When your wife's son deletes your BoTW save file

>When your wife's son deletes your BoTW save file


Thats okay, Jamal, my wifes co worker, has a save file thats complete too.

I reckon i could get a copy of the file when they come back from happy hour.

In still not getting this. Wheres the fat. Where's the neckbeard


soyboys are not fat neckbeards dude
learn the lore



but Sup Forums is reddit





You have to go back to /r/atheism

Except Sup Forums is unironically always right and the only ones being honest about their feelings. Everybody else just lies to themselves and acts like everything is fucking fantastic while masking their true feelings. There's a good reason God blessed Trump to win, the side praying for Trump was being honest about their hatred.

What's the point of this thread?

You're aware Resetera is Sony country, right?

keep telling that to yourself user.


>ps4 has ONE game


We'd rather have r/atheism here than you Sup Forumstards.

Tricking you into posting that image. It was all a carefully-planned sham and you fell for it.

>Except Sup Forums is unironically always right

sure buddy


>Except Sup Forums is unironically always right


You mean “reddit”

someone has to add soyboy to the cloud

How's that Jerusalem going, kike?

You're aware that most PS4 players are just chads playing Fifa or niggas playing NBA, the real soyboys are nintendo manchilds, as apparent by their shallow tranny game.

OP is still upset that horizon zero awards didn't win GotY over BOTW. i bet he's already reset his IP for the next thread.


reddit > Sup Forums

it's funny how botw literally is feminization of men propoganda yet poltards don't care about it because they like nintendo

Then go back, back to where problematic opinions are banned.

It's going good, but I'm not a jew.


>There's a good reason God blessed Trump to win
Fuck off.

I love both of these posts.

I'm so behind on the times. Nerds have changed

I used to be a Trump supporter. The climate change thing was the last straw. You know when an average looking girl surrounds herself with ugly girls, she ends up looking pretty good? That's the effect Trump and Hillary had on me. Hillary was the ugly girl and Trump was the grenade dressed up with pretty embellishments that I really, really wanted to like.
I REALLY wanted to like him. I think I talked myself into it and forced myself to look past all of the things that would make anyone else stop and say "hmmm..."
You could consider me a Republican or a Conservative, because guns are okay, globalism isn't the best ideology, and Reagan was the man, but I also support abortion and gay marriage and don't buy into any religion. I don't think politics should be so black and white. Sure, I lean Republican, but I hold science above all else.
Also, climate change. Fucking climate change. If there's one thing I hate more than Hillary Clinton, It's climate change deniers. And yeah, Trump is anti-science and anti-american by denying climate change. So that was when I decided: Fuck Trump and fuck his anti-science crusade.

this post is not pasta made up by Sup Forums it's actually someone who wrote on reddit in one of the left-wing sub-reddits. I have links to prove


In Russia we’d beat is guy on site

Too fat.

>one of the left-wing sub-reddits

atleast they do something besides bitching about MUH SJWS all fucking day, EA is burning right now partially thanks to them

Can I come to live in Russia? I love winter and drinking.

Hillary had basically the entire political world backing her, alongside all of Hollywood, all previous Presidents, fucking Soros, pretty much all allied nations, and all polls had were winning easily. Despite all of that, she still lost. If that isn't divine intervention then I don't know what is.

Then go back.

in this moment I am euphoric

She also had Sup Forums, /qa/, /his/, /lgbt/ and 70% of /r9k/

>the side praying for Trump was right

how about you go back to your containment board


you find many people on Sup Forums with views similar to zionists and sharia

Leanne crow is the best milky.

we need to go further

Hold on is Folk Metal really associated with Neo-Nazis/Skinheads/etc?

I'm glad that Trump made mudslimes and their allies wolrdwide SEETHE

Sup Forums is right a good 80% of the time

there are still neckbeards, the 'soyboy' is a new iteration that came about to white knight for the whores in the video game industry, here are a few signs:
>calls a character with big tits 'problematic' or 'misogynistic'
>says a community is 'toxic' because he was called a salty cunt when he lost in overwatch
>there's more but i just lost interest



kek, nint0ddlers btfo

>I love eating circumsized kike cock

What did they mean by this?