At what point did you realize it was a masterpiece?
At what point did you realize it was a masterpiece?
Other urls found in this thread:
When I got a skell. Where's our fucking port.
When I got a computer powerful enough to emulate it.
About 100 hours into it.
When I got to Sylvalum early by abusing the shit out of Ghostwalker.
When I met Hope-chan
Can't you just walk there from the very start as long as you avoid the enemies?
We just had a thread breaking down the flawed combat, story, disappointing mechs, and useless grinding and world building.
No because there is an invisible wall around Primodia until you complete chapter 1, but also yes because that user is just really bad at avoiding enemies.
Fuck off
If being flawless is a prerequisite there are no masterpieces.
2 is better
Bigger flawed masterpiece than Gears imo (emphasis on the flawed part)
> rad alien designs, when you only get three as party members
>huge world to explore that shrinks as you get a skell and then a flying skell
> side content that develops the world through quests where your decisions are the difference between someone living and dying, in a series where people just want to do all the main story stuff
>the half-assed multiplayer that doesn't want to intrude on lone players but doesn't do enough to justify it's inclusion
>a story that ends just as it gets interesting, with barely any of the stake-raising twists that previous Xeno games handed out like candy
>an OST with some good tracks that chooses to constantly play the worst ones
Hopefully they take the good from Xenoblade 2's battlesystem (arts cancelling, chaining together arts, autoattacks tied to movement but adapted to fit X's insane mobility during battle) and keep everything that made X great. Other than the human faces there isn't a design I don't love, if they fix that we're good.
I thought it was mediocre overall with the only really interesting plot points shoved into the very end.
>Flawed Combat
>Disappointing mechs
>Useless Grinding
How fucking retarded are you?
I got fatigued after 60 hours. Couldn't even finish the game. Damn my OCD.
>>>huge world to explore that shrinks as you get a skell and then a flying skell
How is that a flaw? That shit was great, when you first explore the world it's huge. It would be a flaw if it stayed that huge so the game alleviates that somewhat by giving you a mech half way into the game which cuts down on travel times. Then right before the very last mission at the end of the game they give you a flight pack which trivializes travel and makes going places a breeze. The only problem is you can't take the flight pack off once you get it but you're already at the end of the game at that point.
Around the tenth Tatsu is food joke.
Truly the citizen kane of evangelions.
To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to enjoy the Tastu jokes.
When Xenoblade Chronicles 2 came out and Sup Forums suddenly began worshipping this game of course.
Fake news, Sup Forums has always loved XCX.
But user, the game took a significant dive in quality once you got the skells. The cool factor rose but the gameplay went to shit since after that point your teammates were useless and you could solo everything
When Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or X-2 comes out you'll suddenly be trashing that game and claiming Xenoblade 2 was an underrated masterpiece that Sup Forums has always liked actually.
The very first trailer made me buy a wiiu just for it not even kidding
xcx got just as much hate as xc2 is getting right now
but okay, whatever
You can solo everything before you even get a skell. What's your point?
But that's Xeno writing in a nutshell. If you were playing XC2 right now you'd know that. Except instead of tatsu food jokes it's a never-ending stream of "S-sorry, that's not what I meant" and poorly adapted innuendos.
>At what point did you realize it was a masterpiece?
One of the side quests
Either the Water Treatment Plant stuff, or the Manon Murder Mystery.
It didn't, though. People made fun of the graphics initially but none of the complaints that people had with XCX are the ones they're having with XC2
When I entered Oblivia and saw those giant rings in the distance, then realised I could climb up them. I love massive structures built by long forgotten civilizations.
Can we have an X thread without discussing 2?
Teammates are actually more useful to damage output in skells.
Doing damage on foot is too heavily focused on preforming combos while using buffs and aura correctly. The AI can't really get the sequence right.
But in skells, they CAN use the G-Buster off cooldown
what complains is xenoblade 2 getting here? character design, metacritic score, resolution, uhhh....
what complaints did xenoblade x get here?
character design, soundtrack, much weaker story, being stuck on wii u (graphics, unpopular system, etc.)
people had more problems
When a Ma-non jumps to their death.
>what complains is xenoblade 2 getting here? character design, metacritic score, resolution
How can you forget MOBILE GAME MECHANICS
It's got Gacha and it's got that stupid merc system.
At least in X, the "get resources every ____ mins of real time" system was automatic after you set it up.
With the merc system, whenever they return you get interrupted in whatever you were doing to sort through the menu to dispatch them again.
>Three of the points mean the same exact thing
>outright lies about the combat from someone who's never actually played 2
>"wahh I can't dress up the cat loli in a miniskirt 0/10"
You really told him, user. See you in a few years when X-2 comes out and Sup Forums's shitting on it kinda like what they do with any new game
Not to mention a shitty ending that is on par with how shitty ME3's ending was
about chapter 5 or 6. Only flaw I can find is the NLA music is repetitive as shit. Other than that, best soundtrack I've ever heard too.
The exploration and world is amazing and better than anything I've ever experienced. I even liked the ending. Oh well, I understand I'm the minority on this one
I liked X but it wasn't all that great. The huge, gorgeous world was empty. The sidequests were all trash. The story was serviceable at best with only a couple good moments. Mecha combat was hugely disappointing especially when you realize on-foot combat is better.
The only thing it really excelled at was exploration and fuckhuge monsters. Just play 2, it's better in almost every way.
I always loved XCX and i was always mad that it got a lot of hate. There were several people in threads who did love it, but there were a ton of people shitting on it, just like there are now.
Conflict in the game is:
Immediate Ganglion threat needs to be dealt with.
Lifehold Core needs to be found
Humanity needs to settle into living on Mira
All three of those things get concluded
It just that then they drop a whole NEW problem on you just as sequel bait, which is a real low blow.
yall niggas posting in a pokebarneyfag thread
>The sidequests were all trash.
This is how I know you're disingenuous.
Pokebarneyfag would never use the word 'masterpiece' in relation to a Nintendo product.
They were MMO-tier. The only good sidequests were the affinity ones. Everything else was "go here and kill this" or "go here and collect 10 wolf fangs' or some gay shit.
He's actually so autistic that he's been praising X for the past few days just to spite 2. I know, it's insane, but this guy is fucked in the head.
I can't think of many MMO quests where you can get town NPCs permanently killed.
Guild Wars had many of those, retard.
It's not
It's a great game but it's not an amazing idea cohesively like XB1 was
I'd say it needs one more iteration to get the cooking just right. Just needs to focus on a large number of concurrent, long side stories and missions, make Skell gameplay really useful and better integrated into the rest of the game and flesh out the open world way more
is Nan /ournopon/?
XB1 wasn't amazing. It was mediocre.
>When I got a skell. Where's our fucking sequel.
I think the ones that unearth the wooden Monado probably are
Don't even give me a sequel unless you fix the Skell combat. In fact, just take out the foot combat and build the entire game around Skell combat.
Anything else will just disappoint me. If you're not going to do mechs right don't do them at all.
This, all the problems could be fixed in a sequel.
Nah it peaks, then it dives again when you unlock flying.
Fuck you, I want a 60+fps/proper resolution port.
Honestly I think they need to move on from Xenoblade combat, it's not interesting enough iterate upon like this. In the first XBC it was novel, mmo-ish combat with some directional attacks and a neat party combo system. But in the end it became incredibly repetitive, even with various party members playing differently from one another, and the way in which you're basically playing with the UI elements and skill cooldowns rather than paying any attention to the actual enemy's actions made it pretty boring kinetically.
X tried to iterate on that with the party member reactions and more skill combos, XBC2 tries to iterate on it with art cancelling and elemental combos, but neither really solve the fundamental problems of pace and repetitions. It was the type of system that was a fun experiment for one game, but that's about it
>a 60+fps/proper resolution port.
If it's ported to Switch, its only going to be one of those two things, and only when docked.
Then emulate it and let monolith focus on giving us something new instead.
>emulate 60fps
Switch isn't significantly more powerful than Wii U in any regard. At most you'd get a slightly better draw distance.
They did it with BotW and various other games, you just need to work on the hack.
i will never not be mad at the abrupt ending of the main quest
X was going in the right direction by adding evasive moves. Part breaks were cool too.
They made the combat a lot more interactive with the enemy instead of just "do your MMO rotation"
Actually, does Blade 2 have anything like Power Dive/Ghost Walker/exiting skell/status immunity during certain attack animations?
Wasn't sunshine running at 60fps to begin with?
You're not a longtime Xeno- fan I take it. They keep doing this shit to us.
>When you finish putting together your fun ground build and take out a high level tyrant for the first time
I don't like the overdrive theme and wish I could just listen to Black Tar or Uncontrollable but otherwise I'm having a lot of fun.
No, 64 and Sunshine are the only two mainline Mario games that didn't run at 60 FPS.
>wish I could just listen to Black Tar
You know, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say this before.
Having to run around to add party members is fucking stupid.
Black Tar is pretty great outside of the vocals.
They should have been accessible via the barracks terminal.
Dec 2015
I don't get how this game had so many great and awful songs.
The most fun I had with the game was when I ignored the story and just explored.
>journeying up Noctilum to reach the source of the water, then heading back along the cliffs
>trekking along Oblivia's coast to reach the top of King's Falls
>entering Sylvalum in general
But the exploration goes to shit once you get to Cauldros, since it's designed like it could hypothetically be explored on foot, but it's filled with billions of enemies that aggro if you so much as glance at them. You practically need a flying Skell to explore Cauldros, which defeats the entire point.
newfag detected. See you in 3 years when the next Xeno comes out and this place starts sucking XC2’s cock.
Wishes for sequel?
>more voiced themes
>radio system that allows you to play the games music complete with dj
>option for player built playlists as well
>option to play non voiced versions of themes as background music
>art style consistent with the first assets are reused to to put budget into other places
>higher quality materials and textures make assets look new and shiny in comparison
>larger landmass 4x the map space of X, 1/4 of worlds total landmass playable
>world has a curvature
>new mechs
>2nd ark ship
I'm pretty certain that ark ships weren't built to scatter from earth but were built to go to Mira.
>the bad guy area is dangerous
>more voiced themes
There's a difference between "dangerous" and "get gangraped unless you're practically avoiding the place you're trying to explore."
And even if the point was to require you to have a flying Skell to explore Cauldros, why would they bother with all of the teleporters only usable on-foot? It's pretty obvious that they designed Cauldros with intent of letting you look around, but then whoever was in charge of enemy placement dumped a billion enemy mechs everywhere, making that impossible. Cauldros is un-enjoyable to be in, no matter what point of the game you're in.
>Reworked mech combat that's deeper and more involved than ground combat, such that getting your mech feels like a graduation from the introductory ground combat system into the true combat system
>More in depth mech customization, maybe not AC levels but more than we got, I want to visibly change parts
>Mechs to feel like substantial upgrades over ground, when you're on foot you're vulnerable are careful, when you're in a mech you're safe and powerful, that sort of general dynamic.
>Individual audio sliders for VO, BGM, SFX
>Cleaner HUD and UI
>Heavy religious symbolism, copious twists, and convoluted sci-fi mindfuckery
>Kung-Fu and Kung-Fu Mechs
>Mech Kamehamehas
To take the openworld mech RPG in a whole new direction.
>kung fu mechs
I hope you mean as an option, the combat in gears sucked ass.
Just because XB2 is shit does not make XBX not trash.
The Vandam of this game has an Art where he enters an 'evasive' stance where nothing hits him, though I'm not sure if that's what you're thinking of.
I feel like 2 continues a lot of the stuff X started to do with combat, though it changes the direction in a lot of ways too.
I almost feel like Blade 2 is a great template for the evolution of Pokemon games actually, though that may just be my own associations
>scrap specials and have the fourth move
>Dump tons of resources into pokemon auto attack animations, though give that most pokemon are already given a solid number of animations in the core games nowadays, it wouldn't be so crazy
>keep shit like field skills and affinity
Good idea, maybe have 3-4 Radio stations that offer different political groups' opinions about your recent adventures.
My legit only request is that they make Skell Combat more distinct from regular combat in terms of the role it plays. Maybe take some notes from Titanfall on the relationship between large robots and small infantry