. Nintendo's mobile games are miniaturized versions of the games meant to either pull revenue from whales or pull mobile customers to thw core games. I know a lot of people who've checked out FE because of FEH.
Fine, a 'budget console' is a better word for it. Remember the last time they tried to do a big main console adventure? We got Pokemon Collesum.
Man you have a lot of games
i dont think you understand the pure selling power of mainline pokemon games, OP
I'm kinda wary of them because I'm tired of Nintendo catering to fucking gimmick babies with no standards for hardware. However, if it actually gets games I want I'll get one. They cant keep getting these 30FPS shitty ports that look like shit though, they gotta start gettin some exclusives.
I got burned on WiiU, after skipping the Wii. I refuse to get burned again, I will never early adopt Nintendo's platforms again.
>What games do you play?
Last games I played:
The Witcher 3
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Life is Strange
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Finaly Fantasy VII
I want Odyssey and Breath of the Wild a lot but I imagine the next year will be shit I buy because "eh I need more games for this thing"
>mega man 11
>no more heroes
>possibly soul calibur 6
next year is going to be hype
>They're not making a Metroid 5 right after a remake of Samus Returns AND a new Prime game on the way.
Prime 4 and Metroid 5 could hit in the same year, 2019.
>Too bad, Nintendo wants to make more 3DS games
Yeah, for only 2018.
>I hope it doesn't. We're gonna go from only announcing it in 2017's E3 to straight up having a finished version the next year? That's how you get a rushed, bad game.
You could be right.
>Yes, it is. But you see how no one talks about Mario Kart 8 deluxe anymore? Ports don't tend to make a splash for much longer than a few months.
>...*sigh* user, don't make me feel bad for you.
Nintendo said they were bring back old ips, I wouldn't give up just yet, hell Mega Man is back.
>I mean I guess, but what exactly can they do to improve it? It pretty much came out of the oven just about perfect-- I have to imagine that's a big reason why we haven't had any more than the one.
Who know, but they'll think of something.
>I'd personally be stoked for that, but it'd probably end up on the 3DS with all the other properties Nintendo doesn't have complete faith in.
See above, 3DS is on its last legs.
Everyone remember all the hype the Wii had for its first two years? It had a lot of good early titles too, and then for the rest of its life it was mostly shovel ware with maybe one or two quality titles a year after that.
Everyone saying no doesn't understand Nintendo, there are 8 Switch exclusives we know something about with a strong potential for a 2018 release and another 6 that are predictively relevant, things like Retro will have not released a title for 4 years by Feb and they have a soundtrack composed by DX/Tyrian composer.
not until 2019, gen 7 only just started last year and there's always a gap of at least 3 years between generations
>This isn't even switch zelda
Yeah, just like how Wind waker wasn't WiiU zelda...ohwait. Nintendo has changed son. There's no logical way Switch is getting its own title in the lifespan of the platform. Nintendo has been stuck between generations because Zelda titles take so long to crank out.
Before you fling your fingers to your keyboard in a cheeto dust induced whirlwind of Nintendo defense forcing, also consider this. Despite what the fanbase has said, the Switch is still a home console. This is in Nintendo's words. You're not delusional enough to think Switch will stay alive to compete with Sony's next platform that'll compete with Xbox one X are you?
The switch is far weaker than even the base model Xbox one and PS4. Do you really think nintendo will put out another Zelda on a platform that isn't future proofed?
I know Nintendo is retarded with their love for humping old hardware until it turns to bones and dust, but be real for a second, even if you're one of the modern fanbase. There is no way they're stupid enough to put out another Zelda on a platform that's already faaaaaaaar behind the competition they're still competing with.
>Witcher 3
Opinion discarded.
>a lot of good early titles
You have that backwards, the early years were slow as hell for the Wii while the later years had great releases like TvC, MH3, Punch-out, Xenoblade, The Last Story, DKCR, Kirby RTDL, etc.
>Tyrian composer
I just spit out my fucking drink. Is this true? The guy who did the Tyrian 2000 music is gonna be composing? God, I still sometimes get one of those tunes stuck in my head.
contrarian fag
Pokemon break years are irrelevant to generations.
You sound like a cunt.
What a shit list of favorite games
Alexander Brandon yes.
You wanna do something about it?
have fun being disappointed I guess when there's no new Pokemon next year
>Year 1 is Zelda, Mario, and Xenoblade
>Year 2 is Metroid, Kirby, and Travis Strikes Back
They said the same about Xenoblade 2, but I won't be, because I'm not 100% expecting 2018, I'm expecting 2018 or later, as it is written.
You're exactly the guy I'm talking about. It's a children's game being ruined by autists who suck too much for actual competitive games. Talking about it like its Brood War or some shit lmao
This is the happiest I've been all day. Thank you for bringing me news of this thing, friend
You mean the one who shitposted about Pokken? Really? Details?
No Metroid next year. Rumour of Mach Rider sequel though. Rumour could be fake based on, F-Zero was designed to be the spiritual successor to Mach Rider.
Here you go, just so you know I'm not lying, top of the list and bottom of the list.
>Mach Rider sequel
... Huh. That'd be interesting. Assuming it isn't an on-rails shooter.
He fucked up and revealed his YouTube account. Went downhill from there. Ironically, he was shitposting a non-Nintendo game.
>Fire Emblem
>Travis Strikes Again No More Heroes
>Octopath Traveler
looking pretty dry. need a big boy like smash or metroid prime or pokemon to make it a great year
Xenoblade 2 doesn't have a multimedia franchise tied to it, Pokemon does
gen 8 Pokemon is not going to be a thing until 2019, they've still got an entire year of gen 7 anime, movies, cards and toys to shill
GF never has and never will cut a generation short when there's money to be made
Looking at Switch games for 2018(both exclusives and multiplats).
Q1 will be quiet. Probably just Kirby and Octopath.
For Q2
DQ 11
Wolfenstein 2
Blazblue Crosstag
The last half is where it gets real interesting though:
Hopefully at least one of Pokemon or Metroid launches.
There's Fire Emblem 2018
There's Pikmin 4
There's No More Heroes 3
There's Valkryia Chronicles 4
There's Retro's new game.
There's Namco projects.
SMT V could also launch next year.
And of course, there are probably some unannounced first and third party titles.
Overall, I think we can expect 12-15 worthwhile games to come to the Switch.
That's pretty interesting. The guy usually does music for games with a sci-fi theme to them-- maybe that's a clue to whatever they're working on. Sin and Punishment, maybe?
Is Next Level Games dead?
That's hilarious, what's the channel?
Their Luigi's mansion game sold like hotcakes and was pretty much universally beloved to boot. Wouldn't be surprised if they were working on a sequel.
Or another Strikers, maybe?
>sin and punishment
That I doubt, Treasure ltd have a new game in development.
I think Kongs in space is a possibility, just to finish the trilogy, maybe a new IP or maybe F-Zero, they had previously co-developed Mario Kart 7.
Nope, probably Luigi's Mansion 3, 2 sold 5 million units.
If Q1 is as empty as you say, I hope there's a Direct that announces something that ends up landing in the eShop same day, at least. Or that online service update drops, or some surprise ports get released. Would love some 3DS ports since I never had one.
>an entire year
Or maybe 10 months of pokemon anime and tv series that could give way to a new release in November, something pretty standard.
I think he deleted it. There's a screenshot floating around.
EA leaked that there is a January direct, although Nintendo have an announcement for TGAs, I expect it to be Breath of the Wild DLC trailer, I hope it's a reveal trailer for Metroid Prime 4 though, that would resonate with TGA audience.
I'm personally hoping for Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze get ported to the Switch early next year.