I told my friend KF1 had better aesthetics than KF2, and he said I was nostalgia blinded. So I'm posting a screenshot of a subway from both games. Which do you think is better?
I told my friend KF1 had better aesthetics than KF2, and he said I was nostalgia blinded...
fuck your friend
Lighting is fucking terrible in the second picture.
Second one is less realistic, but far more comfortable, since it's less washed-out.
I've played both extensively and I genuinely enjoy KF2 more. I agree the film grain b-movie aesthetic of the first game is super charming, along with the old vendor, but I'm a total slut for the gore and gun porn in KF2.
I like the well lit, somewhat clean areas because by the end of a round they're caked in blood.
Both look like shit
>killing floor at all
>gun porn
Like porn, it just close enough to real to do the job, but over the top enough to be fun.
I'm in it for the gore-porn. Shame that their FLEX implementation causes performance issues even on a god damn 1070.
Everything about KF1, except graphics, is better than KF2.
KF1 had too much welding door abuse. On the flipside, doors are fucking useless in KF2.
Is this the Krusty Krab?
>have demo set door trap
>big group of zeds explode when they break down the door
>support repairs door
The first game is better in every way except for the graphics and the gore. The aesthetic, the gameplay, all of it was better and had it's own charm. Second game is really only good if you want the hardcore gore.
No, this is Patrick
No, this is PATRICK
you can repair doors in kf2?
What said
Especially in a room with two doors, you weld one and cover the other. When the one breaks, you switch or have a zerk stand in front of it while it is repaired and retrapped. That's a hell of a lot more overhead than in kf1 where you would position correctly so that almost nothing would even get on the door and it could stay welded with the occasional tap from the support.
Yeah, the Support can fix broken doors.
They finally added the ability for supports to repair doors after a loooong period of welding being utterly fucking useless because of the moronic choice to have two door hp values.
the problem wasn't with the doors in kf1, it was the pathing that they glitched. A 1% welded door with people standing in the correct position is the same as a 10000% welded door.
What the fuck does tripwire have against holding out in this game? They tried so hard to make it a run and gun twitch shooter, why?
Is it just me or the maps in kf2 are designed to promote kiting and running around than camping one spot?
>devs say KF2 is more run and gun focused and that they dont want people to camp just like in KF1
>add zed teleporting
There are only a handful that really require kiting but it takes some doing to figure out where one can hold since they added fifty ways for enemies to spawn in that you wont be sure of when scoping out an area.
i dropped KF2 the moment i saw the teleporting zed shit
they fixed that before launch
They did fix it, but its still abundantly clear that they playtest the game on hard. There is no other way that they could conceive of bloats and sirens teleporting in your path, or any of the other moronic bullshit they've pulled, as at all acceptable.
except they didnt and zeds still teleport if you go far away enough
>hey, lets add crawlers that generate 30 seconds of area denial on death
>hey, lets at gorefasts with TWO blades who block fucking everything and chain whirlwinds that do way too fucking much damage
>hey, lets fuck over everyone by adding RESISTANCES
>hey, lets force players to kite by making every space have eight ways for the zeds to enter
>hey, lets stop players from kiting specials by making them all rage at the end of the wave
>hey, lets stop players from kiting by making everything teleport in front of them
They made it difficult enough for them to do so that it basically only happens when they get stuck. If you've ever seen a zed get stuck, you know it takes a fucking minute for them to teleport out, or die and be respawned.
whats wrong with playtesting on hard? Hard is the default difficulty.
It's funny, they do all this bullshit and the game still isn't harder than KF1. I'd say all they did is make KF2 more annoying than anything
Welding was so comfy in kf1. Just helping with scrakes and fp's and then going back to weldan and occasionally clearing the other side
Again welding was counterintuitive because being in a position to repair welds is already a failure.
The only people who will know the difference are the most loyal base playing on the hardest difficulties. Further, if you dont consider the highest difficulties, you will fuck up the balance for them, where as if you test on them, you can balance for them and adjust the lower difficulties as necessary. It's like making a competitive game and balancing it around the shitters instead of the actual comp level.
Depends on where. Maps like foundry, absolutely, but in many other cases its better to unweld and clear periodically because scrakes and such will end up on the door regardless of positioning.
>>hey, lets stop players from kiting specials by making them all rage at the end of the wave
>Whenever during the wave time there only 5 ZEDs remains, following ZEDs will enter frustration mode. In this mode ZEDs will be forced to sprint regardless of their normal sprint conditions. It takes them random (2.5-5) seconds to enter such mode. Scrakes, Fleshpounds and bosses cannot be frustrated.
What specials are you kiting?
how did they fuck up KF2 so bad? KF1 was cool, KF2 just feels like a shitty fan kikestarter sequel.
When they first added the feature, scrakes and fleshpounds would permarage. At that time, they were dangerous enough to deal with that players routinely left them for the end of the way. When that change was made, all hell broke loose and people were mad.
Don't talk about balance for games whose histories you dont know, and definitely dont act smug about it.
>hey, lets add crawlers that generate 30 seconds of area denial on death
Just shoot them in the head like any other zed.
>hey, lets at gorefasts with TWO blades who block fucking everything and chain whirlwinds that do way too fucking much damage
Who the hell can't take Gorefiends before they get close. Maybe Commando's, but even SWATs got shit ton of stumble power.
>less washed-out.
>If something doesn't have insanely harsh light transitions it's washed-out
>Just shoot them in the head
The damage isnt even relevant, its just fucking dumb. The visual effect when they added it was taller than the players, with cockroach sprites running around at eye level.
Gorefiends block after ONE SINGLE ROUND hits them. Body shotting them as swat or mando takes far too much ammo to be reasonable. Youre better off leaving them for a support. Their infinite block is super bullshit for zerks too.
Few things.
1. Not listening to the community
2. Tripwire getting a bloated ego after their previous successes
3. John Gibson
4. Lead gameplay designer left development during EA
5. Tripwire allotted a lot of fucking time to retarded shit no one likes
6. Not having Alex Quick on their team anymore (the creator of KF mod and a developer of KF1)
>Tripwire allotted a lot of fucking time to retarded shit no one likes
I just want to know why KF2 takes 3 minutes to do its initial load, and why maps are 300mb+ when most of them look no more complex than KF1 in the art department.
>cool, new content and huge update is about to drop
>"its the thing you all've been waiting for"
>FINALY LMGs! more weapons! a RIOT SHIELD!
fucking dropped off the balcony by michael jackson
did that mode ever get anywhere? are they still pushing it? refunded the game long time ago
In your example I like kf1's subway more, in most other cases inside and outside of aesthetics I would like kf2 more, especially gameplay
>lets make a game where precision shots are required and then have our hitboxes be complete ass
I cant go back to KF1.
Everything in KF1 is fucking brown and grey. I could feel myself actively developing depression while playing.
A recent survey was asking for opinions on how to change it. It failed miserably and they still want to make it work. The options were to have no ai zeds, pvp only, or to do asynchronous with one player as a boss.
they literally made the enemies walk in straight ass lines because they knew the hitboxes were shit. How bad are you?
Did the christmas update drop yet?
KF1 feels a lot more dingy and bleak to me which I prefer but I do like how KF2 looks as well. KF2 feels like the apocalypse just started, whereas KF1 makes you feel like you're traversing a long since destroyed world.
>Zeds spawn outside of the map and move in
>With this, able to design good maps first and worry about funelling and paths second
>Able to get surrounded while on the move but also play around it smartly through listening out for zeds
>Zeds spawn in all the spots closest to players, with every area permiated with spawn zones in all directions so you can't defend from a distance or reasonably rely on doors
>If you try to go anywhere, zeds will literally teleport in your path without any warning
>Make up for this stupid, punishing system by making the game easy as fuck so it doesn't matter
So you'd rather have perfect hitboxes but the enemy animations being such spastic bullshit that you cant actually hit their heads, whilst they get three free hits on you because only headshots efficiently kill them?
Perks are dumber in kf1 tho.
And level up certains perks required to grind it on workshop maps becausr let face it, lvl6 ss and commando are hard as fuck with their "kill X stalkers / wield X times"
The bottom is far better.
Pre baked texture shaders are fucking shit for any resemblance of aesthetics.
That isn't at all how KF 2 works.
KF2 is superior in that half the classes aren't a fucking detriment like Firebug and Demolitions which blot the screen in shit that makes it difficult to see.
Reminder that in KF2 you can slap a scrake in the face and run past, taking no damage.
In KF1, you go anywhere near a scrake and he jabs you for a shitton of damage. You rage him, and he runs straight at with an unavoidable attack, requiring you to quickly kill him or stun him.
KF2 is fucking garbage.
I always thought it was cool when a fleshpound would spawn and the demo would m32 spam its feet and after a few seconds the fleshpound would just charge through the smoke and fuck everybody
> every pleb on Sup Forums quit after the cosmetics update for kf2
> none were around to see tripwire pull their heads out of their ass
> none have experienced the game as it is now
> still meme'ing about problems that were patched out a bit over a year ago
if you ever needed proof Sup Forums doesnt play vidya, its kf2 complaint threads
Firebug at least was MVP in a lot of maps/strategies in KF1. Everybody loved pipebombs though.
The only thing incorrect there is the teleporting, which is only because they fixed it. Pretty much any room you might think about holding out in, you'll find vents fucking everywhere for clots, stalkers, and crawlers to come slap your shit.
>not a detriment
FB is literally bottom tier unplayable right now dude, as opposed to KF1 where he was trash killer #1
>demo ever a detriment in KF1
Confirmed for never playing it, pipebombs were the norm
This thread made me remember how hyped I was for KF2 -- one of the very few games I pre-ordered.
Just checked I only have seven hours of game time.
I'm downloading it again currently.
What's it like now?
And then there were the decent players who would land 3 nades on the torso, killing two fleshpounds completely obscured by smoke.
>he didn't get a refund after early access
what the fuck is wrong with you user? did you actually like survivalist, lootboxes, zed resistances, rae, versus, etc?
It's good - better than it was in EA, but still not as good as KF1 in its heyday
What, other than teleporting, gets complained about and has been fixed?
Your friend is confusing graphics with aesthetic.
Original KF mod had the best aesthetic.
>judging aesthetics of two games by two screenshots
They both look very bland.
> firebug bottom tier unplayable
have you not played the game in a year?
they buffed the shit out of firebug months ago
he can easily hold a hall on 6man HOE by himself, needing only to briefly stop if a FP or group of Quarter-FP's come clucking along.
his only current issue is the flare pistols suck dick compared to anything else he could want to buy
as a lvl 25 everything in KF2, I can safely say that bug is still VERY useful to the team and is still trash-clearer #1
a timely mollie can fuck over everything that tries to get close and the Heat Wave skill can save everyone's life. Bug in 2 is like a shield of fire, burn anything that encroaches on the team (barring boss zeds) and everyone survives
original kf mod was also shitty gameplay wise, at least 1.0 was.
>ever trusting tripwire after the bug-ridden shitshow that was RO2 on release
It was still very fresh, but it was spookiest.
I know it'll never compare with KF1 in it's heyday.
Though one thing I have not seen mentioned yet here is how KF1's chat system was far better. Not played 2 in ages but I hated that little wheel thing it had.
Your friend is a moron. KF2 doesn't have any soul whatsoever.
both look like ahit desu
Except you can clear trash just as well, at better range with either the SWAT or commando. With the M203, Vektor, flashes and soon the UMP they're also good at killing large zeds on their own as opposed to a complete liability like the FB is
>no auto reload
more games should do this
member resistances update
I member
yes but everyone camps regardless
but bug kills things cheaply and with heaps more ammo than SWAT, and without the need for proper accuracy
the only detriment is the range drop but if you pay attention and the medic's got you covered, bug can hold the line all by themselves
flare pistols used to be god in KF1, but I guess they came from DLC swarms. Is the uzi still kite god?
It's only ever useful to weld 2 doors in the entire game tho, the door next to THE spot in Containment lab and the only door in Zed landing.
Who even still plays vanilla maps?
I do
they're still more balanced than the majority of custom maps
How do you go from this
To this?
i agree
the new "arena" types of map are garbage tough
>we want the "le wacky dead risin' zombie killin' romp" audience
against anything smaller than a husk*
i like the kf2 better bu i guess it's really down to taste here
i think the kf2 still preserve the tension better
the kf1 would be more suited to some kind of discovery or like an exploration of some sort
firebug is completely viable to eliminate husks
have you tried the Trench Gun? It deals with Husks in 2 shots over medium range and 1 shot in close
Did they ever add Abandon All to KF2?
The main menu alone tells you a decent bit. The menu track from KF1 was absolutely perfect for the mood of the game and even had clever instrumentation.
KF1 looks disgustingly butt ugly, even for the time. It was an Unreal 2.5 game released when Unreal 3 was starting to get up there in age. It had really flat textures and bland environments, the lighting is also very primitive and massively undercuts the atmosphere on a lot of the maps. The UI looks like something they spent zero time at all on.
Game is still great fun but I don't see how anyone could make an argument for any of its visuals on any level.