How the hell has there not been a sandbox Middle Earth game where you can roam the western portions of Middle Earth?

How the hell has there not been a sandbox Middle Earth game where you can roam the western portions of Middle Earth?

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Lord of the Rings Online allows you to pretty much explore everywhere. However, you have to tolerate MMO gameplay


I just want a game that will be as good as the books...That third person hack and slash frenchise they released is pure shit.

asoiaf != lotr

How the hell has there not been a sandbox Harry Potter game where you can roam the world of Hogwarts and surroundings?

Story wise? Maybe, I guess that's debatable, but there is no way ASoIaF is more comfy and cool than the setting of Tolkien's legendarium.

Take that back. Two towers and rotk movie games fucking ruled

Is it a big sexy world with accurate to the lore zones?

There was though

>muh sandbox
Thanks for ruining the vidya industry

They should make a game about one of the previous wars in middle earth...Why didnt they do that. then you can have a directed open world rpg.

I will recommend the MMO -- There are a few people that stream it in the community and the game itself has a free model so might be worth trying for you. I am much the same, there are no where near as good LoTR games there should be. You also have Mount and Blade mod which is pretty nice.
Depends on what type of game you wish to play.
MMO is my most loved for the reason that it flourishes the lore and story that you interact with and follow.

(Rushed typing playing a game and jumping between thread)

I don't understand people like you. There's no way you can be this unintelligent.

ASOIAF is for plebs who think characters talking about COCKS and having SEX makes it 'adult', also muh ebin "who's gonna die brutally next?"

how immersive

>Taylor Swift > Mozart
fuck off pleb

I spent most of the time finding boulders to levitate and drop on black students

When (if) Bannerlord ever comes out, when someone makes a LOTR mod for it. Only then will you have what you desire.

Bannerlord was cancelled

Starting areas are pretty poor, they do not seem to have been touched up in years. I liked the Dwarven one but that's about it. Not too sure how old that screen is. A lot of the wildlife and later areas are far better.

I'd rather leave it untouched, you can't trust game devs to represent Tolkien's work well.

There's also too many plebs who'd complain about how it's for babies cause there's no politics or sex.

Go play Ubisoft bullshit, faggot

What's your tax policy?

Ac games are not sandbox at all. They are themeparks crammed full of collectibles and meta meta achievemebts for meta achievement.

Because a sandbox game would be dumb as shit. What do you want, to stab Bilbo in the back and swipe everything in Bag-End and then travel to Dul Guldor to sell it for 5000 gold?

Sandbox doesn't work in the LotR universe

There's rumors Bethesda is working on Game of THrones open world game

what's with three dots on "a" and ^ on "u"?

Levels of pronunciation on the letter. The more there are the more of the letter you sound out while saying the word. I believe anyway

Sandbox games don't have to have thief mechanics, or even combat mechanics you dumb fuck.

But there are always dots on "a". I mean i would make sense if there's an "a" without them.

I've a terrible memory but I am sure there are a few names without it. Mostly on places names if I recall. Better to ask /tg/ for that

Not only that it's based on the novels and not the movies.

It's just some faggot writing the english names with "omg so elvish" script
The dots mean nothing

lol, i did the same thing

I just did and it's very fun.

is that island called Tol Fun? I want to visit that Island

absolutely shit idea
holy fuck this board just gets worse and worse

stop lying or your life subscription would be cancelled.

but "surprise" is more important than a good narrative user. who wants a hero narrative where you know the bad guy will lose xDDDD
SEX and COCKS make it COOL

>its a skyrim reskin

I will also add - it doesn't do that shitty 'every zone is bordered by mountains with a few hallways' shit either. From the shire stretching out to the misty mountains going up to the high moor and Rivendell is all one huge contiguous beast.

Pic related is what's available though slightly out of date as they recently put out their mordor expansion.

Either you haven’t read ASOIAF or you haven’t read LotR. You probably just watch game of thrones and haven’t read either.

One is a beautiful book with carefully constructed lore and story, and a massive world that feels real. The other is essentially just a look on the hypothetical politics of some made up place. All George does is build tension and never ever capitalize on it. A Storm of Swords is the only book in the entire series where the plot moves significantly. Every other book is so slow with this constant tension building shit with nothing happening.

If its anything like SOM you can fuck right off

iirc they were working on it but then they decided to scrap it and work on an original project which became skyrim, and thats why theres quite a few similarities between the two

Mordor is pretty huge as well from what I played so far. Only just leaving the Wastes

Who would play it? Its part of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though


The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

this game had no business being as good as it was

>Liking ASOIAF
>thinking george rr martin can write

>I said the words, Sam thought again, but one of her nipples found its way between his lips. It was pink and hard and when he sucked on it her milk filled his mouth, mingling with the taste of rum, and he had never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good.

>tfw none now live who remember the excitement when pic related was announced and we thought we were going to get True Middle Earth Kino

>leaving out the fat pink mast

Devastated that that was cancelled.
Was thinking last night about that then The Third Age, just a LoTR RPG to play. Ended up on BFME2 then Oblivion but not what I wanted.

There was one made by fans if I remember well, but Warner hunted it down.

I think that was the mod that was suppose to be for Oblivion?
Something rings a bell now that you mention it.

Anyone remember this?

Yeah man loved those games. Never played The Fellowship though. Looked pretty poor.


>everyone loves LOTR or ASOIAF
>both have had games and movie show adaptations
>even Warhammer has become hugely popular via total war and has entered the mainstream
>no love for the Wheel of Time or the Black Company
>both will most likely never be made into games or shows/movies
>if they do people will call them rip offs of ASOIAF and LOTR and shit on them

Feels on the plains Croaker. Feels on the plains.

Now a AAA Black Company RPG would be the real deal

Most of Sup Forums would probably consider Raven as the best character