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Video Games #3995
Video Games
Hair clips through shoulders
Are you hyped for VC4?
Be crowned prince of Lucis
This is Yoshi
Wait... did gamers just win?
In honor of Quake 2's 20th birthday let's play some good old deathmatch
Why aren't you studying for your final exams Sup Forums?
Haha dude, I play as female characters because unlike you, I am not gay and enjoy staring at man ass
ITT: God tier controller design
What JRPG has the best battle system?
Monster Hunter World Beta
Scotland is not a real country; you are an Englishman with a dress
What type of video games do you like, Sup Forums?
The last video game girl you played as is now living with you as your girlfriend/wife
Post games where the DLC is better than the main game
Webm thread
Rate my gaming station
Lol what. chinks on ebay are selling backlight modded GBA's as clones for $30
ITT: Describe a game by only loosely describing who the main antagonist/final boss is
Reminder that this game will never be released on PC and will be lost in time just like Demon's Souls
How do we fix the horror genre?
ITT: Characters who fucked everything. Like they fucked absolutely everything and it's all their fucking fault
Here's your controller, bro
Is this kill
Guess the game game
How do they stay in business?
Name a flaw
What's the most cringeworthy moment you have ever experienced in a video game?
Thank you Todd
So there will be more DLCs right? Since Ballad of Champions only gives you one new heart piece, leaving two open still
Fighting games
So what do you want in the next game?
Champion's Ballad
Give me one reason why Rondo of Bood isn't your favorite Castlevania
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why the fuck do I have to buy a gay ass 720p tablet to play Bayonetta 2 and 3...
This piece of shit is 400 Trudeaubux
Will my Chad roommates judge me for playing this...
Battle Network Collection when? Also, Battle Network General. Which BN is best?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Choose your quest reward Sup Forums
I found this game really enjoyable. Why did everyone hate it?
Now, it's been about 10 years, the technology's gotten better, but...
To the No Man's Sky Haters
“ I don't want to go to those teams and tell them I read in a magazine that there's something called games as a...
What are some of the best wrestling games? Here's my list of recommendations, are there others that are also good?
Do you think that Tostarenans will appear in more Mario games?
Uncharted, tLoU, Days Gone, Detroit, even God of War now
Jackbox Sup Forumsarty Pack - VIDEOGAME EDITION
Will Fallout ever recover?
Death Stranding
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Do you prefer Smash 4 or Melee?
Has Mexico made any Video Games?
ITT: Games you have 1000+ hours in
1.Fly Me to the Moon
How would you rewrite Krystal's origin for a sequel to Star Fox Zero?
When does Arcanum 2 release again?
Why do only Europeans play Rimworld?
I will post this everyday until E3
Capcom won
Okay, let's get to the bottom of this shit. What are the Sonic games that are actually GOOD? As in, not mediocre...
How do we fix the horror genre?
Pass me the controller bro
How the fuck did it beat BOTH MARIO AND ZELDA at best Score/Music????!?!???
When does Platform Masters release?
Ubisoft steals content
A Xcom clone managed to beat Xcom and Total Warhammer II for best Strategy game
What is the appeal?
Will anyone ever design a better character?
How the FUCK is this soundtrack better than Persona 5 or Cuphead?
I am getting my gf and I Nintendo Switches for Christmas, and also I'm proposing to her...
This Monster Hunter World Beta is incredibly easy. Each intended hunt is boring and simple...
Pay 60 bucks for NBA2k18 on Switch have to download 23GB
Is crysis an actually good game or just a computer benchmark
What I want form a new animal crossing
Sirlin is here to save fighting games, fuck your complicated command inputs
Stop ignoring this game Sup Forums
A Witch and her Knight
ITT: Cool fanart
What was it like losing to a girl at video games user
Its unirconically amazing
Games I never see talked about
Why doesn't Korea make vidya?
Which one is the most relevant to its series?
What would you like to see in the next Mainline Fire Emblem game?
Battlestation thread
I demand you post your top ten games of the year
Whats with the massive amount of moderation in multiplayer games nowadays?
What video games are you playing tonight Sup Forums ?
Final boss was right all along
Alright Sup Forums, tell me their name
What did you think of the final boss of the entire Dark Souls series?
Full retard reverse rage system
Itt: it's not as bad as you do it does
Why do so many people on twitch and YouTube have these? Are they just a meme?
Let's discuss the objectively best games series ever: ULTIMA
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What's your favorite game of 2017? It doesn't have to be the best, but just your favorite
What happened this year Collage thread #6
Reminder that no other zombies map will ever top this
Minecraft thread
PSX '17 thread
Jackbox Sup Forumsarty Pack Saturday -SFW Edition
Why haven't you preordered the best remake ever made?
What actually fueled their rivalry?
Reminder that this was a thing
What oracle would you choose?
Nothing but jumpscares
Villains were the good guys all along
No background as a voice actor
Can you prove him wrong?
Filename Thread
Video game music that is so nostalgic it makes you incredibly sad
Street fighter V
All of these Switch games actually came out this year
Who is the better villain?
I've never been so satisfied to know that a bird died
What the fuck is it?
Wolfenstein II TANKED HARD, sold 100k on week 1
Hit quick play
What the fuck is wrong with Bethesda and why does Todd keep re-releasing games? Do people actually buy this shit...
New Vegas/Mod recommendations thread
What are Sup Forums's thoughts of In the Valley of Gods?
Most humiliating game to be killed with in multiplayer?
This game isn't that bad. It's nowhere near as iconic or interesting as Splatoon, but it's a bit of fun now and then
How is this game?
Decide to try subnautica again after a year
Are there any strategy games that allow you to customize your units down to the equipment they wear...
Do any good film/cartoon adaptations of video games exist?
There will never be a MGR2
Dan Slott is writing
What does Sup Forums think about Saint Seiya games?
What's the most 2000's game of all time?
Everything is fixed
You must not look within 31.5 degrees of any terrorist or any counter-terrorist or you will be shot
*blocks your civilization's path*
No games
Why is Sup Forums hating on slav games now?
Why does wow have more male characters than female?
Could i play Okami HD on i3 4GB RAM lenovo laptop with no problems?
Playing though the Mega Man Collection I got for my PS2 recently
Say something nice about the best game ever made. also vga graded thread. am i autistic to have paid $160US for this ?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
SC6 thingy
Name a game where you can play as a maid
Will this be on PC or not...
Why is this game so over rated
Soulcalibur 6
RTS is finished
Why does the media want to trick us into thinking girls actually play video games?
How do we get Senran Kagura unbanned from Sup Forums, bros?
Can we have a thread that's just some pure, no nonsense, garbage design that should NEVER be in games?
ITT : People who give the term "e-celeb" a good reputation
People who don't think Dark Souls is the best souls game probably haven't replayed it in a while
Main character's tragic back story was that they were raped
The default option for females is a black
Identify an imperfection
What about this upsets Sup Forums so much?
Why not there a female protagonist in grand theft auto?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What was Sega thinking when they designed this?
Why is Greg Miller a big thing? Wasn't he just a random guy from IGN for a few years?
I finally got to level 50 while still in the beginning of chapter 3. Please congratulate me
What are their names again?
Games that got worse the bigger the player-base got
Post box art comparisons
Saturday night Sup Forumsingo thread
Okami HD 30 fps lock
Why does Sup Forums hate Call of Duty again?
Reminder that Black is confirmed and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it
Misery > Curly Brace
Director and creator of the first game is not involved in the sequels
Bethesda calls out EA
Monster Hunter Beta thread
Honestly, I think Tenchu and Shadow Tower aren't likely...
You're crossing the bridge on 2fort when this guy comes and gibs your Medic's ass. What do you do?
Your last game death is how you die
With widescreen, you can get a better idea why this mission causes people problems...
Release a so called "eye candy update"
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
They have the same eyes
The bone is without a doubt a thigh bone and its also without a doubt too thick to be human
Game of the year released after the awards
Why can't I get the upgraded performance...
Pic related is more popular than games on twitchtv, the most popular platform for streaming games
Why does 9S wear a choker?
HAD some of the most interesting and fun mobility options of any character in any FPS ever
Why did Sony show ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new of interest this year?
What would you change about breath of the wild?
Find a flaw if you can
Sup Forums created the 2017 collage today
Don't mind me, just posting the definitive GOTY
This is a picture of Todd Howard
2017 Collage
Sup Forums's top 100 shooters of all time (THE LIST)
Go on Sup Forums
This is Flonne. Say something nice about her
Is there any video game that captures the magic of The Neverending Story?
"Hello, one copy of Monster Hunter: World, please"
It's coming. The ultimate tag team
The antagonist is your childhood friend
Ramirez! Do everything!
Anyone else just waiting for the PS4 port?
Death Stranding is Kojima's final game
How is this character design not racist?
Games with unsatisfying endings
What's her name again?
Did I like DOOM 2016?
Any plans for tomorrow, Sup Forums?
Would you buy a Megaman Battle Network game for Nintendo Switch based on this?
Are you guys just going to conveniently forget that every single Monster Hunter demo since tri has been watered down...
What is your favorite Mario Party mini-game?
*breaks your weapon*
ITT: Biggest disappointments for 2018
You can only choose one
On Monday, I bought 1 game
What's the video games equivalent?
What does he say again?
Why is it taking 5 years for Death Stranding to come out?
Videogame has HAFNIM
What is the video game equivalent of TTGL?
ITT: Series where the best games are ignored by the normalfag audience
The CHAD speedrunner
Horizon Zero Dawn
You're 8 years old
When your game is so good you just keep rereleasing the same old shit for 12 years straight and people still buy it
Why does Sony hate cross-play so much...
What did she mean by this?
Is it gud?
Will they ever make a Deus Ex game with JC Denton again?
Best 4x games?
"Man, when the fuck are they going to nerf Rooks? They're OP and they ruin the game!"
Kills you in one hit
Oh no no no no
Worth it at 40% off?
Death Stranding
Who is Cirno and why is she so perfect?
This is ridiculous. I remember barely keeping 30fps in the overworld...
Volta GPU's are here
97 average on Metacritic
“Welcome back.”
What went so horribly wrong?
Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell
Half the board is threads of anons falseflagging
Chun Li is canonically Chinese
This game any good? Never played it
Glass Cannons
The Death Stranding wand
What's her name again?
Should stealing a multiplatform IP be outlawed?
Fate/Grand Order
Admit it, BOTW's DLC is bad
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Fire emblem heroes
Tay tay inside a video game acquisition facility
Yakuza coming to PC
Why don't modern games have working mirrors?
Show those collections
Name our squad
Get in here nintendobros this is serious
Mighty No. 9 is actually a FUN game
New conker when
Just admit it. It's really fucking good
/sft/ - stupid fucking circle jerk edition
What video games do girls like to play?
*lifts tail*
Dont mind me lads just posting a non-prostitution discussion topic about twitch IRL which is a video game oriented...
Spooney is about to go ghost
Now I do like BotW but I find myself a little sad that Zelda probably won't ever be Zelda again...
Can someone explain to me what was the point of Chapter 2?
Itt: things in vidya that make you nervous
Today is Quake 2's 20th birthday. In celebration we should play some good old deathmatch
Guys, serious question here...
Fortnite Battle Royale
There are Japanese, French, Greek, Chinese, etc characters in Soul Calibur
3D Platformers
ITT: biggest failures of 2017
Your game literally turns into a shitty Youtube video in handheld mode
Door bell rings
Just copped for PC, what to expect?
What games should I play if I own a computer?
I'm going to kill myself
What was the purpose of this?
This is a cute babby, say something nice to him
Between BotW's complete lack of content and SSB4 and FE's insane price points...
Why do girls pretend to like video games?
Why is nobody talking about this? It's the ss13 of survival games
Bethesda trying to regain the goodwill of the mainstream gaming community by shitting on EA since the dumbass masses...
Can we abandon this normie meme now
What do you drink when playing vidya?
2017 Collage
What games are you planning to purchase this Christmass?
Shitty remasters/ramakes everywhere
Pick one Sup Forums
Rate the first year of switch
Fallout 4 DLC
Sup Forums has been asking for a new MediEvil for at least two years
What games are you looking forward to Sup Forums?
Games where you can be evil
It's actually amazing
Slot machines, video poker, electronic gambling
They won E3
Whats your opinion on fapping before a competitive game? do you lose fatigue? more or less stress...
One copy of cuphead
PSP Go vs. 3000
Vidya Gaem Awards 2017
Well, turns out we were right to be worried about Monster Hunter World. It's really bad
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Kojima is a hack
Is it not cultural appropriation / racist for non-black devs to make black characters / who games based on black...
What went right?
Will Nier: Automata make it to the Top 10 best games of 2017?
Only true patricians understand the value of skilling
Holy shit, the beta is terrible...
Monobeno on steam. Who is hype?
Why do I enjoy Minecraft more than Terraria?
How fucked will your wallet be in January?
Who would you main in a historical figure fighting game?
If you could choose one game to replace every character in it with lolis, what game would you choose?
Filename thread
Doom turns 24 years old and nobody is talking about it. What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?
Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Is there an uglier controller than the dualshock 4?
What games have the best animal companion?
PSX was disappointing
This is your tank tonight
So, Sup Forums, what's the consensus?
Monster Hunter on the Nintendo 3DS (1.5 generations old)
When does this game get good?
The absolute state of the Nintendo Switch
Soul Calibur VI
Tfw kojima's ruse crew is going to be about how demon psychic reptile alien alter-dimensional beings are harvesting...
What games are you going to be playing tonight?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Opinions about moose tauren heritage armor set?
Why the fuck is X the accept button and O the cancel button? It's the complete opposite of what it should be
Since it's the christmas season and it's currently snowing everywhere let's have a comfy handheld thread...
Let's settle this once and for all
Is he the most handsome protagonist ever?
This is the most compelling thing happening in vidya right now, so I wanna keep talking about it
E3 2015
My name
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why is Civ 6 so bad in comparison to the previous games?
Monster Hunter World Beta
So I just beat Persona 5. Holy shit this game was a masterpiece...
What are some video game characters you'd cuddle with?
I enjoy The Division
Just got MGSurVive, AMA
Pretty cool desu
Mega Man 11
New From IP
Good games for Switch
Road rage
How do I defeat this boss Sup Forums?
Which games have the most realistic graphics for authentic human beings such as myself to enjoy?
Honestly why does this game get so much praise? As a platformer it's pretty poor/average
Can someone explain to me why this game should be an esport...
Objective 10/10 games from the 8th gen so far
ITT: Stories about playing vidya with family members
The prequel is better
Dont mind me,i'll just drop this here and leave
Which one should I choose if I want to make a game but have no experience or knowledge whatsoever...
This is your healer Blade for tonight. Say something nice to her!
Console gamers have to pay a subscription fee to access the full features of the game which they already paid for
Is this game a faithful depiction of the North Korean military power?
Just build a pc bro, its much cheaper than console gami-
This is actually pretty fun
Games that require you to use paper and pencil
ITT: games that are too hard for brainlets
What games let me get comfy?
I-I'm not gay!
This is just fucking Hoth but more flat what the fuck battlefronters in the house?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What an awful title
Final Fantasy 7
God of War is 25 to 30 hours-long
Secret Hitler
Which mmo is the best of these?
Alright Xbros I'm fed up from all of the bullshit...
Be me
Risk of Rain thread
Why aren't you playing fighting games rn?
MGS1>MGS3>MGS2>Power Gap>MGS5>MGS4
64% of Steam users run the client in Chinese
Tank thread. What's your favorite tank from any games?
Is there something she said we all can agree with her?
“9 Disastrous Mistakes That Killed Star Wars Battlefront II”
I can't believe it's 2017 and some people STILL don't know that AJ is best pony
What would you consider to be a "perfect" game?
I want a cooperative or online game that I can play with my bestfriend who now lives overseas
Nintendo switch
So how are all you filmfags and bookfags doing so far?
Is zelda a normie game now
First impressions of monster hunter world Sup Forums?
Should she sue for having her face stolen?
I'm so proud of them
Find a flaw if you can
Are you hype, Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
God Tier Horror
Is there a more annoying person on YouTube ?
Turn on chat, dude
Fnaf6 just dropped like a week ago and I didn't see any threads
Videogame characters who look like either you or someone you know
Why is no one talking about this?
Woolie! I'm gonna give you a pro tip!
Why did Paladins fail to kill Overwatch?
What games have the best castles?
They've already won the next E3
Let's write a letter to Praxis, one word each
Name one thing PCs can do that consoles can’t
Going back and examining the 2nd Death Stranding trailer, and taking information online...
ITT: Games people on Sup Forums pretend to have played
What are some games with good art direction?
Did Breath of the Wild deserve Game of the Year?
Monster Hunter World Beta
East vs West
Can we all agree Vesperia is the best Tales game?
This game looks fun as fuck
When your wife's son deletes your BoTW save file
Urrr kojimbur dead strand so uhhh smarts uhhh tru game for smartsies like me! Uhhhhhhhhhh what he mean by that ahaha...
How will Nintendo ever recover?
No webm thread
Fire Emblem in 2017
Solo tenia siete pesos
Ask a professional Overwatch player anything
Fortnite dev calls for Crossplay at The Game Awards
Continued from >>399496381 You fags know the drill, it's time for the 2017 collage. Keep it vidya related
Tales of Edges
You have infinite amounts of money
Ok Sup Forums. We all know by now that the Switch is basically Iwata's console...
How the hell has there not been a sandbox Middle Earth game where you can roam the western portions of Middle Earth?
No japan studio in teaser
You will buy her game right?
Medievil Remaster of the PSP Resurrection remake confirmed
I-is sony the g-good guy?
Zelda BoTW is GOTY
What's a Sup Forumsisual novel that doesn't have a slow as fuck start?
Zelda is dead
Are MGSV and FFXV the last Japanese AAA games?
Well Sup Forums, what does he accuse you of?
Did I make a mistake?
Will videogames surpass movies,not as an art form, but as a cultural mainstay?
If this movie is successful, do you think Nintendo might make more live action movies based on their IPs?
What do you think/hope they will show?
How the fuck is Skyrim still in the top 5 in the Nintendo eShop?
Sup Forums the videogame
Dust settled
What are some games with a great premise but an absolutely terrible execution?
What's so special about this? I'm like 1 or 2 hours in and it's just kind of boring...
Step aside Mario, there's a new rehash in town
Why was she such a madwoman?
Who asked for this?
Comfy 3DS Thread
Not wanting socks and sweaters
Why is the World of Warcraft community so antisocial and impatient?
Last night was a disaster. What was Sony thinking?!
Would you protect her smile?
When did you realise you want Marie Rose with ponytail?
What ever happened to the NVidia Shield? (or Shield Portable as it's now called)
How in the FUCK do you make steam friends to talk to and play games with
Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom
Shadow of the Colossus at 60fps
So what did id to better than horizon zero dawn, other than characters?
If you want to play [A way out] online with you friend, you don't have to buy two copies...
Rank them from best to worst
H-hey user, do you want to study with me?
Electricity conducting through sand and wood
I'm a Kangaroo!
No one will care about this when Devil May Cry 5 is announced
Were soccer moms right all along? Do videogames fuck people's minds?
Do you honestly enjoy this?
Horror game where the only "monsters" are normal humans
What is your biggest gaming pet peeve?
What does it run on?
In philosophy
3x3 thread
What went so horribly wrong?
Soul calibur 6
5 more hours
Why is this allowed?
Lost Soul Aside (PS4)
He's right, y'know
Is it just me or is this game literally unplayable?
Why did Horizon Zero Dawn sell more copies than Nier: Automata, Persona 5 and Yakuza 0?
*shakes involuntarily*
Thoughts on skyrim?
How many good games will 2018 bring us?
So what the fuck is this "game" about?
This is 2B
Use your video game knowledge to save the Mirror Princess from your evil doppelganger
The gameplay being shit adds to the atmosphere!
Game made in japan
In what games can I terrorize and execute innocent civilians with military style rifles and suffer no repercussions?
Worst moment at PSXperience
Filename thread
Oh shit sony won
No DMC5 at TGA
Kat thread
Is this going to be the first game to reach 3 million concurrent players...
To those who bought it, what are your thoughts on the DLC of Breath of the Wild overall? Was it worth $20?
I am unironically excited for this game
ITT: games that weren't THAT bad
I'm not a teenager so I don't get excited for these kind of multiplayer games anymore
Who will be the guest character in Soul Calibur VI?
How come women don't need games with underage characters to protect real kids?
Bought an ultimage gaming rig, and game is still laggy!
ITT: best protagonists
What do all of these games have in common?
Now that this fucker is no longer working on WoW, will you come back?
Can +30 years women be good at video games?
Happy 20th birthday ;_;
What haircut will she have this time?
Post your favorite monster from Evil Within 2
So I see all the time about how games failed by ''catering to SJWs and having a non sexualized cast''
What are some Steam games in the style of Golden Sun? You know, turn-based combat, magic, RPG, comfy feels...
It's dead on arrival
Mizuho Securities: The PS4 came out top for hardware in November 2017 (USA)
IOS games that aren’t shit
Has gaming changed you for better or worse Sup Forums?
You ARE playing the new Path of Exile Abyss league that literally just started, right?
Also explain why?
Who here prefers the newer Deus Ex games to the original?
Why aren't there any big Chinese games in the west while there are a ton of popular western games in China...
Greatness awaits...and waits...and waits
What games do future armor right? Nothing incredibly boring or autistic but pleasing to the eye and functional?
God of War is 25-35 hours long
Medevil 1
Why have you summoned me...
Is he, dare I say it, /ourdev/?
I wanna marry Lara!
American level
Refute this
Why does everyone who watches vidya youtube or twitch shit seem to have an ungodly desire to see the face of whoever...
Do you want to save your progress before you quit?
First boss is the most difficult
ITT: Post your Battlestation
Hey Sup Forums, can you help reveal who the boss is going to be in sonic forces 2 next year?
I told my friend KF1 had better aesthetics than KF2, and he said I was nostalgia blinded...
This is a fucking joke, right?
Are you ready to PADORU PADORU~ Sup Forumsee?
What game has the best Ragdoll physics?
HEY you! Yeah, you. Do you like to invade people in Dark Souls...
Underwater Naval Combat games
How can this genre be fixed?
The "JRPG" label strikes me as pointless as many JRPGs have no commonalities other than dev country
It's finals week Sup Forums
Get on your knees and crawl to me
Help me get into dark souls Sup Forums
Holy shit anons
You support based boogie on patreon, right Sup Forums?
How do you guys play games with no end goal like Overwatch, LoL, or Animal Crossing...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...