When does Arcanum 2 release again?
When does Arcanum 2 release again?
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I'm finally going to play this game, what great timing. What should I know going in if I don't know shit about it? From what I understand race and shit changes the game a lot.
never ever
if cd projekt red could make arcanum 2 that would be the tits
Go tech for a challenge
Go mage for game breaking fun
There's an unofficial patch you should download that fixes a lot of bugs.
Guns are shit, magic and melee are OP
Make sure turn based combat is on unless you want to die to bullshit.
Grenades are fun.
I usually play mage in every game I play, is there like a specialization that is way better than everything else?
kys witcher 3 baby
couldn't tell you, certain spell trees are better than others however
>cd projekt red
>not bethesda